CliqueClack TV

Survivor – See Jane win

It's day 20 and the tribes have merged, but old rivalries still put targets on the backs of Marty and Alina. Jane proves she's a tough old bird though, while Danny still does nothing.

- Season 21, Episode 8 - "Company Will Be Arriving Soon"

Can you believe it’s already day 20 on Survivor? It seems like the season just started and now the tribes have merged already. Say goodbye to Espada and La Flor, at least as separate tribes, and hello to Libertad. Marty came up with the name and, surprisingly, there was no discussion, no alternate names, no consternation, just everyone enjoying the food and drink and agreeing on something. Imagine that!

For the life of me, I still have no idea why the original La Flor tribe had such a problem with Alina. Sure, she was an outcast with Kelly B, but what exactly did she do to engender such animosity within her original tribe that it carried over to the merge? Poor girl had no idea she was even a target, because I’m sure if she had known she wouldn’t have been Miss Bossy Pants and telling her tribe that they had to vote out Marty. The whole thing puzzles me as much as Kelly B’s vote off.

And as puzzled as I am by the ouster of Alina this week, I’m even more puzzled by how the original LaFlor tribe continues to protect NaOnka. The girl stole food — single-handedly, mind you — got caught and somehow Alina, who wasn’t even there for the initial thefts, not only took the blame for being a part of the heist but kind of threw herself under the bus for saying she was a part of it. So she ate an orange that NaOnka stole. That doesn’t really make her an accomplice! Even when Fabio tried to call Nay out for the theft (and let’s not forget she’s still wearing the socks she stole from him), Alina still came off as Public Enemy Number One. I’m baffled. There must really be a lot going on that we’re not seeing. They could probably use all of the unused footage from this season and construct a whole other version of the show — kind of like the Fringe alt-verse.

I have to give it up again for Jane. Jill, in her post-show interviews last week, said Jane was a horrible person and blamed her for not aligning with them. We saw Marty throw her under the bus at Tribal — a wasted move since she had immunity and no second thought votes could have been made for her — but she rocked this week. I loved that she handily won the women’s individual immunity and that she insisted on continuing the challenge just so she could beat Marty (she did). Funny thing is, Marty was right that she’s dangerous and if they’re not careful she’ll go to the finals and win. I hope she does though, just so Marty will have no choice but to vote for her to win. I really can understand why everyone would want to keep NaOnka in the game, because taking her to the finals would be like taking Russell Hantz to the finals. No one in their right mind would vote for her so you’ve got an easy win against her. Misjudging Jane’s strength in challenges and camp life in general would be one of the greatest mistakes these Survivors could make … and I’m hoping they never see that until the final Tribal Council. Go Jane!

“It tastes better when you’re stealing it.” – NaOnka describing her ill-gotten gains

Photo Credit: CBS

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