CliqueClack TV

South Park – Hey Cthulhu. ‘Sup.

At long last, the identity of Mysterion is revealed, and the realization of his curse-like abilities make long-time 'South Park' fans rejoice. Here are some of the best quotes from the episode (and some lyrics)!

- Season 14, Episode 12 - "Mysterion Rises"

“The boys stated that there used to also be a hero named The Coon actually in the group, but they let him go because he was being, quote, ‘a dick.'” – Reporter

“Passengers waiting for flight 73 to New Orleans, we thank you for your patience, but the conditions in the Gulf are still delaying our departure. Unfortunately we’ve just been informed that the dark lord Cthulhu has shat on the runway at the New Orleans airport, and we’ll be delayed at least another hour.” – Flight attendant

“Hail Cthulhu. The darkness of the mythos is finally here. Oh man, these are really good lemon bars.” – Customer

“Wanting to become the best known reporter in the country, Jack tried an experiment to boost his hindsight levels. But then a freakish accident occurred, when a retroactive spider got into the equipment. The reporter’s hindsight was blasted to superhuman levels. For months he was able to use his new powers for good, fighting for peace and the American way, with his three trusty companions: Shoulda, Coulda and Woulda.” – Narrator

“Hey Cthulhu. ‘Sup.” – The Coon

“No! Dude! Colorado’s that way! Goddammit why don’t dark lords fucking listen?!” – The Coon

“You think your power’s a curse? Let me tell you something about curses, butt-licker. Because there are some superpowers that make yours look like nothing. Trust me — I know.” – Mysterion (Kenny)
“Wha … what is your power?” – Capt. Hindsight
“I. Can’t. Die. I’ve experienced death countless times. Sometimes I see a bright light. Sometimes I see Heaven. Or Hell. But eventually, no matter what, I wake up in my bed, wearing my same old clothes. And the worst part? Nobody even remembers me dying. I go to school the next day, and everyone is just like, ‘Oh, hey Kenny,’ even if they had seen me get decapitated with their own eyes.” – Mysterion (Kenny)

“Should I admit I was wrong, ask for everyone’s forgiveness, and go back to my original team?” – The Coon’s thoughts
“Nah, screw that. I’m just gonna keep on being a fucking dick.” – The Coon

“Breaking news here in the Gulf, Tom. The dark ancient god Cthulhu has called for a press conference. The old one told reporters in a statement released this morning that it has extremely exciting news.” – Reporter

“I’m so freaking stoked that Cthulhu’s gonna squash all the happy-go-lucky conformists.” – Goth kid
“Hyeah. I just hope he puts an end to the fucking Disney Channel.” – Other goth kid

“Cthulhu Cthulhu
Cthulhu Cthulhu
The evil hate-filled Cthulhu
From a dimension far away
Flying through gates of madness
And into your heart

Turning dreams into nightmares
Destroying all he sees
Now begins a new adventure for me

You and the dark one Cthulhu
Sharing adventures and smiles
It’s a magical bond two pals can share
Soon the whole world will be made aware

Of you and the death lord Cthulhu
Making the world a better place
Together you will have so much fun
Sending all of my stupid friends to oblivion!

You and the dark one Cthulhu.”

“Mysterion is so … mysterious.” – Mint Berry Crunch

“Mint Berry Crrrrunch!” – Mint Berry Crunch

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Photo Credit: Comedy Central

7 Responses to “South Park – Hey Cthulhu. ‘Sup.”

November 4, 2010 at 12:03 AM

I’m very, very proud to be one of the people who realized very quickly they were doing a Totoro spoof. The slow, growing smile on Cartman’s face was spot-on and inspired.

November 4, 2010 at 6:11 AM

Yeah, I actually noticed when Cartman was crawling on the stomach and flipped his legs to the front (EXACTLY like Mae). I started freaking out, it was great. I hear the writers are Miyazaki fans so it totally makes sense they would spoof Totoro (again…see imagination land episodes).

November 4, 2010 at 3:49 AM

So I wasn’t the only one to hear “Tonari no Totoro” instead of “Cthulhu Cthulhu”!

November 4, 2010 at 11:17 AM

A friend of mine was completely confused by the whole scene… until he realized it was from a cartoon he had never seen. I immediately sent him the original scene on youTube.

November 5, 2010 at 8:51 AM

I’ve never watched any of those cartoons mentioned here… And here I was, thinking how brilliant Parker and Stone were for bringing H.P. Lovecraft into the SouthPark universe. And the whole Kenny/Mysterion thing is a total hoot!


November 5, 2010 at 8:53 AM

Oops… I also meant to mention that I shouldn’t have been surprised, given they have a history of paying homage to favorites of theirs, like the “Cripple Fight” scene, coming right out of the fight scene in “They Live.”

Mark (again)

November 5, 2010 at 8:58 AM

Funny story (sorta): when I was at Comic-Con this past summer, I got to sit down with Keith David for a small roundtable interview (he’s going to be in ‘The Cape’ early next year). I got to throw in a quick mention that I thought the fight scene in ‘They Live’ had to be in the top five or so fighting scenes in mainstream movies in recent memory. Actually, it was released in 1988, so … not so recent.

Anyway he and the rest of the table seemed to get a kick out of that old call-back.

Man I’m gettin’ old.

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