CliqueClack TV

Weeds is the best show you’ve heard of but aren’t watching

You're lucky 'Weeds' flies under the radar enough that, if you've missed it, you probably haven't been spoiled. But here's what you have to do: go buy all five seasons on DVD and catch up ... you'll thank me later.

- Season 6, Episode 11 - "Viking Pride"

If you’ve given up on Weeds at any point in the last six seasons, here’s a piece of advice: whatever you have to do to get caught up, do it now. Because this show just keeps on getting better.

Unlike some, I was never down on the series. I’ve liked it no matter what crazy iteration it was going through, because I’ve always been a big fan of the characters (except for Celia, who I hated, and Shane, who took time to grow on me). It never really mattered where they were or what they were doing.

But just because I never dipped in my enthusiasm doesn’t mean I can’t rise in it. And season six has given us plenty of reasons to get more excited about a show that has already lived, and then some.

Finally settled back in a house (after their days on the road in a car, an RV, and at a motel), the Botwin family continues to feel as on-the-move as they have all season long. And with preparations for their “final” move under way, things just keep getting better.

First there was Silas, who spent much of the episode hanging with Lars (Rick Ravanello), the guy who might be his father. As much as I’m rooting against that possibility, what I enjoyed was watching Silas really become an adult as he sat and talked to the guy. We’ve watched him mature a lot over the years, but this was Silas exploring who he was and where he might have come from. Not that it would much matter if he was Lars’ kid — Judah’s his father, no matter where his DNA comes from — but Silas has always been somewhat of an outsider in the family; his actually being Shane’s half-brother would leave him with no reason to stick around. And that would be terrible.

Nancy took a trip to the library to see what she could learn about Ellis (Eric Lange). Apparently Mr. Schiff (Richard Dreyfuss) wasn’t totally off his rocker when he remembered him as a her. And I love the tidbits we’re getting of high school Nancy from people like Popsicle Patty.

Speaking of Mr. Schiff, he and Shane are a great pairing. His plans for life with Nancy, picking up a bottle of “The Leg Spreader” and downing it, and his crazy trip … all were better with Shane sitting opposite him. And Doug better hurry back, because I’d be sad if the Botwins made a leap to another country without him. I wonder if he’s going to have an adventure on his passport run.

Andy’s encounter with Daoud Mahmud (David Diaan) was wonderful, and I’m really looking forward to seeing how he plans to solve the problem of his being tasked with killing Hooman Jaka (Assaf Cohen). And I wouldn’t put it past Andy to try and swing a night with Daoud’s daughter Adara (Ayelet Ben-Shahar) while he’s at it. Because he’s that kind of guy.

Nancy talking to “Ellis” could blow up in her face, but I think it’s kind of interesting. It may actually do something positive for her to get it all out there. Great line by Ellis when Nancy threatened him and asked if he knew her background (“You’ll marry me?”). I also loved Andy’s “L’Chaim!” to Hooman, followed quickly by a recall of where he was, and why that toast was inappropriate.

I’m telling you — if you’re not watching Weeds (or Californication, while we’re at it), you’re missing something special. I can’t wait for next week!

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Photo Credit: Showtime

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows | Weeds |

13 Responses to “Weeds is the best show you’ve heard of but aren’t watching”

November 2, 2010 at 5:28 PM

I watched the first four seasons and then it all got too weird for me. Sorry. Cancer and stuff like double mastectomies are just not funny.

November 3, 2010 at 11:04 AM

That was so insignificant to the show, I didn’t even remember what you were talking about at first. This season has Richard Dreyfuss getting high on meth and Shane possibly in line to do his first murder-for-hire!

November 3, 2010 at 12:06 PM

It’s not that I didn’t look into the show after that here and there but like Oreo said the show wasn’t that funny anymore but rather dramatic – and later episodes didn’t change that. The last thing I saw was the model airplane drilling into that army guy and that wasn’t funny at all. And of course the one half of the Olsen Twins on the show, which wasn’t any fun either. The show had simply lost its funny, and I wasn’t willing to follow it to Mexico.

November 2, 2010 at 5:40 PM

The first 2 seasons were great! After that it went down steadily in quality. Now it’s totally unwatchable!

November 3, 2010 at 11:05 AM

I can definitely see where you’d come to feel that way; it’s become a very different show. It took me through part of last season to appreciate that Weeds is not about the original premise, but about the characters. Through that prism you see how great it continues to be.

November 2, 2010 at 5:49 PM

I ended the show with the end of season 3. Nancy ended at a good place and it was still funny.

After that the show is just too dramatic and not funny anymore. I watched a few episodes this season and that was enough. I might go back to it when it’s on Netflix for viewing.

November 3, 2010 at 11:07 AM

If you have the option to, definitely check it out somewhere. Once they found their path this season, the drama of Pilar’s murder quickly changed to the comedy of living in an RV and staying with Nancy’s old math teacher.

November 3, 2010 at 4:06 PM

So what they are on the run for no reason at all? No one is after them trying to kill them? That’s just silly.

I would care more about the characters and the show as a whole, if they just killed off Nancy, she is so stupid it’s too much for me and I just stop caring.

November 4, 2010 at 9:38 AM

Oh, they’re still running from Pilar’s dead body, but that doesn’t necessary always affect the levity of what’s happening on screen; it just drives it.

November 3, 2010 at 8:32 AM

I agree Aryeh, it’s still great. Though, I do miss Celia, I loved the character.

November 3, 2010 at 11:08 AM

She lost me once she became an active participant in life. She was just such a mean person. But back when she was sleeping with Doug? Okay, I’m with you there.

November 3, 2010 at 2:52 PM

I think the show got a bit somber a while back and the whole Mexico thing was a bit of a downer, but never enough to make me consider abandoning the show. This season feels more like the first couple in tone because it’s much more lighthearted again and Doug is always good for a laugh.

Bob, we miss Celia here, too. She always cracked us up as the comical “wicked witch” played so well by Elizabeth Perkins. I have to agree with Aryeh that it was great when she and Doug were sleeping together, though.

Still a great show that continues to evolve. If it were just the same as the first couple of seasons it would’ve grown stale by now and we wouldn’t be watching at our house any more.

November 4, 2010 at 9:36 AM

Exactly … if Nancy was still back home peddling weed to college kids, where would the fun be?

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