CliqueClack TV

Dancing With the Stars – It’s time to go now Bristallion

With 200 episodes down, Dancing With the Stars shows no signs of fading as one of America's top rated programs. So they celebrated with an extravaganza! I just love an extravaganza.

- Season 11, Episode 13 - "200th Episode"

OK enough already. Bristol Palin needs to twirl on out of the Dancing With the Stars ballroom. Although she did improve remarkably last week, on tonight’s 200th episode, she was back to her clunkiness. Yes, that is so a word! How fitting that her fellow contestants are now calling her “Bristallion,” because she does kind of just plod along. Look. She seems like a nice girl. Deluded in even thinking she’ll get to the finals, but nice. It’s just that we’re at the point on the show where you can’t mouth “one two three four” anymore while you dance live in front of millions of viewers. (Really! Did you notice?)

However. After last week’s shocking and unfair elimination of Audrina Patridge, I expect anything. Kurt or Rick Fox may get it. Hell, Jennifer Grey has been in the bottom three for weeks, even though she should have this thing sown up. So she may even go. As we jawed about last week, the popular vote is really skewing the results this year. So we wait with breath that is bated. And if the Unfair happens again, well. I’ll just throw up my hands and yell a curse word and crack open some more salted peanuts in the shell. What else can I do?

On a side note, the extravaganza that was the first part of “200th Episode” week was pretty fun. We saw returning contestants as judges, and even a “team dance” for the first round. Kristi Yamaguchi and Apolo Ono hand picked their own teams from those couples left standing … er, I mean dancing! Bristol, Kurt and Rick really showed their true colors here. It’s easy to see that they’re no match for Jennifer, Brandy and Kyle when you see them all side by side doing the same moves.

Lastly, I’m a bit worried about Jennifer Grey. She seems to be unraveling week by week, as her injuries and fatigue keep plaguing her. I’m so pulling for her, as she’s been my girl since the start, but I’m not sure she can last anymore. Brandy is biting at her heels, and with all those pins and rods and what have you in her neck, it just doesn’t look good to me. She’s crying on partner Derek in rehearsals and just not looking very happy out there. I mean, she’s still kicking ass, but …

So, what do you think? Should the Bristallion go to pasture? Will Jennifer make it through? Man! This is like a soap opera. With music and the Cha Cha!

Photo Credit: ABC

8 Responses to “Dancing With the Stars – It’s time to go now Bristallion”

November 2, 2010 at 12:53 AM

I’m still watching the show…and they just did the package leading to Jennifer’s dance…and it’s just so HEARTBREAKING!
She’s been my girl since the start too.
Watching her as I type..she looks SO tired!
She looks like she’s hanging on to Derek for dear life at one point…it’s part of the dance she hang on, but body language says it’s actually real.

Thank goodness the judges didn’t see what I saw…loving thier comments!

OK…off to CastleTV chat!!!!

November 2, 2010 at 1:08 AM

. . . . .

The Pail … !!!

Surely, she gets tipped this week …

November 2, 2010 at 6:07 AM

I haven’t been able to watch due to working every Monday evening. However, I gave myself a break last night and only worked until 5. So, ya know what that means: Two hours of DWTS.
Ick! Bristol is a clod in comparison to the other women, at least. On a sidenote, who dresses her? That second dress for the Viennese Waltz made her look so thick. She’s not THAT thick. Anyway, she didn’t woo me with that dance as Kelly did. Was it just me or was Kelly overcompensating with her critiques as the 4th judge on that? The judges are being far too kind to Bristol. Again, overcompensation?
Anywho, I used up all my votes on Jennifer (3 emails accounts– 2 of which I never use) and my calls from 2 phones. Brandy and Maks are great, but her shoulders are very rounded when they shouldn’t be. The Wendy Williams wig covers a litany of sins on that front.

November 2, 2010 at 5:07 PM

Marissa, I agree that Kelly Osbourne was overly gushing. It killed me when she told Bristol “You had big shoes to fill” on that dance … meaning Kelly’s *own shoes* — yeesh! Big head much?

November 2, 2010 at 1:26 PM

I have never watched the show, the day they get an actual “star” is the day I might watch. How is Bristol famous? Oh yeah, she got knocked up at 17 and her mother is an idiot. That’s a “star”!

November 2, 2010 at 7:12 PM

I hope Jennifer can make it, but sure seems like she’s having a rough time of it right now. Glad she got good scores last night, but as we all know, even 1 or 2 in judges’ scores can go home!

I think we’ll end up losing Kurt or Rick tonight and Bristol will get carried by the popular vote, even though she should be done.

November 22, 2010 at 10:23 AM

I can’t believe you people watch that garbage. You know we’re involved in 3 wars, right?

Television is the original WMD: Weapon of Mass Distraction.

Television rots the mind.

November 22, 2010 at 11:40 AM

Condescension rots the mind faster.

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