CliqueClack TV

Boardwalk Empire – Nucky’s got some daddy issues

'Boardwalk Empire' seemed to focus on some character development this week, giving us some nice insights into both Nucky and Jimmy.

- Season 1, Episode 7 - "Home"

There was quite a bit of character development on this week’s episode of Boardwalk Empire. We got some nice insights into both Nucky and Jimmy. Nucky spent some time chasing away demons from his history with his father while deepening his relationship with Margaret. Jimmy, meanwhile, was making a new friend in Chicago at the veteran’s hospital.

Through the first half of the season we have seen a lot of Nucky Thompson, but haven’t heard a whole lot about his past. I think this is the first episode that really delved into his history, and it went a long way into explaining some of his motivations. Like so many others before him, it looks like Nucky’s drive and personality was shaped by an abusive father. Clearly the elder Mr. Thompson was disappointed with Nucky, and was playing favorites with his two sons.

It was obvious at the end of the episode that this relationship still has a huge effect on Nucky, regardless of all of his power and accomplishments. Instead of giving his father’s house over to a needy family, he chose instead to burn it to the ground in a cathartic act of arson. Nucky comes off as so cool and controlled in his business life. It will be interesting to see if Nucky makes more emotional decisions as things get complicated, and it looks like they will.

Jimmy’s move to Chicago really has helped the character. I don’t hate him nearly as much as I did during the first few episodes. As with Nucky, we got some insight into Jimmy’s motivations and his history in the war. Just as Nucky’s relationship with his father shaped his life, it’s clear that Jimmy’s experiences in Europe are informing his behavior back in the States. He certainly is not playing it safe. First it was engineering the bloody take over of Greek Town, and in this episode it was the slick moment of revenge on the goon who cut up Pearl’s face. You have to give Jimmy some style points for that gangland take down.

Richard seems like an interesting character, and one who would have a lot of use for Jimmy. I hope we’ll get to see some more of him. Sharing a similar history with Jimmy, I think that he would catalyze some more deepening of Jimmy’s character. Plus, the dude needs another friend besides Capone. Al is a little off his rocker.

I am growing very concerned for some of these characters. More evidence is piling up against Jimmy, as a witness came forward to testify about the hijacking from the first episode. It was not a smart move on Jimmy’s part, and I think it will ultimately be his undoing. Then there is Margaret. At the end of the episode last week we discovered that Van Alden seems to have an unhealthy obsession with her. After tonight, though, I think I’m more concerned about what Lucy is planning for the Irish lass. As if Lucy’s mental stability weren’t already in question, taking inspiration from Jekyl and Hyde really doesn’t help to clear up the issue.

Things are definitely going to get interesting.

Photo Credit: HBO

One Response to “Boardwalk Empire – Nucky’s got some daddy issues”

November 1, 2010 at 12:21 AM

Style points for Jimmy, I like that.

Now that Margaret’s children are being shown, I worry about their safety.

Margaret may have to take up the sword strategy wise, to protect her man and children at some point.

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