CliqueClack TV

Glee – Creatures of the night

Mr. Shue tries to stage 'The Rocky Horror Show' and Sue encourages him ... for all the wrong reasons. And the boys get to show plenty of skin.

- Season 2, Episode 5 - "The Rocky Horror Glee Show"

This week’s Glee was all about selfish desires set to the music of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I know, technically they were doing The Rocky Horror Show, but the sets were directly from the movie (the stage version practically has no sets, in fact). I don’t know what made Will think he could ever get away with staging this particular show in a high school (the lyric changes were hysterical), and he only did it because it turns out Emma is a huge fan of the movie. Really? With all that mess that accompanies a screening? And to drag his students into this mess of his own making was unconscionable.

Sue, on the other hand, encouraged Will to stage the show for her own selfish reasons: to win a local Emmy. Overall, the episode did have some good moments (nice stunt casting with Barry Bostwick and Meat Loaf, and John Stamos got to sing) but it was another episode designed solely around the music instead of fitting the music into the action more organically. But what the show lacked in plot was made up for by some very funny dialog.

As a huge fan of the movie I was very excited to see this episode, but all it did was make me want to pop the new Blu-ray in and watch the movie again, coincidentally available at your local retailer. Hmmm, I’m beginning to think Glee is turning more into a tool to sell music, and related items, rather than tell a good story. Oh, and for those enraged by the sexy GQ photo shoot with Lea Michelle and Dianna Agron, the boys showed off plenty of skin this week. Wonder if that will cause the same amount of controversy?

“So what are you going to be for Halloween this year?” – Kurt
“I’m going as a peanut allergy.” – Brittany

“I have no idea what is going on in this script, and it’s not in a cool Inception kind of way.” – Finn

“When I was younger I took my sister to the show. The audience was so enraged having a disabled person in their midst, know what they did? They threw toast at us.” – Sue describing her experience at a Rocky Horror screening

“Internet porn altered the female brain chemistry making them more like men, and thus more concerned with our bodies.” – Artie explaining why men have become so image conscious

“Is there a way I could wear like some gold board shorts or something? These are really short and I’m afraid I’m going to show off some nuttage.” – Sam feeling uncomfortable in his Rocky Horror costume

“Nine children have already signed up for after school therapy. I had to bring in a grief counselor.” – Principal Figgins on the aftermath of Finn’s trip through the halls in his Brad underwear

“Give me some chocolate or I will cut you.” – Becky to Mr. Shue

“And now more than ever high school is a dangerous place, and it’s our job to guide them through it safely. And we still get to torture them along the way. It’s a fabulous system.” – Sue

Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | Glee | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “Glee – Creatures of the night”

October 26, 2010 at 11:23 PM

I actually disagree … I thought the music was secondary to the story this week, at least much more so than any of the themed episodes before. At least here, the specific songs didn’t need to relate to the plot (Though Toucha-Toucha definitely did. And … erm … wow?).

October 26, 2010 at 11:47 PM

But the episode was built around Rocky Horror and the songs were so random that they really did little to advance or enhance the story that had to be shoehorned in around them.

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