CliqueClack TV

The Event – Hey, what happened to talk of this “event” anyway?

Anyone else remember when there was a bunch of talk of some impending "event" coming, and that at least the President and Sterling knew something about it? Maybe it's not all that eventful?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the premiere episode of The Event clearly lead us to believe that Sterling knew what this event was and that Sophia (or, at least, someone amongst the “EBEs,” as I’ll now call them) told him about it? Then, as far as I could make out, the President pretty much forced Sterling to tell him about the event. That led to the decision for the press conference, when all hell broke loose. Then focus shifted completely away from whatever this event was and the thought of telling the world about the EBEs, to the President seemingly spending all of his time trying to hunt down a couple of them.

Anyone else think this is quickly becoming a muddled mess?

Alright, maybe a whole lot of people already thought it was a muddled mess, because the ratings keep taking a hit as people are losing interest. I am still interested in the show, but for some reason it had just occurred to me tonight that we haven’t heard a peep about this upcoming event since, I believe, the premiere, and I think it’s time they bring it up again.

So, maybe the writers are trying to pull a How I Met Your Mother here, and the title of the episode isn’t what we’re supposed to be focusing on. If that’s true, please point me to the neck of the person I need to wring.

Leaving that topic now, I notice that we seem to get more subtle clues as to who — or what — these “EBEs” really are in each episode. Tonight we got a few things of note:

  • Wherever they are from, there’s no water.
  • Sophia knows what appeared to be some sort of Southeast Asian language (Korean, perhaps?) Could mean nothing, but I don’t believe they’d throw that little morsel in there for nothing.
  • Dogs react aggressively toward them. Or, at least, they act aggressively toward Sophia.

Given that and the fact they don’t seem to age, I conclude the EBEs are either Cyberdyne T1000s or are from the planet Zeist.

I’m still sticking with the theory that the EBEs are humans from the future. Anyone else have a favorite theory they’re banking on? I don’t buy the EBE thing, even if that is what Amada Graystone has to say about it. Oh wait! They’re Cylons, right?!

Photo Credit: Adam Taylor/NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

10 Responses to “The Event – Hey, what happened to talk of this “event” anyway?”

October 25, 2010 at 11:13 PM

Did anyone notice a few odd placed smiles/smirks/looks from Leila? Does she know more than she is letting on? Is she involved? Is she a plant? Or … did I just imagine it?

October 26, 2010 at 12:12 AM

In the car? I did! I thought that was very odd indeed.

October 26, 2010 at 1:01 AM

I did say a while back that water was important here, and the fact that Sean is for scuba, and Agent Short Shorts loves the water because there is no water where he is from just confirms that I was right. Again, if Sean is “special” I’m going to be bored.

I just thought she was afraid of the dog because she had never seen one before, but yes, the dog could have been reacting to her.

I did notice the “look” but I did not have any idea what to make of it. Hmmmm.

October 26, 2010 at 1:38 AM

I saw the look but didn’t think anything of it. More significant to me was the fact that her father only found out about the EBEs (do we finally have a name?) when he stumbled across the Alaska facility.

Keith: I don’t remember them telling Martinez about any Event, just the details behind the detainees. I guess i need to go back and watch.

October 26, 2010 at 10:43 AM

I think I’ve watched my last episode. I’m fairly certain that this is the most uneventful, boring show I’ve watched in ages. It makes FlashForward look like a spine tingling success.

Enjoy ya’ll!

October 26, 2010 at 12:36 PM

The acting is bad. Specifically the two leads: Ritter (Sean) and Roemer (Leila.) I mean, you have all of these accomplished actors (Underwood, Vidal, Sweeney, Innes) and you give half of the screen time to those two? Bizarre. The writing isn’t great either… I find it hard rooting for Sophia when we still don’t know why the detainees are here. Sure, they’ve been detained unfairly for 60 years, but the one’s who weren’t locked up helped create the Atomic Bomb. I wouldn’t trust them to be completely free either.

I promised I wouldn’t watch another episodic sci-fi/drama show on Network TV because all they do is cancel them. Daybreak, Defying Gravity, Jericho, The Sarah Connor Chronicles….. all of them had decent acting and a decent premise, and yet were either cancelled with a cliffhanger, or given webisodes so rushed and slapped together that I wished they had just been cancelled. It seems that only Cable TV can make a sci-fi/drama work and give it the love it deserves.

That being said: this show is just bad enough that it will probably never be cancelled. Just like V or FlashForward.

October 27, 2010 at 2:06 AM

Flashforward was cancelled and since this show is starting to dip under Chuck’s ratings it might not be too long for this world either.

I agree that Ritter and the girlfriend are the weak points though. The other characters are getting more interesting though so I’m going to overlook the two weak points and move on. I mean its only going to last 22 episodes so I might as well hold out to the end. And the show hasn’t reached the crappiness that FlashForward did yet that made me give up on that.

October 27, 2010 at 1:14 PM

Wasn’t there a flashback of Simon in which he was talking to sophia and said that the president was going to tell “them” about the event? I was thinking that the event was the people crashing in alaska and the president was going to tell the world that the us government has been secretly imprisoning “aliens”

October 27, 2010 at 11:18 PM

Leila could be an “EBE” because she is over 25 and she didn’t even know how to swim as seen in Sean’s flashback.

October 27, 2010 at 11:35 PM

Oh ick! Sean AND Leila “special”. *bangs head on desk*

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