CliqueClack TV

Survivor – Two Tribals are better than one

The tribes are thrown for a loop this week as one member from each tribe wins individual immunity, and both tribes have to vote out one person at a double Tribal Council.

- Season 21, Episode 6 - "Worst Case Scenario"

Okay, I take back everything I ever said about Marty being a smart player with the potential to be another Russell. Marty is just stupid and arrogant and he’s got himself so brainwashed into thinking he’s a Grand Master of Survivor that he doesn’t even realize that everyone — except Fabio — sees right though him. Even his own original tribe mates think he’s full of crap and would cast a vote for him in a heartbeat, as Jane did … twice because of the tie at Tribal.

This is where I get a little confused though. Why did everyone decide to vote out Kelly B instead of Marty? He had his one shot to use his hidden immunity idol, he didn’t use it, there was a tie and a re-vote. Perfect opportunity to take both Marty and the idol out, no? The original La Flor tribe is that scared of Kelly B and her artificial leg that they’d rather keep Marty and his immunity idol in the game? He’s now guaranteed at least another six days in the game because even if La Flor goes to Tribal again next week, he’ll definitely use the idol even if he doesn’t feel threatened (that is, if he even still has the idol by then). I’m so frustrated by the younger La Flor members saying Kelly B will get sympathy votes if she made it to the final three. Ummmm, maybe if she made it that far, she’d get the votes because she deserved them! She certainly had the mental and physical prowess to make it far and she probably would have gone farther but no one could see past that leg. Stupid kids!

This week was more psychologically exciting because of all the machinations going on at the camps due to the dual Tribal Councils, but the single physical challenge was also quite exciting even in its simplicity. Who ever thought one of the older women on each tribe would win an individual immunity in a physical challenge against their younger tribe mates? I was rooting for both Holly and Jill, although a win for Jane would have been totally sweet, and I’m glad that they were both safe at their respective Tribals. I’m really hoping Marty will just completely shoot himself in the foot and Dan will eventually prove so useless that they have no choice but to get rid of him, all so Jane, Holly and Jill can go far in the game. As long as they continue to lay low but work well with their younger competitors, the youngsters will not see them as threats or strong players — which is why they felt it necessary to get rid of Yve tonight (you just don’t tell your new tribe that you’re on really good terms with your old tribe). Eventually the younger ones will all be threats to each other and the older woman can just sit back and let it all happen around them and laugh their way to final three.

“Dan’s knees are about to crack. He’s about to start walking on his knees. Sooner or later, he’s about to be walking on nubs.” – NaOnka

“I’m as thick as peanut butter and jelly with the younger La Flor tribe.” – A very confident Jane

Photo Credit: CBS

5 Responses to “Survivor – Two Tribals are better than one”

October 21, 2010 at 12:57 PM

I thought about the idol and Marty too and my answer is: they are just too stupid. After two seasons of Russel and one with alums we are now left with a bunch of people who don’t know how the game is played. And I think it shows. The idol could’ve been gone today. Kelly B didn’t have any pull with anyone but they rather vote her out than the guy with the idol.

On the other hand maybe they all agreed that Marty is an open book to them and that the idol in his hands is simply no threat because he doesn’t know how to play it AND they knew they had the numbers to vote Kelly B out now and still be able to vote out Marty later. Maybe the individual immunity not in their hands brought that on. And because maybe they thought Fabio was a factor because he’s so stupid.

The problem I think is that they need (!) to lose at least twice now to get rid of Marty and Jill and IF they don’t lose twice, they’ll have a problem once the tribes merge. And again I think these people don’t think enough about what’s good for them. But I guess that’s just because we know more than them. The All-Stars didn’t do what’s good for them either last season.

Good take on the strategy for the old people by the way. Dan’s been staying on simply because he plays turtle on his back. Saying he might WANT to leave, I think, has been a good strategy for him. If he’d played it in any way “strong” he’d been gone already (I still marvel at the fact that Rupert made it so far last season with a broken toe)

Anyway thanks again for writing about this Chuck. Too bad the season isn’t more interesting than earlier ones is :-/

October 21, 2010 at 1:11 PM

Thank you for your comments. The La Flor tribe certainly is not thinking straight when it comes to Marty. Espada, however, probably did the right thing in getting rid of Yve. Who tells their tribe they have a good relationship with people on the opposing tribe? They thought ahead to the merge and had to get her out now. I still think the younger players will have the numbers advantage going into the merge and will pick off any remaining older players at that point, which is a shame because I would love to see Jane, Jill and Holly in the final three. Their tribe mates may think they’re just coasting along, but all three are playing smart by making themselves useful to the younger players. But La Flor did make a huge error in not voting out Marty. I just hope he doesn’t give the idol to Sash next week.

October 21, 2010 at 11:52 PM

Twice since the game have begun that they eliminated someone because they would be dangerous at the final tribal. This is stupid! Wait for the merge dumbass! At this point of the game they should strengthen their tribe or alliance.

As I said before it’s like watching pre-season arena football the week after the superbowl. It’s painful.

October 22, 2010 at 12:24 AM

Unfortunately, getting rid of all the strongest, most threatening players early in the game has become the rule rather than the exception. I don’t get it either but I suppose the reasoning is if you let the strongest get to the merge, they will dominate the game and no one else will stand a chance against them. Season after season, I still fail to really see the advantage in decimating your tribe because you’re worried about the merge.

October 22, 2010 at 11:23 AM

Getting rid of Marty hurts the tribe but it would at least strengthen their alliance. It’s not even about keeping strong players. None of this people seem to realize that you don’t vote out someone with the same thinking at the beginning of the game, in the middle and at the merge. You need at least 3 different playbook.

After some thinking, I think the young tribe did’nt anticipate the second vote because they tough Marty would use the idol, sending Kelly B home. At the second vote they all keep their vote but Kelly wasn’t there to vote for Marty and Jill voted for Kelly B. Still a HUGE blunder. None of the three that voted for Kelly realized that they needed to switched their vote is a proof of their idiocy.

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