CliqueClack TV

The Outlaw keeps hanging on

'Outlaw' continues to defy the odds by staying on the air while others fall. Will this extra life eventually result in more viewers? The jury is still out, but I'm not holding my breath.

Despite continued average-to-horrible ratings (and the show has currently halted production), Outlaw continues to be a solid show. Jimmy Smits is the definition of a leading man, the supporting cast is even, and the cases each week aren’t the same fare you see on the fourteen different iterations of Law & Order each week. Unfortunately, those ratings are bad, and each week I talk about how much longer the show might survive. And each week, at least so far, I’m proven wrong.

I’m sure Claire loved that Garza’s team actually took a case that potentially could bring in some revenue. I doubt that factored into to his decision as much as the connection to his father’s accident. Did I miss, either tonight or previously, that this accident was how he actually passed away? His father seems to have cast such a large shadow onto Garza after his death, that you have to wonder if this is all the son’s reaction to his relationship before….

What was the point of the break-in and Merta’s assault? They don’t seem to be related to the case this week, otherwise they’d have taken off with Athena Phillips’ documents. As the team speculated, it is more likely to do with the thugs sitting on Graza. It is difficult to believe, though, that Garza’s departure from the Bench can be met with any real (public or otherwise) retribution. What is their endgame?

Speaking of endgames, who does Eddie think he’s fooling, and what does eventually expect to happen? Does he want off of the team, or is he just play acting. And again I have to ask a dumb question, but have we heard about this girlfriend before?

This episode included a couple of really good guest stars. Kyle Secor was great as the slimy Jupiter executive, a role that caused flashbacks to his days on Veronica Mars. Merrin Dungey, though, wasn’t channeling Alias’s Francie nearly as much as Jupiter’s counsel.

Notes & Quotes

  • You can’t tell me West Wing fans out there didn’t giggle a little when Larry King asked Garza if he was considering a run for President.
  • “You talked to a Ralph Nader attorney? You hate Ralph Nader.” – Al
    “You know last month Congress watered down what was supposed to be the most important auto safety bill in decades. Why?” – Garza
    “I think your exact words were he’s a commie who wants to destroy America” – Al
    “Why? Because the auto industry spent 50 million dollars to buy them off.” – Garza
Photo Credit: NBC

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