CliqueClack TV

Weeds – Everyone in Montana knows each other

This week 'Weeds' had a bridge episode to get us from Seattle to the Botwins' next destination while they continue their life on the run. At least they have Doug around to look after the baby now.

- Season 6, Episode 7 - "Pinwheels and Whirligigs"

Some shows reinvent themselves every season, others are content to follow the same formula and familiar settings year after year. Then, there is Weeds. Not content to reinvent itself every season, I think the show undergoes two or three complete rebirths per year, or so it seems. This week’s episode marked a turning point in the season as the Botwin/Newman family fled another life and city, this time with Doug in tow. So long Seattle, so long college, so long hash, and so long to the hotel. Everything is new again.

I thought this week was a nice break between story arcs. It provided the characters a chance to reconnect and take a breather and provided some great moments as the family stopped at a fair in Montana for some “fun.” Andy may have wanted to keep on moving, but I think it did the whole group some good to forget about their issues.

The butter eating contest that Silas and Andy entered was simultaneously revolting and hysterical. In the previews for this episode last week there was a quick shot of Andy making out with his butter sculpture and I laughed out loud at the visual. It wasn’t any less funny during the complete episode this week. I thought for sure that they were going to end up with that swank RV, even if they had to steal it, but I guess it just wasn’t meant to be. Even though Silas won the contest, there was a lot of attention (and the need for a social security number) that went along with the victory. Too bad.

I enjoyed the little poke at Montana that the show took in the roller coaster line incident, with everyone at the fair apparently knowing each other. Shane and Nancy proved that they have a lot more in common than Nancy would like to admit to when they caused a minor fracas and snuck onto the ride. I think perhaps Nancy is beginning to realize that Shane’s sociopathic behavior is pretty much all her fault. I think it’s why she is so intent on parenting it out of him. We’ll see if she has any success there. I’m thinking that it’s a little too late for that.

Photo Credit: Showtime

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