CliqueClack TV

Cam and Mitch kiss on Modern Family. Big whoop.

The somehow newsworthy kiss between Cameron and Mitchell was brought into the show with this episode, and it was portrayed just as it should have been: without mockery or fanfare.

- Season 2, Episode 2 - "The Kiss"

Before season two of Modern Family premiered, it was revealed that gay couple Mitchell and Cameron would finally show some sort of couple-like affection in the way of a kiss this season. Then, of course, people made a big deal about it. “Oh no! They’re going to show two gay men kiss!” (said with overly dramatic tone and waving hands about for effect). Some actually wondered if it would hurt the show’s ratings!

So, if you watched tonight’s episode, you saw this oh-so-controversial kiss happen. Or, well, maybe you missed it … because it was done the way it should have been: naturally and without a neon sign lit around it. While the storyline certainly paved the way for much kissing by all, the aforementioned Cam-Mitch kiss was done without fanfare or overly dramatic fashion, just like any other loving couple’s kiss would’ve been shown on the show. The subject of Cam and Mitch’s PDA was addressed with perfection, because it was not made into a big deal to anyone except between Cam and Mitch themselves. Again, like any other couple.

So, if this sort of thing actually turns out to hurt the ratings for Modern Family — or any show that addresses the same issue in the same way, for that matter — I’ll be speechless. Honestly, the only reason why this was on my radar in the first place is because, well, I read about TV a lot, so it was hard to avoid the hoopla around it. How about you? Were you hoping for it to be made a bigger deal, or was this just right? Or, maybe you’re like me and would like to just not care about it one way or the other.

(UPDATE: This is off the primary topic of this post, but I just had to create an animated GIF of the amazing pratfall from this episode. I’ve embedded it below. Enjoy!)

Photo Credit: ABC

4 Responses to “Cam and Mitch kiss on Modern Family. Big whoop.”

September 30, 2010 at 10:23 AM

OK, that GIF is pretty cool. I noticed that I had to refresh the page to get the whole fall from the beginning, after I had read the post. Awesome.

September 30, 2010 at 11:01 AM

It’s funny every time. I will not reveal how many times I’ve watched it (counting last night when Keith had to rewind it again and again….).

September 30, 2010 at 12:19 PM

This is random, but do you think whoever came up with the names Cam and Mitch was a fan of Ben Browder’s character on Stargate SG-1 (Lt. Col. Cameron Mitchell)?

October 2, 2010 at 5:00 AM

I love how he puts the cushion back into place when he stands up again :-))

I’m also glad I don’t get any promos. I did go into watching the show without any pretense so for me, this all was very much about Mitch and his dad or maybe even about Jay completely instead of Cam and Mitch.

I mean who cares about two men kissing on TV at all in this day and age?

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