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Weeds – Yes, the baby was in a car seat but not strapped into the car

Not that she shouldn’t have gone after him, but I wonder why Nancy didn’t even weigh the option of not rescuing Shane. Don’t you think he would have done just fine in a Mexican crime family?

- Season 6, Episode 6 - "A Shoe for a Shoe"

I think it’s safe to say that last week’s episode of Weeds was a total mess. The plot was all over the place, and there were too many people to keep track of. The episode also led me to believe that the new life I’d thought the Botwins were beginning had abruptly drawn to a close.

So last night’s episode went a long way toward allaying my fears, even as the story in the episode itself was more crazy than not. Regardless, Silas and Doug being brought together again went a long way to making me feel like season six of Weeds was really starting to take off.

The hunt for Shane was a bit all over the place. Obviously Nancy wasn’t about to hand over Stevie, but the instructions from Cesar, the message she left for Esteban … I said last week that “the danger/fear level was ratcheted up” with Ignacio and Cesar’s arrival. Naturally then, their entire story was on a level of scary that didn’t fit on the show.

Neither did Nancy shooting Cesar in the leg with an arrow. Man was that insane. I loved how his wife told him to kill Nancy and get home for dinner already. More appropriate on the show (this is saying something, I know) was Shane going at it with Ignacio. The things they were eating were gross, but it was funny. And face it — Shane’s always been that crazy. He just hasn’t always been a murderer. But the crazy is nothing new, and Ignacio was clearly aware of that. I loved how he backed down when Shane took the gun, and when he kissed him goodbye and said “Follow your dreams, mijo,” I almost fell over laughing.

There was also something funny — for a number of reasons — with Nancy telling Ignacio that little babies cannot, in fact, subsist on chicken and crackers. I mean, first of all it was just amusing. But second, are we to believe that Nancy’s been involved enough in Stevie’s rearing to have any idea of what he eats?

I’m wildly excited by the fact that Doug caught back up with the gang. It is, of course, completely improbable that he yet again be included as almost part of the family, but I’m more than willing to suspend believability for him.

But remember Doug in season one? The city council member who smoked weed in his car, had a family, and was an accountant? Where has that man gone? You can’t tell me weed spiraled his life out of control … or that Nancy did, for that matter. I guess someone figured he was better this way. Not that I’m complaining; just marveling.

The question now is, where can the family hide and be safe? My guess is their Stevie birth certificate issue hasn’t been solved, especially since they were only able to pay for three new identities. And Doug’s unlikely to have packed his ID before being dragged out of Nancy’s house at gun point. So will it be Continental US here they come? And are they back to being the Botwins now that the Newmans have been found?

And can Shane grow to be one of those Dexter-like serial killers who only kill other serial killers? That could be a whole new life for the character, hopping onto its sister Showtime series as Dexter’s sidekick. Hey, that’s a cool idea!

51ODmrgnnXL. SL160 Weeds Something about Shane already said killer51AOb75rRbL. SL160 Weeds Shane gets into Pilars head51DzCXSyjYL. SL160 Weeds Something about Shane already said killer

Photo Credit: Showtime

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