CliqueClack TV

Hawaii Five-0 keeps getting hotter

Is it wrong to love the show, but not its female lead? Either way, H5-0 keeps getting hotter.

- Season 1, Episode 2 - "Ohana"

Last night’s episode maintained the same writing and cinematic quality as last week (albeit on a slightly smaller budget), but the items I loved the best – the Danno-McGarrett bro-medy hour, the shots of Hawaii’s skyline, and the focus on detective work remained. As a plus, the script improved its treatment of Chin Ho and expanded his familial bonds.

The best part of the show came from its opening and closing. I’ll admit I’m not a fan of Grace Park, but I loved the initial scene showing her character hopefully un-buttoning her uniform. The final scene with Chin Ho swearing her in nicely closed the show. Between McGarrett, Sr.’s voiceover, the shots of McGarrett surfing, and Danno’s speech casting Grace Park as the group’s little sister, I hoped the show wouldn’t follow its predecessor to an early death.

The writers continue to play with humor including the Danno and McGarrett old married couple bro-mantic hour (with the two quibbling over ties, donuts, and shoes) and the obvious subversion of the action comedy formula. I have to give a shout-out to the elevator scene (with full metal McGarrett scaring the crap out of a tourist family) and its more subtle sister (featuring Steven ‘Segall’ McGarrett walking in the wrong direction).

Although I love the Mentalist, Psych, and NCIS:LA (kinda, sorta, not really), it’s nice when detective work occurs without an overt focus on technology or flashing lights, especially when McGarrett isn’t the only wunderkind in the squad room. Kudos to Chin-Ho for grabbing a clue from the video tape (sure, tech helped but the director avoided the typical ‘tech is cool’ special effects) and high five to Danno for noticing the extra room.

Last week, Chin Ho seemed auxiliary to the plot, but, this week, the writers upped his familial relationship, showed his interaction with McGarrett and Danno (3 guys with guns with biceps? Hot), and gave a larger nod to his past. I hope we have more interactions between Chin Ho, McGarrett, and Danno, not just because I want more screensavers, but because I like their shared wavelength.

Despite my overall enjoyment of episode two, I still didn’t feel Grace Park’s character overtly improved. This time around, she seemed to play the kidnapped, cat-fighting “girl” (and, they really didn’t need to include two catfights). Yet, I also found her character’s “I’m a hot girl who can fight like guys, despite weighing a third of their weight” rendition from last week equally annoying. I’d rather see more realistic development in her character, without overdoing the new recruit\”I’m as tough as they are” angle. Hopefully, they’ll keep her character along the lines of the opening\closing, her Chin Ho connection, and her awesome communication with McGarrett while kidnapped.

Clearly, I still like this show, but what did you guys think?

Last week people commented on the lack of details in the weaponry and shielding. Although I didn’t notice, I’m more critical of things I’m familiar with. But, considering one of the commercials that aired, Hawaii 5-0 knows where some its audience comes from. Do people think anything improved?

  • Was anyone, who had a Fisher Price camera at that age (cough, cough), jealous of the elementary school kid’s iPhone 4?
  • And, the kid not hearing his house getting decimated because of his iBuds seemed a bit too Scream 2 to me. Anyone else?
  • Did anyone find Chin Ho’s motorbike shots a bit too Renegade?
  • While I’d rather watch the three amigos rock their wet t-shirt contest (thank you to CBS for that lovely pre-commercial), does that mean I’ll have to watch one with GP doing eye candy in the following week?
  • Does anyone else enjoy watching Danno with kids?
  • What did you think of McGarrett’s over the ledge stunt?


Danno: Oh, I’m sorry, I like to look like a professional.
McGarrett: A professional what?

Danno: This is not Guantanamo. You can’t hang a guy off the roof.

Danno: Yea, I know a guy. I know people, too . . . got any cash on you?

McGarrett: Book ‘em Danno.
Danno: Really, is that a thing now?

Photo Credit: CBS

10 Responses to “Hawaii Five-0 keeps getting hotter”

September 28, 2010 at 9:12 PM

No love for Grace Park? Uh oh…

To be fair, she’s not the only lightweight gal tossing people around on tv. Or lightweight guy for that matter.

September 28, 2010 at 9:56 PM

You’re right. Although someone’s going to have to explain the mystery of GP to me one day, I assure you she isn’t the only one I take issue with (hello, Michele Rodriguez). I think I might find her playing the roles more believable if she had slightly more musculature. Either way, we’re all just cogs to the Hollywood machine ;)

September 28, 2010 at 10:05 PM

Yeah, in BSG the role of Starbuck went to Sackhoff for a reason. Other than tude, Sackhoff had a strong upper body, swimmers build, that really lent itself to fighting the fellas.

She’s Tim-1’s favorite, he can explain her mystique if you have 3 weeks available (luvya Tim-1). I just have seen her fighting for a long time, so I think, well of course she can give a beating, she’s a cylon. :)

September 29, 2010 at 8:09 PM

An, It is disappointing to me about your feelings about Grace Park. But you are the site author (and a good one I may add) and you have your own opinions, some in which I won’t always agree (obviously), but respect. The fact that you are reviewing this great show means we owe you our gratitude. I would like to start out on the right foot here.

An, before I get to my comments I will tell you that I have a little history posting on Battlestar Galactica. Throughout that show I suppose I may have been Grace Park’s number one supporter.
Now, after all this time and for some reason my very own kith and kin insists I tone it down, claiming I have alienated people about it (on the site). “Not everyone feels the same as you, you fool (they rail)!” Reluctantly, I have agreed to try. As long as these posts are up I’ll do my best.

We may as well get used to stellar episodes with this show. To answer An’s point about Dano with kids? I thought the scene in the elevator was priceless. Dano’s clumsy attempt to calm the child was the quintessential example of defusing the tension. That scene makes Dano so very likable.

Are these guys getting in to high-tech crimes or what!

I do have a nitpik or two. I find it hard to believe that the small 5-0 force would not have back-up when they went in to fight the bad guys. Even the original version called in back-up. Another (very minor) pik is the statement the kid made to his father apologizing to his father for calling him a dictator. It just seemed a little goody-goody and out of place.

I would be remiss if I did not just briefly mention how Kona dominated the show. She got to show off her incredible athleticism, perfect body, quick thinking, and as always….those world class looks. I just thought I’d briefly mention it.

ps: Hi bsgfan.

September 29, 2010 at 11:14 PM

Hey Tim-1. I respect your appreciation of Grace Park, unfortunately, even in her BSG days I could not quite understand the rabid appeal. Despite that, the things I liked that she did in this episode I already listed. While I question the adjectives you used to describe her performance, I definitely know what to get you for the holidays :)

Regarding your nitpick, the absence of backup didn’t bother me. While I can see your point, I have a couple excuses to get the writers out of the conundrum. The past two episodes have established McGarrett as guy who likes ‘going in hot’ without a lot of backup to get the surprise ‘drop’ on the perps. Plus, the show has emphasized their isolation as members of the governor’s task force.

Either way, I’d rather nitpick about minor issues such as these as opposed to major ones i.e. writing/directing/poor acting –

September 29, 2010 at 11:35 PM

An: Let me translate: Tim-1 loves Grace Park like Julia hates me.


September 29, 2010 at 11:49 PM

Hate comes easily for some people. Don’t sweat it, you’re a fine man!

September 30, 2010 at 12:03 AM

Although I always feel its blasphemy not to like actors of shows whose cults I formerly participated in, Grace Park falls into my ambivalent category. All the same, I appreciate Tim-1’s gentlemanly manner. Who knows, I might convert yet.

All the same, I’d love to see an Ivey-Julia Jets vs. Sharks reconstruction over your takes on Bones’ eventual season finale.

September 29, 2010 at 11:16 PM

You see An, Tim-1 is such a gentleman that you won’t have any choice but to like Grace Park yourself.

Give in – it’s the only way.

There’s no use fighting his charm.

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