CliqueClack TV

Ben Mercer must die

I’m not sure that Covert Affairs' Annie will ever grow into the agent she’s destined to become unless she experiences a great loss.

Covert Affairs has had an intriguing first season. While the individual cases of rookie CIA officer Annie Walker have been interesting enough, what has really made the show stand out is the ongoing storyline exploring Walker’s past and present with rogue agent Ben Mercer. In many ways, their original relationship was the first step on a road that ended with Walker at Langley. I’m not sure that Annie will ever grow into the agent she’s destined to become unless she experiences a great loss.

Every English major (and Star Wars geek) knows about Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Compared to other, much superior explanations, I’ll probably butcher his “Hero Myth,” but I’ll try. A reluctant, from simple background hero (See: Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter, Neo, King Arthur) is pushed along his or her path by a wise old man/wizard, before achieving great things. In most, if not all of these stories, the hero can only complete the destiny alone, which, generally means the wise old man dies (See: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Professor Dumbledore, the Oracle).

Comparing Annie Walker with great heroes would be a bit of a reach at this point. Nor am I arguing that Covert Affairs fits perfectly into Campbell’s ideals. Those things notwithstanding, Annie needs to experience a loss, and a recently shot Mercer is a prime candidate. His death would give her a new sense of purpose, and would be experience to help harden her in ways she will need for the career that she has in front of her.

I shouldn’t have to clarify, but I will. This isn’t about disliking Mercer, or Eion Bailey. My love of all things Band of Brothers is fairly well known around these parts, and who doesn’t love a rogue CIA agent with a perpetual five o’clock shadow?  No, this is not about Mercer at all, but about young Annie Walker.

Photo Credit: USA

Categories: | Clack | Covert Affairs | General | TV Shows |

9 Responses to “Ben Mercer must die”

September 17, 2010 at 12:25 PM

But I think he is cute.

September 18, 2010 at 12:02 AM

Then get yourself some Band of Brothers DVDs :)

September 17, 2010 at 12:47 PM

Then she really will become a Sydney Bristow clone. :-)

September 18, 2010 at 12:01 AM

I thought my analogy of Ben to the old wizard archetype was a stretch. Comparing Danny to the same is even more dubious.

September 18, 2010 at 12:20 AM

How is the comparison “dubious?” Annie cares so deeply for Ben the way Sydney cared so deeply for Danny. You said Bens death would give Annie a sense of purpose. Danny’s death sure gave Sydney one.

September 17, 2010 at 2:19 PM

Probably his days are numbered, simply because it would be the typical plot #72. I’d be surprised if Annie and Ben were sitting in a tree for very long, since that’s just not considered good TV. I like him, though, and wish they could find a way to make it work … something no show has done really.

September 17, 2010 at 11:58 PM

Yeah, but if you call it “classic mythological storytelling” it sounds so much better than “cliche” :)

September 17, 2010 at 8:43 PM

I’m not ready for Ben to be out of the picture and I don’t think Annie needs to lose him to grow personally or professionally. I would like to either see him come back to the agency and working with her while they struggle with what they are to each other OR I would like him to continue to be a rogue operative that they run into sometimes on cases. I can see him being a Sark-like (Alias) character, but driven by correcting the wrongs in the world.

September 18, 2010 at 12:06 AM

One of my favorite parts of Covert Affairs are the analogies to Campbell’s work. The archetypes are so rich, and i think continued tapping into them is a neat idea for this show.

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