CliqueClack TV

America’s new MasterChef can cook a chicken breast … BFD!

If Whitney can be dubbed the first American MasterChef by cooking a chicken breast in seven minutes, I definitely need to sign up for next season's 'MasterChef.' Do I sound as cocky as Sharone, Lee or David? I can guarantee they are flipping more than just pancakes over that decision.

I just want to start this post off by saying that I love Whitney and find her to be cuter than a button on a bug’s overcoat, really I do. I was even rooting for her on some level because I loved her spunk and her innate talent at such a young age. However, when all was said and done at the end of last night’s battle, I did not think she deserved to win.

Maybe it’s because the types of food she cooks are just not my style of cuisine, but I simply cannot believe that out of all the innovative chefs in this competition that cuteness and a chicken breast took home the prize.

A chicken breast? Really? And to top it all off, a chicken breast that was cooked in seven minutes because the original one was dropped on the floor? Her second breast was not pounded flat, was not soaked in buttermilk and didn’t incorporate any of the technique of the original one, because she didn’t have time to redo it. Any rushed housewife will know how to cook a breaded chicken breast … they’ll also know that it is not their best dish ever, the signature dish they want to be known from. Honestly, Whitney.

Sure, there were some cocky contenders, but who amongst us would have an easy time of holding back our bravado when our opponent was sporting a chicken breast? A. Chicken. Breast. People.

I’m still getting over the fact that Sharone was voted off last week. That dude could cook, and he’d tell you that in no uncertain terms, but I admired his creativity and the risks he took. Regardless, his absence put Lee at the top of the race for me. Sure, he used fennel in just about every dish he created, but who doesn’t love fennel? All I know is I wanted to dig into his chicken parm, not Whitney’s. Lee deserved to go up against the chicken breast, but the straws didn’t see it that way, so instead we got David.

Did David deserve to win? Well, he took a risk with the Beef Wellington, which I commend. Have I mentioned that he didn’t choose chicken breast as his signature dish? I won’t even order chicken at a restaurant because it is just so lame. His appetizer was spectacular and his Wellington was two minutes away from perfection. You can’t convince me that doesn’t beat a seven minute chicken breast.

Don’t even get me started on the no-bake cheesecake. Seriously, did she use Cool Whip in that recipe? Lee was robbed … I kinda went there already, didn’t I?

Whitney may not cook in the style I respect, but somewhere, out there, chicken breast lovers are celebrating their victory. I’m no food snob (OK, that’s a big lie), but next season, I’ll be rooting for the innovative cook with the snazzy ingredients, no matter how un-cute he or she may be.

Photo Credit: FOX

6 Responses to “America’s new MasterChef can cook a chicken breast … BFD!”

September 18, 2010 at 11:56 AM

you’re jealousy shines through this article.

September 18, 2010 at 2:52 PM

How do you figure? I can’t see why I’d be jealous of Whitney because she won MasterChef making a dish I find ordinary. Perhaps if I lost to her, you might be able to accuse me of jealousy, but I watch and I snark. That’s all.

September 19, 2010 at 1:05 AM

Agree! I found nothing Whitney prepared inspiring; however, I’m still thinking about David’s clam chowder, scallop ceviche and nectarine crepe with Grand Marnier. I mean, hell, even I could have made a 7-minute chicken breast and thrown it over some collard greens. I wonder how staged this show is: arrogant Northerner with successful career v. phony Southern Belle who dropped out of college to pursue this. That bit about never buying alcohol but to flambe bananas was a real “yeah, right” for me. I was a fan of California Lee; not sure it it was his culinary skills or smokin’ hot body! Sharone was talented, but way too full of himself — he needed to be reined in a bit. Disappointing, but I imagine I’ll tune in to the next season, if there is one.

September 19, 2010 at 1:12 AM

P.S. The cheescake! It looked like something you’d see advertised in a Good Housekeeping Cool Whip ad. Lee’s with the rhubarb looked MUCH better!

September 29, 2010 at 12:22 PM

It should have been Sharone against David. Otherwise Lee against David.

Whitney can’t be on their level. She is more on Cheetal’s level.

It has to be staged. Notice Whitney won the entree. Why? Because if Lee won that, Lee would have won the game, and the final decision wouldn’t be up to the all knowing Gordon. Gordon must not be pre-empted.

Good article. Snark level – high.

December 10, 2010 at 11:22 AM

hello. do u know masterchef us just recently televised here in asia. got curious and couldn’t wait for the finale episode so i googled. boy, am i disappointed. i really thought it would be sharone and lee faceoff in the end. sigh…

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