CliqueClack TV

Weeds – Shane is totally ready to be a parent

I wonder why it is that Nancy needs to do so much work to the weed that medical marijuana lady gives her. Isn’t medical-grade weed supposed to be very powerful? Why make it into hash?

- Season 6, Episode 4 - "Bliss"

I don’t know about you, but I think the week off that Weeds took did not serve it well. I’ve always enjoyed the wackiness of the show, and I was into most of season five, but something about last night’s episode lost me. Between the concierge, the cooking oil, and Andy in his apron, I wasn’t really so into what was happening.

I did enjoy Doug’s head in the fish bowl, but that story’s exactly like Celia’s when she was kidnapped. The grand difference being that I like Doug and hated Celia, but you know what I mean. Even if it’s only for another episode or two, why can we only get our Doug with a side of Cesar and Ignacio (Hemky Madera)?

I didn’t like the concierge guy, and not only because he wasn’t nice to Nancy. Does this guy really think he’s king of the mountain delivering towels to guests at two in the morning? Maybe I haven’t traveled enough, but who ever heard of a glorified bellhop being the drug hookup for vacationers and business men?

At first I thought Andy was going to give us more of the same from last time with the cranky head chef. I loved that he secretly cooked food that got served in the restaurant. But once he got named sous chef it got old fast. And suddenly Andy’s a master in the kitchen? I did like the spanking line, though. It was silly.

I loved Shane in his new Mommy group, Shane dishing on strollers, Shane doing exercises and pushing Keegals. Honestly, that’s the story they want to be following, not catching him in a lie and turning Nancy’s life into more of a nightmare.

Sometimes Weeds comes across a good plot only to take the wrong turn on the road. Supplying drugs to a hotel? Awesome! Having to work through some power-tripping bag monkey? Boring. Shane murdering Pilar and then turning into Super Mom? Great comedy there. Getting Nancy caught as an unfit mother, or worse getting them all located by the police? Stupid. Besides, what is this, the Family Guy when Meg used Stewie to help her make enough money to buy that bag she wanted only to get Peter and Lois in trouble?

Silas deserves an opportunity to lead a normal life … although it would be weird to see him in a college lecture hall considering what he’s been doing with his life these last few years. But I was excited for him. Unfortunately, I wasn’t surprised to discover that he doesn’t appear so much enrolled in school (or auditing classes) as he does posing to fit in with a normal group of friends. Well, maybe not normal, because it was very abnormal for that guy to continue standing in the opening of the shower stall with Silas and the girl he’d just met sitting there naked. This show goes for the shock factor a bit too frequently.

Anyway, it was fun watching Nancy work Andy and the medical marijuana lady, bartering the hotel restaurant’s used vegetable oil for more hash. And I would have been enthused about it had the immediate purpose not been to avoid a problem with the pathetic concierge. Nancy’s faced down U-Turn and Guillermo, yet she’s worried about that guy?

Obviously the cops were waiting outside following Shane’s getting caught by his Mommy group. I wonder if Nancy can substantiate all that medical weed, or if that’ll be yet another wrong turn on a good road by the writers.

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Photo Credit: Showtime

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows | Weeds |

2 Responses to “Weeds – Shane is totally ready to be a parent”

September 27, 2010 at 1:55 PM

Nancy is not getting medical marijuana and turning it into hash. She is asking the dealers for their “shake” which is the much less potent leaf leftover from picking.

September 27, 2010 at 2:03 PM

Okay. I didn’t realize that natural cannabis is treated somehow prior to its use in medicine; I thought that the natural cannabinoids found in the plant were used straight, and that street weed was diluted – meaning anything from the untreated leaves, shake included, would be “medical grade.”

But even if the leftovers are less potent, undiluted they’d be head-and-shoulders above street weed, so still, why would she turn it into hash?

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