CliqueClack TV

The Pillars of the Earth – Alfred is a moron

If there was any doubt about whether or not Alfred was a complete and utter moron, it was removed in this week's episode of 'The Pillars of the Earth.'

The Pillars of the Earth is almost over, with a two hour finale set to air next week. If you’re one of the hearty souls who wallowed through the first six hours of the miniseries, be assured: comeuppance is on its way. In fact, even by the end of this episode, things were beginning to look up. Aliena left Alfred and went to find her true love, Jack. She’s got a cute little red-headed baby in tow; that’s good. And… yeah, alright, so there really aren’t a whole lot of positives… yet.

This week was really a whirlwind of an episode. One of my biggest complaints about the adaptation is all the character development that there just wasn’t time for. It seems like the producers were more interested in inserting more action and war than character development. I suppose battles play out on screen a lot better than people talking, but I think a lot has been left out of the series. This week’s installment definitely illustrated this point.

In merely one hour’s time, Aliena agreed to marry Alfred, married him, had a baby with Jack, and ended her relationship with Alfred. The whole marriage seemed rushed. There was more going on in this episode, though, including Alfred’s great undoing. We knew that he was a selfish punk before, but this episode really showed what a moron Alfred is. How many times did Tom Builder have to tell him not to vault the cathedral with stone? Obviously Alfred just wasn’t listening, and his ceiling caved in, killing 70 innocent people (why it couldn’t have killed any of the Hamleighs, I don’t understand).

Then there’s poor Prior Philip who got hoodwinked out of his position as Prior. A lot of the intrigue around the priory that I loved so much in the book has been removed for the miniseries. I understand that not everything could make it into the show, but I would have liked to have seen a little more attention given to the monks. In the beginning of the novel there are chapters and chapters dedicated to the functioning of the priory and all the politics amongst the monks. Brother Remigious, who was the one who got Philip kicked out in this episode, was a much bigger character in the novel. He was a constant thorn in Philip’s side. He lost out in a complicated election for Prior, and I thought it was very interesting. Too bad it didn’t make it onto the screen.

With only two hours left, I’m really eager to see everything tied up and see justice served for all the characters.

Photo Credit: Starz

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One Response to “The Pillars of the Earth – Alfred is a moron”

August 23, 2010 at 9:01 PM

The baby’s hair wasn’t really visible. I think the only way Alfred knew it wasn’t his was because he’d never actually done the deed with Aliena.

What I don’t understand is how Alfred turned out so rotten when he had such a good father. I guess Alfred’s jealousy of Jack really twisted him. And his hatred of Ellen, who “replaced” his mother.

To be honest, I also find myself hating Ellen. She’s kind of a bitch, interrupting a wedding to cut an innocent turkey’s neck and spray everybody with blood. Damn woman, can’t you wait for the “speak now or forever hold your peace” part? And also, if you don’t want people to accuse you of being a witch, try dragging a comb through that nappy wig of yours.

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