CliqueClack TV

CliqueClack TV is looking for a few new writers … could one be you?

If you're consistently alienating your TV-watching companions with your obnoxious commentary, then perhaps you need another place to vent your opinions....

We’re gearing up for the fall season and we’d like to provide our readers with more opinionated commentary than ever before. That means we’ll need a few more team members to write about shows they watch, riff on newsy TV items, create lists and comparisons, make connections and ask (and sometimes answer) all the great TV questions.

Are you up to the task? If you’re a huge TV  fan, not afraid to let your personality show through in your writing and you’re willing to deviate from a boring recap to let us know what you really think, you just might be. We’re looking for Voice, people — only the awesome need apply (so if you have a friend who is more awesome than you are, forward this post to them)!

Yes, there are perks — screeners are available for pre-watching (yeah, we’ve seen all the new pilots, like, ages ago….), interview opportunities and set visits abound, and you never know who’ll turn up on our email list. But just us, we’re cool too.

Send along the following to

  • a sample post, following the guidelines for our Guest Clacks. If we like it, we’ll publish it!
  • the three (or more) shows you’d be most interested in writing about
  • how many posts a week you’d like to write
  • anything else you’d like us to know about you

We’re looking forward to reading about you and we hope you’re a fit for the Crack Clack Team!

Photo Credit: Keith McDuffee

Categories: | Clack | General |

One Response to “CliqueClack TV is looking for a few new writers … could one be you?”

August 22, 2010 at 12:23 PM

Also, make sure you contact us before the fall season starts! Feel free to email us or Tweet us (@CliqueClack) with questions.

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