CliqueClack TV

Futurama – “By the gods, he is a machine!”

Yes, I was away again last week. So, once again, here are some of the more notable quotes from the past TWO episodes of 'Futurama.'

- Season 6, Episode 9 & 10 - "A Clockwork Origin, A Prisoner of Benda"

“A Clockwork Origin”

“I don’t understand evolution and I have to protect my kids from understanding it. We will not give in to the thinkers!” – Protester

“I found a missing link. It seems to be half man, half toucan.” – Leela
“Not what we’re looking for. Throw it in the soup.” – Professor
“And here’s something! Uh oh … it’s another one of Fry’s dogs.” – Hermes
“You find something, Hermes?” – Fry
“Uh. No.” – Hermes

“Professor, is this your only water source? It looks like Diet Dr. Pepper.” – Fry
“It’s not that bad, it’s just laden with toxic chemicals.” – Professor

“Speaking of nasty irritants, what’s going to become of Q-Bert?” – Fry
“Who? Oh, my son! Don’t worry. He’s been safely abandoned with his Godfather.” – Professor

‘The water’s as sterile as my milkman-trusting father.” – Professor

“Look! There’s a cavelike hole in that mountain! It might be a cave!” – Amy

“Woah, you’re like some kind of dumpster Jedi.” – Q-bert
“So, you wanna come in maybe? I’ve got a nice pound cake with a footprint on it.” – Zoidberg

“First thing tomorrow, we’ll slingshot them like they’ve never been slingshat.” – Hermes

“A Prisoner of Benda”

“There. This time I’m sure I’ve fixed the mind switcher.” – Professor
“Good. I’m sick of cleaning up those heaps of dead monkeys.” – Amy

“Professor, what’s not happening?” – Amy, in Professor’s body
“Bad news, me.” – Professor, in Amy’s body

“Oh no! Is it possible to get everyone back to normal using four or more bodies?” – Amy, in Professor’s body
“I’m not sure. I’m afraid we’ll have to use … MATH.” – Professor, in Bender’s body

“So Leela’s in your body?” – Fry, to Amy
“Not exactly.” – Leela, in Professor’s body
“GYAAH!” – Fry
“Ah hah! You do only like me for my body.” – Leela
“That is entirely not true, sir!” – Fry

“He steps forwards … but moves backwards!” – Bodyguard, at Bender doing the moonwalk
“By the gods, he is a machine!” – Emperor Nickolai

“Sweet Orca of Majorca! You make fat Albert look like Normal Albert!” – Hermes

Photo Credit: Comedy Central

2 Responses to “Futurama – “By the gods, he is a machine!””

August 20, 2010 at 11:41 AM

All I have to say about last night’s is ewww.

September 5, 2010 at 2:55 AM

I hate chiseling right after a manicure!

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