CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack – The amazing Shoedini!

Possibly the most annoying ("No bending!") infomercial ("Telescoping handle!") the world has ever known. Unless you like Gilbert Gottfried ("It's a shoehorn ... on a stick!") as much as Michael does.

Michael: Oh! My! Gordness! Hands down … one of the best commercials on your insomniac-riddled late night local channel.

And! The brilliance of using Gilbert Gottfried as the voice-over for the spot is shear genius!

Tara: I’m not sure it’s so brilliant. Old people wouldn’t be able to handle his screaming weird voice for 20 seconds, much less 2 minutes. I know my mother would be saying “Mute!”

Michael: I think you’re wrong! He’s the perfect spokesman. Why? Because we all know older folks are prone to hearing loss. Being geared toward them, a little extra volume from Gilbert is actually doing them a grand service! So there!

Tara: Pffffft. Plus! $14 and change is a lot. Don’t you think this thing was made for like 3 bucks, tops? And the old lady who keeps holding onto her taco while using the Shoedini is a bit freaky. What’s up with her taco area? Some kind of old person thing I don’t know about yet?

Michael: Hey! $14 now … or an $85 visit to the chiropractor later. It’s your choice!

And yes: It is “some kind of old person thing.” Give it one more birthday, Tara. Or possibly November. Then talk to us … you’ll see.

Tara: I have decided your adolescent jibes will no longer affect me. I am rubber and you are glue.

Anyway! They say one of the big pluses of the Shoedini is not having to wrinkle your clothes by having to bend down and put on your shoes. Um … how long are these people *down there* putting them on? It takes quite a while to wrinkle yourself, for Pete’s sake!

Michael: Again: give it one more birthday, Tara, and we’ll see how long it takes you to bend down and put your shoes on. Or ’til November. (Wow. Almost the exact same words … even funnier the second time around. How is that possible? *snort*)

Tara: To quote the prolific icon Pee Wee Herman … “I know you are, but what am I?”

Michael: And so … it’s come to this.

Tara: Wait. Are you breaking up with me? Are you going to tell me it’s not me … it’s you? Cause we all KNOW it’s you! Hehehe.

Michael: Yeah. You and all the voices in your head.

Tara: Really Michael. Get back to the review of the commercial. Man Alive! Cripe! Get the 411! You’re barfing me out! Just cause I burned you….

Michael: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. A bit defensive, are we? But you’re right; back to the Shoedini commercial.

Look: I’m so taken with this product, I’m just going to put it out there — this is what you can get me for Christmas.

Tara: Um, I’m Jewish? I refuse to celebrate Christmas because of Santa’s abuse of reindeer? All those harnesses and overworking them with no overtime. Yeah! Or, could it be that I would never spend $14 and change of my money on this drivel?

Michael: No. I think it’s a lot easier than that: you’re just trying to come up with every excuse in the book to get out of buying me a simple Christmas gift. I ask you: where’s the love?

Tara: *points over there*

Michael: *sigh*

Photo Credit: IdeaVillage Products Corp.

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15 Responses to “CommercialClack – The amazing Shoedini!”

August 13, 2010 at 3:25 PM

Pfffft! you guys are soooo off base!

3 AM infomercials you say? Check with Janey about 3 AM infomercials hers keel yours!


August 13, 2010 at 4:23 PM

. . . . .

I’ve seen Janey’s infomercials. Well … heard about’em, anywho.

Even I have standards, bronsont

August 13, 2010 at 3:42 PM

Haven’t these people ever heard of sitting down to put their shoes on? Sheesh! And yeah, who would pick Gilbert Gottfried to sell something? boggle Make me change the channel or hit fast forward on the DVR is more like it!

August 13, 2010 at 3:52 PM

Chalk one up for me!

August 13, 2010 at 4:27 PM

. . . . .

Yes … they have heard of sitting down, Lisana. But … that would require a ‘donut’.

And that’s an entirely different infomercial, if you know what I mean …

August 13, 2010 at 4:09 PM

What’s the selection process for these commercials like? :)

August 13, 2010 at 4:36 PM

. . . . .

You’ve obviously never worked with Tara before, Aryeh.

First, we flip a coin. You would think whoever wins the toss would get to choose the commercial … but … nnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo … it’s oh, so much more convoluted than that.

It’s like a freakin’ Act of Congress.

With filibusters.

Going uphill.

In the mid-winter.


August 13, 2010 at 4:43 PM

He’s lying Aryeh. We show a series of commercials to Michael’s dog, Bob. If he barks once, we don’t use it. Twice, is a maybe. And if he piddles on the floor … well, THAT’S the one!

August 13, 2010 at 4:11 PM

I have my volume at 5 with earbuds on and holy crap does his voice hurt! Also, no late night infomercial will ever be as unintentionally hilarious as the Extenze ads.

August 13, 2010 at 4:44 PM

We should do the Extenze ad! That might frighten Michael, though.

August 13, 2010 at 5:02 PM

. . . . .


This isn’t the “Extenze” ad … ?!? It is a shoehorn … on a stick.

Not enough “extenze” for you … ???

August 13, 2010 at 4:52 PM

Extenz! See Bob, See Bob’s happy wife (rofl)

August 13, 2010 at 9:39 PM

I wish the ordering information was at the end of the video. ;-)

Thanks for the laugh!

August 14, 2010 at 1:22 AM

Yay! You laughed!

August 31, 2010 at 12:44 AM

. . . . .

I’ll get you one for Christmas, Kwizgiver . . . . .

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