CliqueClack TV

The Closer – Sanchez is making himself a family

The case of the week on last night's episode of 'The Closer' was pretty predictable, but we got some interesting new developments in Sanchez's domestic life.

- Season 6, Episode 5 - "Heart Attack"

I’m kind of annoyed with the main mystery this week on The Closer, so let’s not spend too much time talking about it. A bunch of body parts were found in trash bags, and the ME finds that they’re missing their organs. Add that to the fact that one of the victims has ties to an inner-city clinic, and television law dictates that the doctor from said clinic is harvesting bodies from organs.

I’m pretty sure this exact same plot has been used in at least two shows in the Law & Order franchise, as well as at least one other procedural. Misguided doctors with a God complex love murdering people to give to those less fortunate, the donor wait-list is a crazy and terrifying thing, blah blah blah. I swear, If Brenda Leigh would just spend some time at home watching prime time TV, she would solve a lot of her cases much quicker.

In more important news, Julio is in loooove. Okay, not really, but this episode had a really interesting ending. After the rest of the team became fed up with Reuben constantly hanging around, and Julio not actually looking for his mother in any way, Provenza and Fritz took matters into their own hands and found her in short order.

Now, I’m not saying that he’s right, but I certainly understand where Sanchez is coming from when he blows up at Provenza about Reuben’s mother not coming to get him for four years. Yes, she was deported by a murdering rapist ICE agent, but that’s also who had her son, so an argument could definitely be made that she should have done more to get back to L.A.

Reuben’s mom shows up, and is conveniently hot. You can almost see the wheels turning in Julio’s head when he sees her: “Two birds, one stone.” He can not only get the kid that he loves, but maybe get a wife in the process. All in all, not a bad idea, and I really hope we see more of this storyline as the season goes on, because that’s a rather interesting family dynamic.

The squad also finally finds out about Brenda applying for the Chief of Police job. The reaction is surprisingly muted. Everybody is upset that they didn’t find out from her directly, but the general consensus seems to be that they’re going to stay out of it. Speaking of staying out of it, Brenda purposely removed herself from the whole Detective Sanchez situation, and Provenza really stepped up to the plate and took care of things. Could this mean that perhaps he has a shot at being heir to the throne?

Photo Credit: TNT

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