CliqueClack TV

PodClack – Episode 20: Brian is a stinking bunt

Jay Black joins newcomer Chris Coccia and director Brian Herzlinger in this week's PodClack podcast. Leave a comment and make Jay's life a little less miserable.

Welcome back to another episode of our PodClack podcast. Make sure you tune in and make your friends tune in as well, and comment and rate us on our iTunes page!

In this episode, comedian Jay Black joins newcomer to the PodClack Chris Coccia to talk about the World Cup and more, and Brian Herzlinger is back to talk about Comic-Con and play Movie Look-Up (but he needs your help!).

Every week (or kinda-sorta every week), Brian does a TV guide keyword search based on a word someone leaves in a comment here, so sure you leave a word for Brian’s next movie look-up!

Please keep the comments coming and let us know what you think. Got suggestions? Questions? We’d love to hear ‘em! Make sure you get everyone you know to subscribe to the PodClack in iTunes (and rate us, please!) or via some other feed — we feed Jay’s ego a careful diet of traffic numbers and subscriber count, so let’s not let that sucker die of starvation.

Thanks for listening!

Photo Credit: Keith McDuffee, CliqueClack

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12 Responses to “PodClack – Episode 20: Brian is a stinking bunt”

August 3, 2010 at 9:47 PM

. . . . .


1) There is no such thing as ‘a practical geek’. You are not ‘a practical geek’. It is an oxymoron.

2) Michael <—— has not been 'conned' by Comic-Con yet. Repeat: He has not been 'conned' by Comic-Con yet.

3) Here's why you would like Comic-Con, Jay: Free ice cream … free hamburgers. You seem like that kinda guy. No Slurpees I’m sorry to say, which you are fond of … but ice cream and burgers in abundance

4) You're a Gamer? Yes. You would like Comic-Con. You can get your Gamer Geek on massively

5) 'Bunt' won't catch on. Trust me. (Side Note: Brian is male right? Right? Well … there you go. Do I really need to 'splain this?)

6) Sarah Palin? Kinda hot … And Yoko? Not listening …

7) Yes … there is such a thing as ‘bad camel toe’ …

8) ‘Sharecropper Early’. I like it.

I listened (ironically) to all 53 minutes, 29 seconds of this PodClack. Where’s my prize?

P.S. Global warming? It’s because I harbor a 42 year old refrigerator in my storage shed that keeps my beer painfully cold.


August 3, 2010 at 10:10 PM

I’m on my phone so composing a complete reply would be maddening. 2 quick questions: what about me makes it seems obvious that I’d be attracted to free food? (it’s true I’m just wondering what gave it away). And, you listened ironically? That isn’t because the podclack has moved into Troll 2 so bad it’s good territory is it? (*nervously scans the room*)

August 3, 2010 at 10:17 PM

. . . . .

Two Quick Answers:

– Your laugh. It just sounds hungry …

– Your getting warmer …

August 3, 2010 at 11:00 PM

Point one sounds about right.

Point two? Naaaaah, I’m thinking you just like us, no irony. Besides, if there’s anything wrong with us, it’s Brian’s fault.

August 4, 2010 at 1:59 AM

. . . . .

Wait … wait …

You’re multi-tasking … !?!?!

I’ve just lost 40% of whatever respect I had …

August 4, 2010 at 1:43 PM

I’ll be honest — I’m a little surprised that your respect is tied to whether I’m unitasking or not. (*You* try listening to Brian without doing something else — it’s not easy!)

(By the way, PodClackers — just sent a new podclack with a 45 minute conversation with Christy T. to Keith! Really fun show. I’m hoping it’ll be up sometime later this week!)

August 5, 2010 at 9:13 PM

Hey, nice to see you back (it’s a weekly podcast right…???)

Really miss Cristy T. Hope that she can talk about mad men, white collar, and other summer shows that are out there.

Words for Brian: PRINCESS BRIDE (i’m not giving up!!! :)

August 6, 2010 at 4:02 PM

Yeah, we are a weekly podcast… we just, uh, don’t get it up every week. BUT, episode 21 has _just_ posted — with the triumphant return of Christy T.! Check it out.

And just for you Nattyff, we’re going to do the Princess Bride next week. I’m recording with Brian on Monday and we’ll do a full on discussion of the Princess Bride! So watch for it.

August 6, 2010 at 4:15 PM

Yeah, we are a weekly podcast… we just, uh, don’t get it up every week.

I hear there’s a pill you can take for that, Jay…

August 6, 2010 at 4:19 PM

(The only problem is that if I take that pill, sometimes the podclack lasts for four hours…)

August 6, 2010 at 4:25 PM

. . . . .

… and sometimes longer … in which case an emergency room visit is required.

And we all know how emergency rooms don’t like electronic equipment in their vicinity …

August 7, 2010 at 1:26 PM

Its nice to hear myself get mentioned on the radio while in the car. Now I know why crazy people like to hallucinate that they do.

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