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Army Wives – How did Jeremy avoid injury?

Should two soldiers -- tasked with patrolling dangerous areas and tending to wounded fellow soldiers -- really be spending their time courting via instant messenger?

- Season 4, Episode 15 - "Hearts & Minds"

If ever a sexual play was made for the wrong person, it was made on last night’s episode of Army Wives by a defense contractor looking to bed General Michael Holden. It was so clumsy, and so thoroughly dismissed without any consideration, that I have to wonder if we’re even meant to be left with the impression that Michael’s considering retiring and getting a job in the private sector. Because it’s hard to separate his indifference toward the sexual offer from his indifference toward the professional one. If we’re meant to think he’s considering retirement, the writers maybe should have decided against the second motive at play.

I was surprised, however, that Claudia Joy seemed to think there was what to consider (professionally). I would imagine that Michael has many future options available to him in the Army … he’s yet to even enter life at the Pentagon. Not to mention the fact that he was promoted to the NATO post before, and it could be available again. His settling down will likely be behind a desk in one of Rings A-G in a five-sided building. Why should it instead be behind a desk at a defense contractor?

I’m wondering why Jeremy and Emmalin are being given central plots this season. First Jeremy and his love interest in Afghanistan, and now Emmalin, her scholarship, and a boy named Zach (Josh Caras). Does she plan to run off with him and get married? Is Jeremy going to hit his lady friend to get her in line?

Roxy was back serving up another of her hokey, season three plots. This time it was speed dating (I did think Roland and his poetry slamming was funny), and it was once again strange to see her story being so outside of the Army, where everyone else spends their mental, if not physical, time. The big difference is that now Pamela can tag along and seem genuine, with nothing actually tethering her to the Army. I’ve wondered where Chase was, with every other male soldier on the show deployed … funny that he of Delta is still on base. I was actually not pleased to see him and Pamela reunited romantically.

Joan is wildly selfish. Most people totally don’t see where I’m coming from on this one, my wife included, so I’ll explain it like this: her priority is the Army. Which is fine, and I didn’t mind it all that much when it was just her and Roland (although her refusal in season one to acknowledge that she had a problem was problematic itself). But now she has a daughter. So when she gets upset at her husband for being “over” protective, what with his uncertainty at leaving Joan alone with Sarah Elizabeth after she collapsed while holding her recently, I take offense as a parent.

And I take double offense that Joan’s desire to prove that she can handle her daughter alone stems from a desire to prove that she’s ready to return to active duty, with no consideration for the safety of her baby. Am I reading into that? Absolutely. But do I feel justified based on what we’ve witnessed up to this point? Also absolutely. I felt for Joan when she had to leave Sarah Elizabeth behind before — even if it was her own decision to do so — but now I say go. Clearly getting back in theater is her only priority anyway. Just don’t endanger the life of your daughter in order to get there.

Denise is going to be fun as a mother to an infant, meltdowns and all. I’m looking forward to it!

51GyP93qZIL. SL160 Army Wives A season finale mostly worthy of the title51BrcurVH8L. SL160 Army Wives A season finale mostly worthy of the title51kaTVRmJ4L. SL160 Army Wives season 4 Lets review

Photo Credit: Lifetime

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