CliqueClack TV

Hell’s Kitchen – Hearts filled with passion, jealousy and monkfish

We're getting to the last course on Hell's Kitchen. And several interesting things are happening. If you haven't tuned in yet, now is the perfect time to watch the final four battle it out!

- Season 7, Episode 13 - "Season 7, Episode 13"

From sixteen to four. And four remain, as nobody was beheaded last night. I thought we’d just get that right out of the way. I have enough suspense in my life at the moment, don’t you? I moved. I’m a sweaty mess. And I think I’ve taken up biting my nails again. Also! Get this! I took part in a FOX-sponsored conference call with my Gordon yesterday, and he never got to my question! That seals it. He really is trying to avoid me. *sound of heart breaking*

Aside from that Mrs. Lincoln, let’s jaw about this week’s episodic delight that was Hell’s Kitchen.

My hate affair with Benjamin grows. I haven’t heard so much boasting about such little talent, since that guy I dated in the 90’s. You have to have the skills when you continually talk such smack, and he plainly doesn’t. I passed annoyed at Benjamin two weeks ago. Now I am stalled at the corner of Irritated and Itchy, and I need a jump start, please.

More Benjamin quotes …

“I am gonna f’ing bury these girls.”
“I’m the only person who can beat Jay.”
“I could win this competition easily.”

You get the idea. Groan! I’m groaning!

As all these statements by Benjamin are peppered through the show, we watch as he loses the challenge to Jay. He’s got a supposed background in culinary teaching, and yet he lost a teaching challenge? Ben didn’t even make sure his bachelor student washed his hands! And when he found out the dude didn’t, he shrugged. Shrugged! Shame on you, Ben. That’s just gross.

Being a womanly kind of chick, I also noticed that Ben is on an out and out attack on Holli, because he is a putrid shade of green over Holli and Jay’s possible “bom chicka wow wow” status. Ben gets really pissed when Jay picks Holli to go on his reward trip with him. But he lets us know that he “would have like to have gone, but I’m not gonna sleep with Jay.” After a few more digs he just comes out and calls her a tramp. He did. Really.

Dinner service was the best yet. But it didn’t start out that way. I fail to see why Ben can’t behave the way Gordon wants him to. As in, communicate with his teammates! Chef Ramsay has gotten on Ben’s back and rode him about this more times than my mother has lamented the fact than I’m not a TV star. And that’s a lot, people.

Ben has admitted he shuts down when it’s busy. He’s admitted he’s scared of my Gordon, but he hasn’t even tried to change. At this point, let’s fast forward to next week, and just get rid Autumn and Ben. I see it in the cards. But it’s obvious, so I won’t take any credit.

Autumn is so adept at flying low under the radar, that she should be a test pilot. I had to chortle when the families were brought in at the end of the show. Autumn’s sitting with her boyfriend and actually tells him, “They’re intimidated by me, so they just keep nominating me (for elimination).” Uh yeah. I’m sure that’s the reason, Autumn. Some people only think what they want to think, despite everything going on around them. Groan! I’m groaning again!

It’ll be interesting to watch Holli and Jay go head to head for this title. And I didn’t mean to imply anything dirty by that. It just came out that way. It happens! But first, the inevitable gouging of Autumn and Ben next week. That is, unless my intuition is off. Which is very well may be. Did I mention I moved and I’m a sweaty mess and Gordon didn’t get to me in the conference call? I did? Oh. Nevermind, then.

Photo Credit: FOX

2 Responses to “Hell’s Kitchen – Hearts filled with passion, jealousy and monkfish”

July 28, 2010 at 2:00 AM

. . . . .

Good. Gordness.

Could we just please get rid of Autumn already? I know she’ll be ousted next week, but I can’t wait.

July 28, 2010 at 4:16 PM

SWEET! I actually missed last night due to taking my son @bigtubb out to dinner. Your review is almost better than watching, almost LOL

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