CliqueClack TV

TV at the San Diego Comic-Con: Saturday and Sunday

Things don't let up for TV panels at the SDCC. Check out the decisions I have to make for the final two days of the 'con.

If you read my schedules for Thursday and Friday, then you already know that I’m going to be one busy TV blogger … but check out the good stuff coming up for the weekend. My decisions will not be easy ones….

If you want to see a schedule of everything TV-related going on at SDCC 2010, I put them together on the official Comic-Con scheduling page, which allows you to import it into iCal.


10:00-10:45 Chuck (Ballroom 20)
11:00-11:45 Family Guy (Ballroom 20)
11:00-12:00 Leverage (Indigo Ballroom)

I dig both Chuck and Family Guy, but only casually. Leverage, on the other hand, I’m a big fan of, so that’s where I’ll be. Plus, our friend Wil Wheaton will be there. The problem comes with the next panel I want to attend….

12:45-1:30 Futurama (Ballroom 20)
1:00-2:00 Sanctuary (Indigo Ballroom)
1:30-2:15 The Simpsons (Ballroom 20)

I really would like to see the Futurama panel, but not already sitting in that room beforehand could be problematic. I don’t watch Sanctuary, but I may have to decide if I want to keep my seat for it or attempt Futurama.

2:00-3:00 Teching out on TV (Room 7AB)
2:00-3:00 The Guild (Indigo Ballroom)
2:30-3:15 V (Ballroom 20)

The “teching out” panel sounds interesting, but then there are those other two shows I’d really love to sit in on. I’m positive The Guild panel will be packed, but if I decide to stick in there and not bother with Futurama, I could do that. Then again, there’s that V panel, where they will also be screening new stuff. Not sure on this one yet.

3:00-4:00 Community (Indigo Ballroom)
3:15-4:15 No Ordinary Family (Room 6A)
3:15-4:15 Fringe (Ballroom 20)
3:30-5:00 Warehouse 13 & Eureka (Room 6BCF)
4:15-5:00 The Vampire Diaries (Ballroom 20)

HELP! You’d need a team of at least three people to tackle all of those. I’m opting for Community, because the whole cast and creative team will be there. I saw the No Ordinary Family pilot already though I’d love someone to ask Chicklis a Shield question. Fringe I don’t care about, but those last two … I’m still not sure it’ll be possible to get into either, as they will surely pack up fast. I will likely opt for Warehouse 13, though, because I want to get in these final panels of the day:

5:15-6:15 Nikita (Room 6BCF)
5:30-6:30 Adult Swim (Room 6DE)
6:15-7:00 Human Target (Room 6BCF)
7:15-8:15 MythBusters (Room 6BCF)

Human Target, then MythBusters. That is, unless I’m completely wiped by then and have to call it a night.


10:00-11:00 Smallville (Ballroom 20)
10:30-11:30 Castle (Room 6BCF)

I really would like to go the Castle panel, but it’s what comes next in Ballroom 20 that makes me think I’d better get in there early.

11:15-12:15 Supernatural (Ballroom 20)
11:45-12:45 Merlin (Room 6BCF)
1:30-2:30 Glee (Ballroom 20)

Julia will kill me for not wanting to go to the Merlin panel, but I really do not want to miss the Supernatural one. And then, well, there’s Glee, but I could honestly take that or leave it. In fact, with my flight leaving at 4:30, I may have to sprint out of there following Supernatural, never mind hitting the Always Sunny and Sons of Anarchy panels at 2:45 in Ballroom 20.

So, there you have it, my tentative schedule for this year’s Comic-Con. Since making these plans, though, I’ve shoved in some roundtable interviews that I may opt for over the panels. Plus there are web-based shows I’d really like to go support.

The last thing I want to do is go completely bonkers from running around, having no fun at all in the process. Hopefully whatever content I get from it will be something you’ll be interested in and haven’t read 100 times before. Be sure to follow @CliqueClack or me @Gudlyf for updates on things learned, things going on, and where I may be headed next.

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3 Responses to “TV at the San Diego Comic-Con: Saturday and Sunday”

July 22, 2010 at 3:57 PM

Well, from 2:30 to 5 on Saturday I’d have to be in Ballroom 20. although the Warehouse 13/Eureka panel would be very difficult to miss. How can you not like Fringe? I guess the same way I can “not” like Leverage.

Sunday would piss me off with the overlapping of Castle and Supernatural. No way I would miss Supernatural, but Fillion is such a character it would be very painful to miss him, assuming he doesn’t pop into Dr. Horrible.

Still – so excited you’re there! You have a looooot of posting to do mister! ;-)

July 22, 2010 at 4:11 PM

Honestly if I was in your position Saturday I’d just sit in Ballroom 20 until the Vs come in, take a break for a half hour (meaning probably wait in line) then go to the Community one.

For Sunday if you decide to bear through the Smallville one to see Supernatural, at least it should be interesting in the fact that they are finally ending that damn show.

July 24, 2010 at 2:08 AM

From experience… if there is anything at all you want to see in Ballroom 20 you need to get there as early as possible. That should narrow down the decision making process for you a bit lol. I’ve tried to get into Ballroom 20 for several panels over the last 2 days and it seems if you arent at least 4 hours early for the panel you want, you arent getting in.

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