CliqueClack TV

House Virgin Diary – The new Odd Couple

As much as I want to be a conspiracy theorist, CTB is obviously in this for Wilson, and not to annoy House. Not that annoying House isn't a nice by-product.

Season Four, Episodes Thirteen and Fourteen

Now that we’ve gotten past putting a new team together, the focus of my interest has shifted to the odd love triangle that is House, Wilson and CTB … or Amber … but I think we’ll stick with CTB, no? She and Wilson make such an odd couple (Despite Wilson and House being the Odd Couple 2.0; see what I did there?). At this point, as much as I want to be a conspiracy theorist, she is obviously in this for Wilson, and not to annoy House. Not that annoying House isn’t a nice by-product.

“No More Mr. Nice Guy”

It is funny that strikes on TV actually include people actually picketing. Where I live they sit under umbrellas, leaning against a sign, reading a book. I just think of Grey’s Anatomy’s George, O’Malley, union man, and what he would say.

Our weekly Chase sighting, and they go bowling? I’m not sure that House can do that with a cane. At least the advice that he gave House lead to a hilarious scene where he and CTB negotiated over what amounts to visitation rights for Wilson. I wish we’d actually get to see more of the two of them together instead of House trying to break them apart.

For some reason, I was under the impression that Foreman was some kind of supervisor in the hierarchy of the team. Him giving performance reviews to everyone else makes sense to me, but not so much to the rest of the team.

The nurse/wife recognized and reacted properly to her husband’s heart attack, but not a stroke?

  • “No, you’re missing the biggest clue. What if we’re looking at the flu … and decent parenting.” – Thirteen
  • “He’s saying that statistics are true, too. The world is a bell curve: most of us fall within the standard deviation but there are outliers and if we believe in the existence of extreme jerkiness, which I suspect that we do… [pauses and glances at House], then we also have to accept the existence of the opposite extreme.” – Kutner

“Living the Dream”

I had a feeling when I saw Jason Lewis on House’s TV during the first episode that we might see him again. Our favorite doctor’s abduction was a bit over the top, but at least he got his autograph. I’ll take House drugging Greer in the elevator over the kidnapping any day, though.

My wish to see more of CTB and Wilson together was granted, and things are not so rosy for Wilson. I don’t know why I would think that she would be any different in her personal life than her professional. House has been calling it right from day one. You’ve got to wonder what draws Wilson to her, and vice versa. Wilson is just as unlikely to change as she is, but they both expect to make it work, and, for some crazy reason, it does.

For as much as the teams complained about the idea of Foreman as a supervisor, they followed his play, and his direction, when he lied to House. Foreman is the de-facto lieutenant to the team, whether the other docs like it or not. House uses him as such because he both is lazy and likes screwing with Foreman, but at the end of the day, all that matters is that House uses him that way. It is a dynamic that works right now because it frees House up to interact with Wilson/CTB and Cuddy more.

It is nice to see Cuddy grow closer to House, even though, at this point, she still hates him, though seemingly less so than before. She’s obviously always respected him, and has had his back in worse spots than this one. Things are evolving subtly enough, though, that I still can’t imagine them actually being together.

  • “Why is House driving a limo?” – Cuddy
    “Don’t know.” – Foreman
    “Don’t have to know.” – Cameron
    “Don’t … care?” – Chase
  • “I want a water bed. I’ve always wanted one; I know it’s ridiculous, it’s just, there’s something nice about the thought of being rocked to sleep in water. No mocking? No Freudian analysis of how the waterbed is really a great big vagina I want to crawl into?” – Wilson
    “I’m ignoring you because you make me sad.” — House

Photo Credit: FOX

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