CliqueClack TV

Truly, these are the golden days of television

If you ask me, TV has never been as strong as it is today, and I couldn't be happier about it.

Yes, I’m still making my way (slowly) through Northern Exposure. For some reason, I just haven’t really connected with the show. In fact, I haven’t really been connecting with much on television since the end of the network season, but that’s another matter all together. I am a little surprised that I haven’t been captured by Northern Exposure, though. I remember it being super popular during its day, even picking up a fair number of Emmys, including best drama of 1992. All this has led me to a conclusion: If Northern Exposure was winning Emmys, we are in the golden age of television today.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t think that Northern Exposure is a bad show. Far from it. However, if you put it up against some of the great shows on today (I’m thinking Mad Men, Breaking Bad, and other top shows) Northern Exposure just can’t hold a candle. Granted, I’m not too deep into the series, and it could turn into something really special, but as of now, I’m not as impressed as I was expecting to be.

I think part of my problem is that I have continued to watch those Six Feet Under marathons each Sunday morning on Universal HD. Revisiting that show has only cemented in my mind how good it truly was. I think I can say without reservation that it was the greatest character drama to ever air on television. Of course a superlative like that can always be argued, and I may even change my tune a month from now, but I’ll stick by it for the moment.

At the end of the day, I’m just really thankful about the quality of current television. Sure, there is a lot of reality crap that has no value. Heck, there’s a lot of scripted crap that has no value. I’m convinced though, that TV has never seen the production value and quality of writing and acting that has been around the past ten years or so. A lot of these shows appeared on HBO, programs like Six Feet Under, The Wire, and Deadwood (and I hesitate to admit I haven’t seen The Sopranos, but people love it). In my mind, the best TV is currently on AMC with Breaking Bad and Mad Men.

Sure, those shows have it all, but even the more mediocre shows on TV have improved. The production value is better than it has ever been. With HD cameras, even terrible shows look great. The quality of music and scoring on TV is the best that I can remember (even if some bad shows tend to use music as a crutch). With computer technology decent special effects are easier and cheaper to accomplish. The game has definitely been raised, and I couldn’t be happier.

So, thanks TV, for being as awesome as you ever have been.

Photo Credit: AMC

Categories: | Clack | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Truly, these are the golden days of television”

July 20, 2010 at 2:33 PM

I so miss Six Feet Under! Alan Ball is one of my heroes…

July 20, 2010 at 3:20 PM

I was happier when Buffy and DS9 aired but this is ok too :-)

July 20, 2010 at 10:12 PM

I’d like to take another whack at that dead horse and say, “I still miss Firefly.” Sorry, but I just had to.

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