CliqueClack TV

TV at the San Diego Comic-Con: Thursday

I'm making only my second pilgrimage to the San Diego Comic-Con this year, but with so much TV stuff in attendance, it's impossible to be thorough. Here are my picks for the 'con's first day.

The end of this week marks the beginning of the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con (known by some as SDCC). I’m sure many of you have read elsewhere, or have experienced yourself, that SDCC is a lot more than comic books. A LOT. In fact, the SDCC panels covering television shows, video games, and movies are more prevalent than those dedicated to art and writing. There are panels morning through night, and many times it’s impossible to see them all because of scheduling overlap. For someone covering the panels on television, one might find themselves holed up in the same huge, dark conference hall the entire day.

It’s nuts. I know this because I attended the SDCC for the first time two years ago. I had to skip last year for my and my wallet’s sanity, but we’ve relaxed a little and I’m ready to dive back in again. However, unlike two years ago when I covered SDCC with Rich Keller and did an insane amount of tag-teaming to cover as many panels as possible (we still didn’t get to them all), this year I’m going it alone. Obviously I have to be picky about which panels I’m attending. So, I’m going to do a little series here, covering each day of SDCC (Thursday – Sunday) and the TV-related panels happening, as well as which ones I’ll have to attend over others. Maybe if you voice your disgust with my decisions enough, I’ll change my mind.

If you want to see a schedule of everything TV-related going on at SDCC 2010, I put them together on the official Comic-Con scheduling page, which allows you to import it into iCal.

12:00-1:00 Caprica, Battlestar, and Beyond (Room 6A)
1:00-2:00 Burn Notice (Ballroom 20)
2:15-3:15 White Collar (Ballroom 20)

Here’s my first problem, right off the bat. Do I attend a panel about Caprica and BSG, hosted by BSG‘s Richard Hatch, or shuffle off to Ballroom 20 to make sure I see two of my favorite shows on TV this summer? It’s likely impossible for me to get into Ballroom 20 after 1:00, so if I attend that Richard Hatch panel, I’ll be shut out of the other two. I’m opting to get my seat in Ballroom 20 and stay put.

3:30-4:30 Entertainment Weekly: The Visionaries (Hall H)
3:30-4:30 Psych (Ballroom 20)

Again, a big scheduling conflict. Most TV nuts will be waiting in the insanely long Hall H line to see the Visionaries panel, which will feature J.J. Abrams and Joss Whedon. However, since I’ve already decided to sit in Ballroom 20 all this time, I’ve lost my chance for a decent space in Hall H. Plus, I really want to see Psych! So, again, Ballroom 20 is my home.

3:45-4:45 Quantum Leap retrospective (Room 6A)
4:45-5:45 Anti-Heroes of Showtime (Ballroom 20)

That Quantum Leap one sounds damn cool, but I’m staying put in Ballroom 20 to see three great Showtime shows covered.

5:00-6:00 Childrens Hospital (Room 25ABC)
6:00-7:00 Dexter (Ballroom 20)

I’d love to cover a web series gone network, but guess where I’ll be?

7:30-8:30 Dr. Horrible sing-along (Room 6A)
8:00-11:00 Doctor Who and Being Human screenings (Room 6DE)

Nothing is in my way of checking out one of these other than my likely being tired as hell and wishing I had time to check out the booths. The sing-along could be cool if Nathan Fillion or Felicia Day make an appearance, but it’s a gamble.

Obviously I’ll be writing up my experiences during and after SDCC, so be sure to check back here then. The convention isn’t just panels, so I should have some interviews and photos up as well. And, if you’re attending SDCC this year, drop a line here and maybe we can find time to say hello!

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post on my packed Friday schedule.

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5 Responses to “TV at the San Diego Comic-Con: Thursday”

July 19, 2010 at 3:21 PM

Keith, pleeeeeeease go support Caprica, it dearly needs it, and you know you want to find out exactly what the “Beyond” portion entails. I’d sure like to know.

July 19, 2010 at 3:25 PM

I went to a very similar panel with Hatch two years ago, and it was OK. Best part was hearing Bear’s music and then Hatch’s story for how the original BSG might have ended.

I’m sorta BSG’ed out, honestly. Caprica didn’t do it for me all that much, but I’ll hold on for its 2nd season.

July 19, 2010 at 6:10 PM

. . . . .

You’re going to The Con … ?!?!? Whatta coincidence! So am I! Mayhap we’ll bump into each other …

Suggestion: With the schedule you have laid out thus far, pack munchies and water. Seriously …

July 19, 2010 at 6:18 PM

Oh the rest of the schedule is worse. I’m in rooms from morning until night. Probably no time to see booths. Then there are the interviews I’ll do here and there. I need two of me!

Already packing Clif bars and trail mix. Will pick up an offside sammich and pack that too. Just hope some kindly soul will save my seat for bathroom breaks. If someone reading this is following the same schedule, let me know and we can tag team seat saving!

July 20, 2010 at 12:20 AM

I used to work the Comic-Con. Stop in at one of my cousin James’ t-shirt booths – he probably has 4 of them there, they’re the really tall ones that are made of metal grid, Tell him you’re a friend of mine and maybe he’ll give you a discount. Of course, maybe he’ll just charge you more. (-: It’s been a few years since I worked for that slave driver, but I have some good memories.

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