CliqueClack TV

Quotation Marks – Mozzie and a voice-changer … can you beat that?

"Lies are like children. Hard work, but worth it, because the future depends on them." – House

While it’s true that a handful of holdouts from last week are included below, this past week of TV was the first in a long while to overflow with quotes. And with White Collar back for a new season, you can expect that trend not to falter for the foreseeable future.

The Glades

“That animal’s protected!” – Alligator expert
“Well then how come I had such a clear shot?” – Jim Longworth

House virgin diary

“OK, you’re an idiot. That, or you’ve decided you can trust a smoking addict alone in a bathroom with an oxygen tank … [BOOM!]” – Thirteen

“I have seventeen points?” – CTB
“I started you all out with a hundred, and then you blew up part of the building.” – House

“And now I’m choosing not to be mad at you.” – Thirteen
“Why?” – Kutner
“Because it will make House nuts.” – Thirteen
“And you think that will make your lives better or worse?” – Foreman

“I am not giving you cable. You’ll have to somehow survive on the broadcast networks alone.” – Cameron
“That’s fine on Tuesdays.” – House (I wonder when House aired during the fourth season)

“We would like a different doctor.” – Yonatan
“I assure you that Dr. House is our best….” – Cuddy
“Then we will settle for second best. Someone who doesn’t think my wife is sick just because she is religious.” – Yonatan
“If you prefer, I can give you my second best diagnosis.” – House

“Saw Amber drop off Wilson this morning.” – Kutner
“Yes, the male always drives the female.” – House


“Oh, you made two mistakes, bra … first, you flashed that fake-ass FBI badge at me. Second, you spilled his [points at Eliot] coffee.” – Hardison

“They made it look like a heart attack.” – Eliot
“What do you mean, made it look?” – Nate
“Well there’s nine places a professional would use to deliver an injection … they went under the fingernail.” – Eliot

Make It or Break It

“You should know we’re having sex.” – Lauren to Kaylie, about her and Carter

“I’ll take a hug as collateral.” – Austin to Emily … creepy much?

Rescue Me

“Starving children in Africa!” Sean said triumphantly.
“Ahh,” Mike said, disappointed, “George Clooney’s taking care of them.”
“What? Since when?”
“Yep, since he, um, won the Oscar dude. He’s saving, like, all the starving kids, and then he sells ‘em to Angelina Jolie who flies ‘em over here and feeds ‘em, bro.”
“When did she become a pilot?” Sean asked.
“Uhh, right after she became an ambassador I guess,” Mike replied.

Top Chef

“I used to have crabs, so this challenge brings back bad memories for me.” – Angelo, on the crab challenge

“I basically made love to that duck, to be honest with you.” – Angelo, on his dish

True Blood

“Sometimes I think that boy’s cheese has just slid right off his cracker.” – Melinda

“Well … that was the best sex I’ve had in decades [cracks neck]” – Lorena

“I’ve got skills you can’t even dream of, cowboy.” – Eric’s dream of Sookie

White Collar

“Admit it Peter. We’d make a pretty decent team.” – Neal
“Bank robbers.” – Peter, laughing
“I see you smiling. Come on, the infamous Caffrey and Burke? We’d be legends.” – Neal
“Yeah, I could see the wanted posters now … but it’d be Burke and Caffrey.” – Peter

“I saw a mockingbird in the park…. Then you say what color’s the mockingbird!” – Mozzie
“I’m doing the newspaper thing; I’m not doing the stupid bird thing.” – Peter

And make sure to check out the best quotes from this past week’s episodes of Futurama and Psych!

Photo Credit: USA Network

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