CliqueClack TV

So You Think You Can Dance – The gimps get gotted gone

Another injured contestant -- Ashley Galvan -- is let go for her own good on the 'So You Think You Can Dance' results show.

- Season 7, Episode 15 - "More Injuries"

When am I going to learn?

When am I going to just hold tight, exercise a little patience, and cool my jets?

When am I going to reign back … not shove the throttle all the way forward in putting out the guesses as to who’s gonna hit the road on So You Think You Can Dance week in and week out?

And, even if I did, where would the fun be in that?

I was under the impression Billy would be getting the axe on tonight’s elimination round. Last week, I predicted Robert would be the ousted. Boy, was I wrong.

All I had to do was keep my big yap shut. In hindsight, the writing was on the wall. Injured players in this dancing game aren’t going to jeopardize their careers just so they can get right back up on the stage. Alex Wong wasn’t going to do it. (His doctors wouldn’t let him and he knew better. Besides, he had surgery in his immediate future.) And Ashley Galvan wasn’t going to do it. (She wasn’t going to jeopardize her future plans. And those future plans include her body and her ability to dance.)

So … Billy getting gone? Nah. Jose out of his element and really not being able to advance in other styles beyond what he’s done up to this point? Shouldn’t he exit? Nope. Robert, who continues to wind up in the Bottom Three (except for this episode)? Nuh-uh. Not when there are dancers who are injured and aren’t able to continue … because, if they do, the decision to do so could be life changing. And not for the better.

And here, I’ll clue you in on a little secret. After all is said and done, I’m not convinced I’m going to learn. Not really. I’m going to keep yapping about the Broadway on SYTYCD … and I’m going to continue to be enamored with contemporary. And so on and so on.


Photo Credit: FOX

2 Responses to “So You Think You Can Dance – The gimps get gotted gone”

July 16, 2010 at 8:38 PM

I still think Adechike should be gone… It’s too bad that you’re gone because you injured not because you are suck.

July 18, 2010 at 9:48 AM

. . . . .

AdéChiké does not suck, cynicalorange. Technically, the dude is pretty damned good. Hell … I wish I could dance like him …

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