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Diary of a House virgin – Where did Chase and Cameron go?

Not that I miss Chase that much, but I'd like to know what it was like behind-the-scenes during this time period. Did these two actors mind being on a show that they barely appeared in?

Season Four, Episodes Eleven and Twelve

The best thing that has happened to this show is the addition of the new fellows, and frankly, the marginalization of Cameron and Chase (obviously more so him). My curiosity, though, is to the politics of the credits and such. Jesse Spencer and Jennifer Morison are barely in these two episodes, yet retain regular cast member status.


One of the biggest things that scares me about traveling to exotic locales is the access to medical care. It is one of those things that you don’t really think about in our nice first world life.

I absolutely loved the fellows telling Cameron that they were going to make her life hell until she acquiesced to House’s demands for cable. Cameron’s and Cuddy’s moves back against him, though, prove that he is much more shrewd.

The shot of guest star Mira Sorvino sitting with the syringe hanging out of her chest was freaky. My favorite patients are the ones that stand up to House instead of just arguing with him, and she did an outstanding job of tweaking him just enough not to make him run for the hills.

The whole dynamic of treating a patient 90,000 miles away made for good television, specifically the cinematography involved. I like the way that they integrated the webcam-like shots … I wonder if the DP actually used webcams, or just made them look like it.

Just a note to all producers/show runners out there: It is always cooler to hide surprise guest stars names for the end credits, as was done with Anne Dudek.

“Excessive Antarctic drilling … bad for the environment, and the ladies.” – House

“I am not giving you cable. You’ll have to somehow survive on the broadcast networks alone.” – Cameron
“That’s fine on Tuesdays.” – House (I wonder when House aired during the fourth season)

“Don’t Ever Change”

I like the idea of CTB and Wilson together. I actually bought into the idea that they’d been seeing each other secretly for some time, only to be disappointed that it was just Wilson’s play to win a bet. House’s analysis on why they were dating is spot-on, though. I do enjoy how this changes the dynamic between her and House. Like Sorvino’s Cate Milton in “Frozen,” she is now on equal footing with House, and challenges him in ways he’s not used to.

Funny revelation: The idea of Kutner asking CTB out. Funnier still was his question to Roz about never being able to watch Star Wars again. That’s not a sacrifice that I’d be willing to make.

In “Hey it’s Blank” news, Yonatan was played by Eyal Podell, or Dr. Mintz from Defying Gravity. I tell you this because, A) If you needed me to point out who Mira Sorvino is, then you’re just not going to be good at this game, and B) I’m one of like forty-two people on the planet that made it through all of the episodes of Defying Gravity, and thus like to bring it up as often as I can.

Damnit, why did Chase have to go and do something that I like? Tricking Roz into thinking it was after sundown was the kind of just-over-the-line stuff I love from House.

“We would like a different doctor.” – Yonatan
“I assure you that Dr. House is our best….” – Cuddy
“Then we will settle for second best. Someone who doesn’t think my wife is sick just because she is religious.” – Yonatan
“If you prefer, I can give you my second best diagnosis.” – House

“Saw Amber drop off Wilson this morning.” – Kutner
“Yes, the male always drives the female.” – House

51PHTZlwHkL. SL160 House Virgin Diary Who is the weakest link?

Photo Credit: FOX

One Response to “Diary of a House virgin – Where did Chase and Cameron go?”

July 15, 2010 at 3:49 PM

Frozen was show on Sunday night are a Super Bore. However I do think the show was on Tuesdays back then.

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