CliqueClack TV

What’s this show called … Rescue Me?

Each week I review a show that's new to me. Good idea, or punishment (mine or yours)? You be the judge. But either way, if I had to watch it, the least you can do is read what I have to say....

I’m not sure why, but Rescue Me never managed to interest me enough to try it. Even last season, knowing that Michael J. Fox, who I’m a huge fan of, was doing a guest arc, I never even did a TiVo search for the show. I don’t know why.

Which could help explain why I was confused to see all of those promos before the season six premiere featuring Derek Jeter and Alicia Keys’ “Empire State of Mind” … what did Denis Leary’s critical darling have to do with New York? Right….

I was kind of excited to watch the show. While I took the challenge of this column on because I don’t shy away from voicing my opinion, I’ve held out the hope — since the beginning — that I’d find a new series to watch that had managed to pass me by the first time around. And sitting down to watch this episode of Rescue Me, I felt as if this could be the first one.

My excitement only grew with the opening image of Leary’s Tommy Gavin, standing outside a storefront in a leather jacket, t-shirt, and jeans, smoking a cigarette. “The second coming (first, really) of David Duchovny’s Hank Moody!” I thought to myself. And then Leary started to speak, and the illusion dissolved.

I say speak, and not act, because if that was good acting then I don’t know what’s become of the profession. I’m sure that I’m going to enrage a lot of people (just shy of two million, according to Brett), but Leary is miserable as an actor. Just miserable.

At least here. I loved him as Diego in Ice Age, and I have enjoyed him in various movie roles throughout the years. But I couldn’t figure out how he’d landed the lead role on this series, even knowing that he co-created the show.

A show which, by the way, is really enjoyable as an ensemble piece. Any scene involving his brother firemen, or Chief Sidney Feinberg (Jerry Adler), was great. I really like Larenz Tate (Bart, AKA Black Shawn), and Franco’s (Daniel Sunjata) relationship with Tommy’ family was pretty amusing. And Terry Serpico (Cousin Eddie) is on the show too? Awesome!

There’s an obviously appealing side to the show — firefighters are one of many groups of people known more for what they do, as a group, then who they are as individuals. It’s great to understand that they risk their lives everyday in order to save ours, but to really appreciate what they’re risking we need to see their lives and meet their families. And Rescue Me has assembled a great group of guys to get to know, at least as far as I could tell in one episode.

But Leary’s miserable. And every scene he was in made me feel as if I was watching an early rehearsal in the production process. Maybe that’s what his character’s supposed to be like, but even if that’s the case it doesn’t mean that I should enjoy it.

And I say this not because I felt lost in a sea of story. I appreciate the fact that the beginning of season six seems to be a turning point in many respects — Tommy (not) giving up drinking. The firehouse in danger of closing. Damien (Michael Zegen) finding himself as a firefighter. Colleen’s (Natalie Distler) drinking. While I wasn’t into everything that I just mentioned, the show itself was really rather good.

Except for Leary. And the fact of the matter is that he’s obviously unavoidable. And that’s a shame. I couldn’t guarantee that I’d become a regular viewer after trying it again, if the circumstances were different, but I can tell you for a fact that Leary’s performance, or lack thereof, is the reason why I’ll never know.

Was that Lt. Virginia Cooper (Patti D’Arbanville), from New York Undercover, walking around with a bloody face in the background? Nice.

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Photo Credit: FX

4 Responses to “What’s this show called … Rescue Me?”

July 12, 2010 at 4:59 PM

One of the best and funniest shows on television, and Denis Leary is a superb actor, very naturalistic, and its contrast to the more traditional acting performances of the cast (who in their own way are all excellent as well) provides a subtle and clever way of emotionally highlighting the character Tommy without detracting from the ensemble nature of the show.

July 12, 2010 at 5:58 PM

Rescue Me is the only show I really like that I don’t keep for a second viewing. I agree with you on all terms, problem is I really like the show for its trashy appeal, e.g. that strange performance Leary delivers on the show. And you got it right, what makes the show great is the supporting cast.

It’s a really weird show and really funny.

July 13, 2010 at 7:41 AM

How do you find the time to re-watch so many things?

July 14, 2010 at 1:27 PM

It’s not Leary’s acting that bothers me so much as that his character is such an ego trip for Leary as show-runner and star.

I tried but never got into the show but I started watching seriously when Maura Tierney was going to be on because I like her so much as an actress. But while the show has got a strong cast and it’s different, it was hard to keep my eyes from rolling out of my head at the combination of Tommy’s Mary Sue-ness, and his neuroses. I’m not interested in yet again seeing him not give up drinking and why in the world he would keep hanging out with these nutty women and attract even more? They should give group therapy rates out at the firehouse.

After a while I stopped enjoying seeing Woody Allen work out his issues on screen, and I’m not see interested in seeing Leary do it either.

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