CliqueClack TV

Does liking Wipeout make me a bad person?

Alright, so it's not going to win an Emmy for great writing or acting, but there is something about 'Wipeout' that keeps me coming back.

Generally, I am a huge snob. I was about to write “TV snob” and realized that I’m pretty much a snob about everything: food, music, people, movies, books. I’m just a snob. I have been for most of my life, and at this point, I’m okay with that. I have embraced my TV snobbery even more lately, as I have shunned a lot of the usual summer programming as being “of no consequence.” Sure, some of the shows are fun, but I have better things to do.

Of course, there is one show that I just can’t say “no” to, and much to my embarrassment it is as far from “snobby” TV as you can possibly get. I just can’t help it. I love Wipeout. Does that make me a bad person?

I mean, the show is pretty much about the humiliation and physical injury of many people. This is not something that I should be excited about, but I always am. There’s just something about watching another human get punched in the face by a motorized boxing glove, or get smashed in the face on a big red ball before plunging into muddy water. There’s some kind of primal pleasure that I get from it.

Sure, the banter between the hosts can be pretty bad at times, but that’s not why I watch. As the title of the show indicates, it’s all about the wipeouts. I swear, I go into just about every episode convinced that the show isn’t that amusing, and that I’ve had my fill of it, only to crack up at the brutal face plants and belly flops.

You do have to give some credit to the show; the masterminds behind it keep finding new unique, creative and cruel ways to punish the contestants which helps to keep the show fresh. With that being said, I still think two episodes per week is a little much. I definitely get my fill with one hour.

So what do you think? Should I keep my love for Wipeout to myself? Should I not be embarrassed about it? Haven’t I totally written this article before? How do you feel about the show?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | General | TV Shows |

10 Responses to “Does liking Wipeout make me a bad person?”

July 8, 2010 at 2:12 PM

Yes you are 3\/1|_ !!!

Nah just kidding. I think it’s a funny show but over here they chose to put a soccer commentator and some other bimbo in front of a greenscreen and put the show up in the background and have them commenting on that. Oh, did I mention the show is filmed in Brazil orwhatever and that we have a german version of it?

By the way, what happened to “Hole in the wall”?

July 8, 2010 at 2:24 PM

I, too, have a secret “like” for Wipeout, Bob.

But, on a different level. Bad as the hosts’ banter is at times, I enjoy it.

And that’s all I’m going to say about that.

July 8, 2010 at 4:08 PM

Bob, to answer the titular question: YES
The bright side? Since you like it, that’s one half of an unstoppable force that’s known throughout the cosmos for being able to kill a show just by liking it. The other half being me, and, as I said in a comment on another post, since I’m the oldest you have to take the position of “minion.” But I’m a kindly old man and gladly promote you to equal partner right here and now.

If you manage to get Wipeout, er, wiped out on your own, I will gladly call myself your minion; even going so far as to wear shorts with suspenders and a t-shirt that says, “Bob’s Minion” on it. I would be willing to prove the veracity of my declaration by providing photographic evidence either through email or posted on flikr for the world to see. That’s how much I want this show vanquished if for no other reason than the title hase the same number of syllables as “Firefly” and I’m still steamed about that one.

Gotta go, the men with the pills just came in and I don’t want to trip over my straight jacket straps rushing to get in line.

July 8, 2010 at 7:29 PM

Unfortunately the ratings are pretty decent for summer programming. Though I will happily admit that I would trade in the entire season of Wipeout if it meant ABC would air the last two episodes of Better Off Ted.

July 8, 2010 at 10:05 PM

Bob, I’m with you 1000% about BOT. One of the few comedies in recent years to make me literally laugh out loud numerous times per episode.

July 8, 2010 at 5:59 PM

The real answer to your question is NO! As long as no one is getting seriously injured or killed, what’s not to like? It’s hilarious to see what people will put themselves through for $50,000. Yeah, $50,000! Not the biggest prize in the grand scheme of things. Plus I think John Henson can sell the corniest lines, and I like Jill Wagner too, even though she doesn’t seem to really have much to do. Her best stuff always seems like an outtake, and that makes me laugh as much as the game itself. It all reminds me of a show from the 70s called “Almost Anything Goes” but taken to the extreme.

July 8, 2010 at 7:31 PM

I agree, I like Jill Wagner, but there’s something about John Henson that just rubs me the wrong way. Can’t really place my finger on it.

July 8, 2010 at 8:22 PM

He’s just a goof. I’ve liked him since his Talk Soup days.

July 8, 2010 at 7:27 PM

It’s people falling down, one of comedy’s tried and truest artforms. WHAT’S NOT TO LOVE?

August 5, 2010 at 10:10 PM

This show sucks. For one they stole the exact same idea from that Asian-esque show on Spike. But since its on ABC it’s a hit which is ridiculous. Second of all, the only thing they do on the show is judge people whether they are fat, ugly, or different. Should be taken off, especially considering the “family entertainment values” the station is supposed to have.

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