CliqueClack TV

House Virgin Diaries – The prodigal son returns

Chase running the betting pool on who would get fired next … a subtle way to get me to like him, three years in the future? Or, you know, not.

Season Four, Episodes Four and Five

I’m surprised how much I like Foreman back on the team (it was no surprise, but we took longer to get here than I expected). Not necessarily because I dislike him, but more of how much I enjoy the “picking the new team” format, and didn’t think he’d fit so well into that dynamic. Not everything was hunky-dory with his return, especially with the candidates. At the very least, when House (and Foreman) realized that he actually wanted to be there, things were moving in the direction of “clear sailing” status.

“Mirror, Mirror”

I don’t really care how much House deserved it, but the way Cuddy “introduced” Foreman was unprofessional. I’ve never loved her (but it’s not like she’s next to Chase or anything in any hypothetical hierarchical list that I may or may not have written down on Post-It notes stuck to my monitor screen or anything), but this seems a bit over the line. It seems that House may be getting the best of her.

Foreman back on the team works, though. He’s the only doctor working for House that actually stands up to him, without House dismissing him out of hand. Foreman has grown on me. I don’t, however, necessarily like this whole “mole” thing, reporting back to Cuddy. Taub pretty much summarized my feelings when he apologized for ignoring Foreman’s control.

The mirroring patient was fun. It was a different way to learn things about all of the doctors, especially Foreman and Thirteen. But the House/Cuddy showdown made him the best patient ever!

Chase running the betting pool on who would get fired next … a subtle way to get me to like him, three years in the future? Didn’t work. Just saying.

“Whatever It Takes”

So House takes a trip, and Foreman runs the team? A team that apparently hasn’t developed any respect for him, and still keeps trying to run to an absent House (who didn’t take their calls). Staring down Brennan, slamming the door on Cameron, and the whole pity party he threw for himself when he found out he was wrong …  All things that, if I were one of the candidates, I would hold him in about the same regard. His final revelation about Brennan might be a step in the right direction, but he’s going to need to do more to win over the hearts and minds of the fellowship candidates.

I wish, when I’d started the House Virgin Diaries, that I had kept a running tab of how often House and his team were wrong before they finally figure things out. Foreman admitting he was wrong in the beginning of the case was just the first of approximately 49 different diagnoses that they tried, let alone the different theories they floated. I get that diagnosticians have to troubleshoot and work a problem, but sometimes it feels like they just thrown everything onto a wall and see what sticks.

I love that House kept telling everyone exactly where he was, knowing that they wouldn’t believe him. Wilson got in on the act, not even on purpose. He’s such a great straight man to House.

Brennan’s faking the whole Polio was a bit out of left field. I was just beginning to like him, but his move was selfish. Sure, House has been just as reckless in the past, but never this selfish. Well, at least not with a patient, right? Right??


  • “I know when my Vicodin isn’t Vicodin. Do you know when your birth control pills aren’t birth control pills?” – House to Cuddy
  • “….and now you’ve electrocuted yourself and set a patient on fire. I like the dedication.” – House
    “Thank you.” – Kutner
    “It wasn’t a compliment.” – Taub
    “Yeah it was, the insult comes now: You’re insane!” – House
  • “This looks a lot better on 24.” – House, walking into the CIA hospital
  • “Who were you going to kill in Bolivia, my old housekeeper?” – House
    “We don’t kill people.” – Dr. Terzi
    “I’m sorry, who were you going to marginalize. If it was my old housekeeper, she had it coming. Cleaning windows means cleaning both sides.” – House
  • “Can I have a kid too? I’m working too hard.” – CTB
    “I could hook you up.” – Taub
    “If I had two minutes and some anti-nausea meds, I’d take you up on that.” – CTB

51PHTZlwHkL. SL160 House Virgin Diary Who is the weakest link?

Photo Credit: FOX

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