CliqueClack TV

Last Comic Standing – Jugglers, clowns and scary robot men need not apply

We're almost done with the audition phase on 'Last Comic Standing,' and for me it's none to soon!

OK, I’m starting to get the hang of reviewing Last Comic Standing. The key is that, usually, if the producers do a back story on a contestant, most probably they will advance. I mean, they’re not going to spend all that time setting up and taking down equipment at your apartment for nothin’.

Also, the comics that have been chipping away at this business the longest do the best. A possible no-brainer. But let’s brain it anyway. You can spot them almost immediately. They have poise and confidence, and their material and delivery seem like they are not even trying at all. They make it look easy! When one of these folks comes on stage, that is when I sit up and listen.

Last week someone commented (and please keep the comments coming!) that I should focus more on the contestants. A good thought! However, in these audition rounds, when we only see the contestants for a few seconds, that’s tough for me. A main reason why I am so looking forward to next week’s move to Hollywood and the semi-finals.

However, having said that, some of these comics have videos posted on YouTube. From last night, some stand-outs for me were Mike Vecchione, Ryan Hamilton, and Nikki Glaser. Click on those links, and give these comics a listen, if you so choose. Especially Nikki Glaser. She made it to the semi-finals on LCS four years ago, so assuming she’s been working on her act, she should go far this time. I liked Kyle Grooms and Carmen Lynch as well. It’s really refreshing to see more funny women this time around.

And how am I faring with the judges, and host Craig Robinson, you ask? Well that’s very thoughtful of you. Let’s have a Breyer’s Fruit Bar and I’ll tell you.

If I were Andy Kindler, not only would I have been offended by all the Jewish jokes in the New York auditions (and he was), I would also now be deaf. Due to the horrifying sounds fellow judge Nastasha Leggero constantly emits, that she passes for laughter. I have never really stopped and thought about the phrase “put a sock in it.” Not since the third grade anyway. But it truly applies here! She’s beyond annoying! She’s … oh crap. I just grabbed my fruit bar too tight and broke the stick and got a splinter. Hold on….

OK, I’m back. That hurt. Anyway, I was wondering last night … did the producers at NBC read my review of host Craig Robinson? Because his “participation” was kept at a minimum. I mean, wouldn’t that be great. Just imagine….

*cue dreamy music and soft focus lens*

Location: NBC Big Wig office. Craig and a suit are seated.

Suit: “I’m sorry, Craig, but we’re going to have to downplay your role as host of Last Comic Standing.”

Craig: “But. But. But why?? What did I do?”

Suit: “Haven’t you heard? Tara Shrodes from CliqueClack doesn’t like you.”

*back to reality*

Now wouldn’t that be lovely? As it so happens, if you watch the editing pretty closely, I think Craig had a prior commitment this week. I’m sure he’ll have a much bigger role once the semi finals get in gear. Sigh.

But I’m ready to see much more than 30 seconds of these comics! Aren’t you?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

9 Responses to “Last Comic Standing – Jugglers, clowns and scary robot men need not apply”

June 22, 2010 at 12:54 PM

You make it sound like so much fun, I may have to watch just to see what I’m missing :-)

June 23, 2010 at 4:37 PM

Yes, you should Bronsont, now is the perfect time to join the viewing!

June 22, 2010 at 1:02 PM

I don’t know why I have not watched this show. But I will have to tune back in so I know what you are writing about. It does look like fun. cheers!

June 23, 2010 at 4:37 PM

*clinks your glass Mikki!*

June 22, 2010 at 2:10 PM

The women on this episode were hilarious. I especially liked the joke about putting the egg back in the chicken. They did a good job in the editing process this year because they really showcase a lot of good material from these comedians. Interested to see what happens in the semi-finals.

Also the husband and wife comedy team featured in this episode run their own blog and have posted some of their behind the scenes experiences at -It’s worth checking out if you want to know more about the process behind these kinds of shows.

June 23, 2010 at 4:39 PM

SNL and J Remy–the egg schtick was really funny! Watch for the women this season for sure.

June 22, 2010 at 10:02 PM

I will never again be able to look at an egg without wondering if it is possible to get it back inside the chicken. I haven’t laughed that hard in years.

June 22, 2010 at 11:04 PM

I thought the robot-man was pretty funny. Not for this competition though, I guess.

June 23, 2010 at 4:40 PM

Hi Adam, he was amusing and creepy too. But you’re right. His character is not really stand-up. Thanks for the comment!

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