CliqueClack TV

House Virgin Diary – Who is the weakest link?

Maybe the best part of the new House is how much fun I have with everyone’s nicknames -- can we give Foreman one too?

Season Four, Episodes Three & Four

So the upside to less Chase (Other than, you know, less Chase) is the continued competition to be on House’s team. It is actually the most fun the show has ever been. I’m not (necessarily) knocking the old formula, because House is a great character to watch, and the supporting cast the first couple of seasons was very solid. That being said, watching the competition to become permanent members of House’s team has been one of the best things to happen to this show yet.

“97 Seconds”

I think we went the last two episodes with no House clinic hours, no? I’m glad we didn’t lose them completely in what I’ll now call the “lost season.” These have actually turned out to be one of my favorite parts of the show, and I was glad to see them back. Granted, it was only long enough to see a guy shove a knife into an electrical socket, but, hey, it is a start.

Foreman running his own “House Room” was interesting. Sure, he had his own spin on things, what with the compliments and all, but it was still the same room. I’m glad Foreman lives in TV land and I live in, you know, Albuquerque, because he won’t read my next statement (and kick my butt). Foreman needs to be more of his own man. Being a nicer version of House isn’t the answer.

Tribal Council? Too funny. All I’m saying.

In a return to my random “Hey it’s Blank!!!!” guest star shout outs, Foreman’s new boss is played by Kathleen “Bird” York, The West Wing’s Andrea Wyatt, and Oscar Nominee for Song Writing. True story.

I like all of the candidates, but Thirteen and Ridiculously Old Guy are my favorites so far. More Big Love and Kutner I’m voting for, too.

For as much as someone who watches Grey’s Anatomy and Gossip Girl can be, I’m less of the over-emotional cry baby than one would think. That being said, Stark’s death scene, with the dog, was heartbreaking.

I think I missed something.  House’s last words to the patient, on the autopsy table, were, “I told you so.” Does anyone remember what that was in reference to?

“Guardian Angels”

The Charlie’s Angels homage was a lot of fun, especially the Bosley stuff. Ridiculously Old Guy continued to be one of the more interesting fellows. Not that he can technically be a fellow, though, right? His sparring with Taub was a lot of fun, until he House finally had to let him go.

Do I really have to call her Amber now? Seriously?

Something I’m not digging about the fellows is the relationship that is springing up between Amber and Thirteen. They don’t really click. Sure, the animosity makes sense, but not truly real. CTB (Is that better?) feeding the patient the info about Stark and the dog was completely believable, though.

I’m not sure what House is trying to gain with his harassment of Big Love. House has never been one to stand on doing the right thing, but his end game has usually been apparent. The quick answer is House is just testing him, pushing him … But it can’t be that simple. Can it?

Maybe the best part of the new House is how much fun I have with everyone’s nicknames — can we give Foreman one too?


  • “Cut Throat Bitch is your official title.” – Kutner
  • “You know why I want to be on your team? Because you’re idiots. If I can get the women out of the competition, I’m in. And so are two of you.” – CTB, living up to her new name
  • “Do non-answers tell me anything?” – House
    “Sure, but not as much as actual answers, that’s why they’re called answers.” – Thirteen
    “They tell me you’re hiding something.” – House
    “They tell you I’m hiding everything.” – Thirteen
    “Thirteen is a lock … She killed a guy in a wheelchair. And his dog.” – CTB
  • “How many of them agreed to dig up a grave?” – Cuddy
    “Six. But don’t worry, the one who didn’t didn’t stand on principal, he just had a diaper to change … I really think there are no bad choices in this group.” – House
  • “Big Love … Have I humiliated you in the last half an hour?” – House
    “No.” – Big Love
    “Check your email.” – House

Photo Credit: FOX

4 Responses to “House Virgin Diary – Who is the weakest link?”

June 17, 2010 at 10:23 AM

I agree that the competition in Season 4 was among the best portions of the entire show. I’ve always found that House (the show) works best when House (the character) has a villain to go against (see Vogel, Tritter), and in Season 4 they sort of switched it up and made *him* the antagonist, at least in the eyes of these new people who are trying like hell to please him. I adored trying to figure out who would move on, and sometimes I was pretty sure I knew who was leaving even if I wasn’t sure how yet. Have you been able to avoid spoilers in that regard? Wouldn’t be as much fun if you knew, I’m thinking.

June 17, 2010 at 10:27 AM

Not really. I’ve known who was on the cast well before I even started the Virgin Diaries last year. No worries though, because it is still fun to see who leaves, when, and why. Disappointed to see ridiculously old guy go.

June 17, 2010 at 11:00 AM

The reason House said “I told you so”, was referring to nothing being on the “other side” after he died. There was no Heaven or Hell, as he found out when he electrocuted himself.

June 17, 2010 at 2:13 PM

Thank you! I figured it had something to do with the whole 97 Seconds subplot, but wasn’t sure if I’d missed something specific.

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