CliqueClack TV

Craig Robinson should stay at The Office

Last Comic Standing is into its second episode of the new season, and already I'm chafing about a coupla things. It must be old age. I used to be much more patient, I swear.

First, let me address a big problem that this show has dealt with since the outset. And that is actually finding a funny host to move this comedy competition along. It makes no sense to me that the main person on Last Comic Standing is hardly ever even slightly amusing, and a lot of the time bordering on annoying.

For the first two seasons, we had Jay Mohr. I found him snooty, snotty, full of himself, and downright awful. And I’m holding back. After Jay was a guy I frankly don’t remember named Anthony Clark. He lasted a season. Then along came the dreaded Bill Bellamy. Besides being Shaq’s cousin, Bill purported himself as a comedian. Um, no. And he did the number one thing on the Tara Shrodes’ craplist. Yes, I have a craplist! I keep it right by my favorite cushy armchair for easy access.

What is it? Well! He screams into the microphone. It’s as common as butt rash on a baby on these competition shows. (See Samantha Harris of Dancing With the Stars fame.) I fail to understand this. Perhaps one of you could explain it to me. The microphone is there to amplify the voice! Thus, no screaming is necessary. Just because the crowd is noisy around you Bill, and you can’t hear a thing, doesn’t mean that we can’t hear you! Because of that thing your holding in front of your face. Lawdie.

There’s a new host for the season’s Last Comic. He’s Craig Robinson from The Office. I have no idea if he’s good on that show or not, as I have a slight problem with Steve Carell so I never watch. See Steve was my coach when I went to school at Second City in Chicago, and he was rather an asshat. So I tend to avoid whatever he’s in.

Maybe Craig is funny on The Office. If so, he should stay with his strengths. ‘Cause the dude cannot be spontaneous. In these first episodes, a major part of hosting is talking with the contestants on the street. If your best bit is 20 seconds of your bullhorn dying, and then asking for batteries, we’re all in trouble. Craig’s not much better in the live showcases either. If he tells me to “give it up” or “make some noise” one more time, I’m going to take a hostage.

As for the contestants this week, by the producers pandering to certain contestants, I could tell who are some early favorites. Last night’s show focused a lot of time and energy on Tommy Johnagin. Tommy’s been around. In fact, many of the comics in the NYC auditions are not at all new to the comedy circuit. I don’t think it’s possible to go very far on the show, if you’re not fairly seasoned. Stand-up comedy takes years to perfect, and although LCS is a competition, it’s not really for newbie comics. And you can tell which performers those are by their horrible writing and delivery styles, or by their mask, costume, makeup or wooden dummy.

The person who wins this show is always one who has an honest, straightforward style and loads of confidence in their demeanor. Oh. And they have to be funny.

Final thoughts: Watch for  comics Jamie Lee, Jesse Joyce, and Roy Wood Jr. to take off. Also, watch for me losing my #@%^ week by week, at having to listen to judge Natasha Leggero cackle. Good grief! What is that about? Who actually says the words “Ha Ha Ha Ha” while laughing? You can hear her over the 200 person audience on showcase night. And I know part of that is because she’s miked (see above) but puh-leeze! Ridiculous!

And how is it that Mike DeStafano moves on, but Jared Morgan doesn’t?? Not fair! The judges made a few weird choices. On to next week! See ya then, Craig. Meh.

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Craig Robinson should stay at The Office”

June 15, 2010 at 10:28 AM


Michael < ----- his best bit was once 20 seconds of his bullhorn dying, then asked for batteries

The audience loved it.

June 16, 2010 at 5:31 AM

I don’t want to defend Last Comic Standing because I’m not crazy about reality shows, but this season seems to be a lot better than previous ones so far. The judges seem to give constructive criticism when it’s needed and basically seem to be enjoying themselves and interacting with other comedians. The talent pool seems pretty great this year, with even several of the comics that you only get a glimpse of being genuinely entertaining. I think you have to give a little more information about Steve Carell being an asshat because every other article or interview I’ve ever heard or read about him has had nothing but kind platitudes about his work ethic and relationship with co-workers. Craig Robinson has been great in my opinion, but at this point in the show there isn’t much for the host to do but introduce segments, so I don’t think he is really making or breaking the show based on his antics (if you add up all his appearances on any single episode of the show so far it only adds up to about five minutes tops). I agree that Natasha Leggero’s laugh can be grating but I’d rather focus on the ins and out of the stand-up comics performances than the annoying peculiarities of the judges for the show. So I guess I would just rather read about the aspects of the show that you found positive or entertaining in a review to balance out what you found annoying. It’s up to you how you want to write your reviews of course, but I think focusing more on the comics would improve them (in my opinion at least).

June 16, 2010 at 1:39 PM

Hey SNL. I’m glad you’re enjoying Last Comic Standing. And I do think you are correct about the talent pool this year. I don’t agree with you on the judges giving constructive criticism though. I hear a lot of “You’re funny,” and “I’m sorry you’re not right for this competition.” Very general remarks. I didn’t go into my problems with Steve Carell in detail because I was only referring to him in lieu of why I don’t watch The Office.
As for Craig Robinson, well I think I explained my reasoning. I agree with you that at this point, the host is not on camera that much, but when he is I hope to see really good bits with the crowd. And I’m just not seeing them. He seems like he’s winging it out there, but his improvisational skills aren’t strong enough to do that.
If you keep reading my reviews, SNL, and I hope you do–you’ll see me focus on the comedians more and more. Right now we see them so briefly that it’s impossible to talk about them in detail. But I am thinking that embedding some videos of stand outs as the shows go on might be a good idea.
Thanks for your thoughts! I always appreciate feedback!

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