CliqueClack TV

Quotation Marks – Glee gets a big summer sing-off

"Two questions -- One, are you single?..." – Josh Groban to Sue, on 'Glee'

Still a quiet week on the old quotes front. USA Network seems to be the only cable network smart enough to immediately try and fill the vacuum left by the traditional television season’s end. And while summer quotes posts should be filled with virgin diary nuggets, it’ll be a week or two before we’ve all gotten a chance to get into them.

But I know that some of you are broken up over the season one end of Glee, so I wanted to be sure to give you a second dip before this week comes and goes without a new episode. Enjoy!


“I am having a really difficult time hearing anything you have to say today because your hair looks like a briar patch. I keep expecting racist animated Disney characters to pop up and start singing songs about living on the bayou.” – Sue

“Heart? Oh please, talk about blatant tokenism, that whole ‘We’re inspiring…. We’re a ragtag bunch of misfits’ thing is so 2009.” – Olivia Newton-John

“I’m President of the Celibacy Club; I took a vow.” – Quinn
“So did Santana and Brittany, and I did them….” – Puck

“What’s the point Mr. Schue? Coach Sylvester is one of the judges. She’s gonna crush us.” – Artie
“You don’t know that.” – Mr. Schue
“Yes we do. She told us at Cheerios practice.” – Santana
“Yeah, she said, ‘I’m going to crush Glee Club.'” – Brittany

“You know I partied with Freddie Mercury back in the ’70s, and I partied hard if you know what I mean. Back then, people weren’t so obsessed with labels.” – Rod Remmington

“Brunettes have no place in show business.” – Olivia Newton-John

“Thank you all for coming! As you see Glee Club is such an important … and I honestly can’t even finish that sentence.” – Sue

“I didn’t have a father. Someone I could look up to, model myself after. Someone who could show me what it really meant to be a man.” – Finn, tugging hard on everyone’s heartstrings

“I should shake your hand.” – Will
“Not unless you’ve got some hand sanitizer. I’ve seen that car you drive, I don’t want to catch poor.” – Sue

Burn Notice

“… now you’re going to meet with this Vince guy?” – Sam
“Vaughn.” – Michael
“Vaughn. Good name for a vampire.” – Sam

“What kind of sissy wouldn’t sleep with a gun under his pillow anyways?” – Madeline

The Practice

“I smell a pattern: threaten Lindsay Dole, you get killed.” – District Attorney Walsh, during Lindsay’s murder trial

Photo Credit: FOX

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