CliqueClack TV

The House Virgin Diaries – So, about Season Three….

If the producers decided that a cast shake-up was in order at the end of Season Three, I thought it might be best for me to follow suit. Plus, less Chase is good for everyone, no?

(season four, episodes 1-2)

Previously on House, MD, House got pissed at his team, Cuddy got pissed at House, and, eventually, his team either quit or got fired. I think I summed up the entire third season, which, as a part of the Virgin Diaries series that I started last summer, I have decided to skip. If the producers decided that a cast shake-up was in order at the end of Season Three, I thought it might be best for me to follow suit. Plus, less Chase is good for everyone, no?


I love watching House work a problem. The scene in the patient’s bedroom was a great physical representation of how his brain thinks. A little clue on the nightstand leads to the bookshelf, which leads to the secret diary. Obviously, though, the man has a process, and that process includes a team. If the first part of this season is picking that team, torturing different candidates, with different personalities, then I’m on board.

Dr. Buffer? Classic. Even better was the first meeting with him, with the “favorite floor buffer” metaphor. I’d be curious if hospital janitors have a favorite floor buffer, but with ScrubsJan I. Tor now hanging out on The Middle, I don’t know if I have anyone to ask.

I wonder sometimes if Cuddy is a better doctor, or a better administrator. Her conversation with the family bothered me, because I didn’t feel like she knew what to say. House wouldn’t have either, but that’s not really his job, is it?

How heartbreaking was the final revelation? The family, or mistaken family, had been living and dying with each of House and Cuddy’s diagnoses and misdiagnoses, only to find out that the woman on the table wasn’t whom they thought it was. There was an upside for the guy who thought he’d lost his love, but for the family that we’d been following, only disappointment.

The Right Stuff

Did House fire the ER doc from the last episode first off? That’s just wrong.

I can’t imagine any other way that House would put a team together. Playing the doctors against each other, building teams, changing things around. Having been around a television in the last couple of years, I know most of the players that will eventually be a part of the team (or at least on the show), but it is fun to see them interact with doctors that are obviously not long for this world.

I’m glad that House cleared up who the “big” drinker was. I would have guessed Thirteen, as at this point she’s throwing off the whole sorority girl vibe at this point. As far as the rest of the candidates, Taub and Cut Throat Pixie (That’s what I’m going with for now) are my favorites, for exactly the opposite reasons. How things ended up with Twenty Six, though, have me a bit intrigued.

Considering how close we got to Chase actually leaving, I was a bit disappointed to see him back. Yes, my intense dislike for the dashing doctor certainly didn’t not wane over the past year. I still think he’s a bore of an actor, even more so as a character, and a waste of a love interest to Cameron, whom I still adore as the moral center for House when Wilson isn’t around. At least Foreman has a little backbone. Not that he’s back. Yet.

Photo Credit: FOX

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