CliqueClack TV

American Idol – The final *yawn* performances of the season

It all comes down to a raspy-voiced paint guy and a dread-locked mother ... in a snooze-fest certain to cure you of your insomnia.

- Season 9, Episode 42 - "The Finals - The Top Two Perform"

It all comes down to this:  The final night of performances by the Top Two contestants on American Idol.  It’s the night we’ve waited for all season … and it arrived in a way I didn’t think it could ever come about: Sleepily.

A quick month and a half retrospective: All along, there were hints it might be Lee as one of the lucky ones to be in the top spot along side Crystal. But, early in the game, we thought it might be others in Lee’s slot:  Siobhan MagnusCasey James … Didi Benami … Big Mike Lynche. But it wasn’t meant to be. Lee is the one up there. And for the both of them, Crystal and Lee alike, the effort and hard work (and it is hard work on that stage, belting out tunes you know you’re going to get lambasted for) has paid off for the final two of the season.

And the line-up for the evening? The contestants were to: 1) Sing their favorites from the past season; 2) Sing tunes executive producer Simon Fuller got to pick for them; and, 3) Offer the song they would record if they won. It should have made for a smashing evening. You’d be led to think that, wouldn’t you?

Song #1: Lee DeWyze does “The Boxer” Did Lee look like he came prepared to win this competition? With the performance of “The Boxer” he certainly did. Ellen DeGeneres: “I couldn’t be prouder if I birthed you myself.” Yep. Ellen is right on track, stating the awkward as is her mien. *sigh*

Song #1: Crystal Bowersox does “Me And Bobby McGee” So … who had the better voice based on the first two songs … and the first two songs only? Crystal … Crystal, hands down. But, as my wife stated during the program: “Crystal’s got the better voice … but Lee is the one you stop, put down what you’re doing and listen to.” I agree with her. Especially over the last few weeks of the competition.

(Side Note: For whatever reason, my wife was obsessed with Ryan Seacrest and his microphone: “Is he so afraid he’s going to drop the mike he needs to strangle it with both hands?” she commented.)

Song #2: Lee DeWyze does “Everybody Hurts” Adequate, but nothing special. A bit strained there, Lee. And, while seemingly a good choice of song that ‘ole Simon picked out for you, it didn’t exactly propel forward with all thrusters on full.

(Side Note: Kara shouldn’t wear her hair yanked back across her head. Whoever the stylist was made her look as severe as a heart attack. *yikes*)

Song #2: Crystal Bowersox does “Black Velvet” Oh, Crystal. Bad dress … mucked up lyrics … irresolute effort. Crystal seemed oh, so desperate to be done with her performance … something I haven’t seen from her previously. It was downright awkward.

Song #3: Lee DeWyze does “Beautiful Day” Really? A U2 offering as the recorded song if Lee wins? What has gotten into the Idol Powers That Be? Have they finally gotten the hang of figuring things out and doing stuff that makes sense? For as long as I can remember, it has forever been an “original” composition the winning Idol sings at the last. But, instead, we get Lee working his way through “Beautiful Day” the best he can. It wasn’t fantastic by any stretch of the imagination … but it wasn’t bad, either. (See below)

Song #3: Crystal Bowersox does “Up To The Mountain” (Video below) What is it with the final two songs in the competition this season? They were anything but blowout, turn-up-it-up-to-eleven performances by either contestant. Mr. Cowell’s final critique of the evening to Crystal: “That was outstanding.” Sorry, Simon — I don’t believe it was. But I understand your need to voice it as such.

Seriously: What can you say about the most low-key American Idol finale in the history of the show? How ’bout: “It was an uncharacteristic and surprising snooze-fest?”

But, as much as this episode was a sleep-inducer, I’m really looking forward to the results of the final show of the season. Whereas I’ve been rooting for Crystal to come out on top all along, the last several weeks I’ve been aboard Lee’s train.

Honestly … I’ll be happy with either contestant winning. (But then … there’s my seriously annoying “chicks with tattoos don’t win American Idol” belief.)

Join me for one more night, folks … and let’s see what happens….

Photo Credit: Fox

11 Responses to “American Idol – The final *yawn* performances of the season”

May 26, 2010 at 12:27 PM

Now leave me alone. I was sleeping.

May 26, 2010 at 1:05 PM

Yup, kind of anti-climatic wasn’t it??? I don’t disappoint easily but I found myself disappointed. I was expecting a real DUEL of greatness. It wasn’t that. It was like a top 12 performance.

I’m with your wife, Uncle…… Lee makes me stop and watch. Crystal makes me just half listen because it’s always the same. Good but the same.

My thumbs are cracked because of 4 hours of voting…….. Lee all the way!….. last week was Lee’s week, last night was Crystal’s. I prefer Lee by a mile because of the Studio recordings. Man, he sounds good in the Studio…. “Kiss from a Rose” in the studio is amazing.

May 26, 2010 at 1:33 PM

Well. Um. Yeah. This has been the worst season of Idol for me, and I think Simon is bailing at exactly the right time.
Don’t get me wrong. Lee and Crystal are fine. I like Lee’s Daughtry-esque voice, and even though Crystal screams at me, I find her personality honest and refreshing. (I hope she doesn’t get that stomped out of her.)
But when I compare these two going head to head, with say the Clay and Ruben season…I can’t compare. I was desperate to know the results~! I don’t feel that way at all now.
But I love you guys!

May 26, 2010 at 2:02 PM

Yeah, it was a snoozefest, but the rest of the season has been, too, so it’s not all that surprising.

Lee is fine. He’s moderately appealing. Crystal really does have a stellar voice, but her performances have bored me, of late. Of the 10 finalists, I’m glad that it was these two in the finale, but honestly? Were those REALLY the best 10 that the judges could find? I haven’t been this bored since Fantasia and Diana DeGarmo “graced” the Idol stage.

As for Simon leaving? His exit will probably seal my decision to stop watching. I just ceased caring somewhere along the way. So, unless they come up with some massive overhaul during the offseason through which they can make the show new again, I’ll probably be done.

Kinda sad when you long for the days of Kellie Pickler, you know?

May 26, 2010 at 2:15 PM

Just noticed I typed MissBet…it’s missbeth :)

I’ve really only half-a$$ed watched this season. I will say that I remain on the Crystal train though cuz she’s the only one I was heavily rooting for since the start of this season. All the rest, Big Mike, Katie, and Siobahn are all long gone. I like that Crystal is consistant, I know what to expect from her, and one of those things is that she is versitle and willing to try new things to shake things up. I was sad she botched the start of Black Velvet, but it was pretty obvious she was out of her element in that dress, and those heels. Most of the song was OK though.

It’ll be interesting to read peoples texts tonight while I’m working the soccer match. I’m sure it’ll be a giant Simon Cowell love fest as AI says goodby to him.

May 26, 2010 at 4:46 PM

May have been boring but I enjoyed Crystal’s last song tremendously!!!! :)

May 26, 2010 at 6:59 PM

Thank you for not going berzerko ga-ga over “BLack Velvet” it was a scream fest. I kept asking, “Crystal! What did I ever do to you for you to yell at me?” Yelling like that is not remotely like the sultry sounds of Alana Myles. Just saying.

For consistency in quality, I want Crystal to win. However, chicks (young and old) are typically responsible for turning out the majority of votes. Lee is cute and likable now that he doesn’t pull a George Clooney and look down coyly when he sings. The eye contact may work in his favor.

We need another FEMALE winner.

May 26, 2010 at 10:19 PM

Yeah. What you said.


May 27, 2010 at 9:14 AM

You were right again my friend… Chick with tattoos DON’T win American Idol. No crow for you :-)

I’m pleased with the results. Go Lee!

May 27, 2010 at 12:48 PM

It was so boring, I couldn’t wait for it to end. I agree with Loretta–about the only thing worthy of watching was that last Crystal performance. Love that Idol isn’t doing the “original” anymore, either. ‘Member last year’s Kara DioGuardi song about rivers and oceans and climbing mountains? Blergh. But his rendition of Beautiful Day was kinda stinky! Off to see what you had to say about the Lee win.

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