CliqueClack TV

Stargate Universe – The march to the finale starts on a high note

This week we jump head first into the final arc of the season, as it's discovered there is a mole on board the Destiny. The revelation of who it is, and who they are working for, shine a light on the biggest threat to the mission yet.

This is really what I’ve been waiting for. After some ups and downs through this first season, “Subversion” arrived to kick off the season ending story in a very big way. I’d go so far as to say this was my favorite episode yet. The mole, the Lucian Alliance, and (most importantly) Kiva (Rhona Mitra), made for quite the mystery. And, quite the adventure. It had all the action and suspense I’ve been waiting for while setting things up for the big two part season ender.

So, let’s start with the mole, Telford (Lou Diamond Phillips). I liked just about everything about how this was revealed. The dreams that were leaked through his use of the stones were just enough to know that something was up, but not concrete enough to be sure it was 100% reliable. Even as Rush related the story I was already wondering if this hadn’t all happened while someone else was in Telford’s body. After all, if he can leak his memories to other people, why not retain some of theirs as well?

There was another nice moment of doubt when Rush came to after being taken. The remark about it having to look real actually sold me for a second that Rush was the mole, and this was all a setup from jump street. That left me wondering what he had discovered that made this insane plan so necessary. It all made for a very fun bit of intrigue.

Of course, as we all know now, Telford actually was the mole. But even that came with its own little mystery. Was he brainwashed? Maybe suffering from some form of Stockholm syndrome? Or did he really come to all of those conclusions of his own free will? I’m leaning toward brainwashing based on Kiva’s mention of the technology, and the fact that he is the only one that seems to be transferring memories. It is an interesting question.

The only bit of the whole thing that I didn’t really go for was the appearance of Daniel Jackson, P.I. (Michael Shanks) Come on now. Daniel is all kinds of brilliant, and has many and varied skills, but there are a ton of people better suited for that mission. At first I wanted to rationalize it as O’Neill (Richard Dean Anderson) needing someone he can completely trust, but the attack team kind of throws that one out the window. Hey, I’m all for a Shanks guest spot, but I think there are better uses of Daniel’s talents.

Meanwhile, back on the Destiny, most of the reactions were as expected. This was Young at his Youngiest. Head down, charging forward, not to be swayed from the mission at hand, damn the consequences. It is both what makes him good at his job, and what causes so many of his problems. Camille, was Camille. Her reaction to all of it fit with everything else we’ve seen about her. As did Greer’s. The only real surprise for me came from Scott. Second guessing Young? Sure, we’ve seen hints of that. But ignoring an order and leaking the whole thing to Camille? That’s unexpected.

And then there is the best part of the episode, Kiva. I’m very interested in our little blue alien pals and the dangers they represent, but I’d trade all of them for just one Kiva. A vicious enemy that knows exactly what she wants, and has just enough information to be exceedingly dangerous? Those are the stakes that make for a great story. And I suppose most importantly, her arrival, and the threat it represents, have me eagerly anticipating the next new episode. It’s been a while since that happened. Feels like old times.

Photo Credit: Syfy

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | TV Shows |

7 Responses to “Stargate Universe – The march to the finale starts on a high note”

May 22, 2010 at 8:57 AM

Seeing Jack and Daniel back with a little Carter mention…..felt like old times. The Goa’uld shuttle streaking through hyperspace; that old familiar feeling.

Mixing up the old, new, and familiar really worked for me and it was a great episode. Was Telford really turned or mind-wiped and washed? Is he still? Personally, I think he’s an honest to goodness turncoat, and it makes things the better for it.

Here’s hoping that the Lucian Alliance plot isn’t a plot for story and action-sake. I want them to add something to the Destiny lexicon. What is that ship doing out there anyways?

May 22, 2010 at 10:14 AM

I too thought Jackson P.I. was a stretch.

The show needs to explain the Lucian Alliance better. From what I remember they are supposed to be a galactic mafia. Now, they want the Destiny. WHY?

(And it would be quite easy to defend the gate of Destiny. And aren’t they still in hyperspace between the galaxies?)

May 22, 2010 at 12:59 PM

I have to admit that I never respected the Lucian Alliance very much back in the SG-1 days. To me they were just a bunch of gangster wannabe thugs who grabbed up a bunch of Goa’uld toys after the fall and liked to walk around pretending they were bad-arse when all they were were drug-dealers. Now however, they are pulling off real serious ops (like attacking the Icarus planet and now trying to dial to Destiny) and actually seeming somewhat evil and formidable. After this part of the story arc is resolved, I hope to see more of Kiva.

Do you suppose Young et al were especially enjoying the Telford interrogation considering that it was the body of Rush that was sitting there? Kind of getting a bit of their own back from two different annoying people at once.

The baby shower was a nice touch. Did you notice another little nod toward the passage of time? Everyone’s hair is getting longer.

May 22, 2010 at 7:02 PM

I agree that it was weird to have Daniel up on a building taking pictures. If Teal’c, Carter, or Mitchell had been there with Daniel, then it would have implied that SG-1 was there, and then it would have all made sense, because whenever something big happens on Earth, they bring in SG-1 to check it out. But Jackson by himself … like you said, I’m all for a Michael Shanks cameo but it felt like they just shoved him in there instead of integrating him more believably into the story.

May 22, 2010 at 8:27 PM

I never thought Rush was the mole. I just thought he was still trying (badly) to pretend he was Telford…..

I felt a little off balance with this episode since this is my first Stargate outing, but it was superb drama, and I can catch up with some research and re-watch. I really enjoyed that Eli got stuck at the kids table where he belongs. The baby shower was great too.

May 22, 2010 at 8:36 PM

…And I hope Scott doesn’t go completely Apollo-ie and start trying to pacify every side in every argument.

May 23, 2010 at 10:42 PM

This is one of the few episodes of the season, besides the first, that actually felt like an episode of a “stargate” show. It was all the better for it.

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