CliqueClack TV

V’s finale serves up some fun twists

'V' finished its first (and not last) season this week with twists, turns, and more than a few surprises.

- Season 1, Episode 12 - "Red Sky"

Whoo boy! Aren’t you glad that V is coming back next season? Even if we have to wait until midseason for it, I’m excited that we are least getting some more after this week’s season finale. Overall, I thought this was a great episode. There were twists and turns and more than a couple surprises along the way. I have to say one thing really got me excited though, and my guess would be anyone else who watched the original series would agree with me. Two words: Lizard baby!!!

Frankly, I’m a little surprised that the show offed Val. I guess that she didn’t really have that much of a role to play through the first season, but she was listed as a series regular, and she had nice chemistry with Ryan. Her death certainly served to move the story forward though. I’m curious to find out what the future holds for Ryan. Is he going to succumb to Anna’s mind melding and become another happy member of the brainwashed Visitors? What’s going to happen to the hybrid baby? There are lots of interesting questions here.

Of course, the lizard baby was really only a small part of the action. A lot of the episode focused on Erica’s mission to destroy the soldier eggs on the ship. I think it would have been fun if there were polite and completely honest dinner conversation at Anna’s table. It probably would have gone something like: “Excuse me for a moment, I have to go kill your friend’s pregnant wife.” “No problem, I will be excusing myself in a few minutes to freeze bomb your entire brood.” Poor manners on both sides, if you ask me. Also poor? Wearing heels while running away from an exploding grenade. You have to give Erica credit, though, she pulled it off.

I think the thing I was most excited about in this episode was Chad’s realization that Anna really is evil. I had certainly had enough of his lap dog behavior. I suppose that, from his perspective, it wasn’t hard for him to believe that the Fifth Column really was a terrorist organization, but I’m glad that he finally is in on the truth now. I think a second season with him gathering inside information will be far more interesting than watching him kiss Anna’s feet.

Finally there is the red sky. It was the name of the episode as well as the biggest cliffhanger. I have to say though, that it would have had a little more weight if we had any sort of clue as to what it all meant or what it was going to do. I guess we’ll have to wait on that. Probably the most important thing that can be said about it was that it was an emotional reaction of Anna’s part. It was definitely fun watching her lose it, and credit should go to Morena Baccarin for really selling it. That human emotion is dangerous stuff.

I’m left with one big question. I’m not sure if it was supposed to be left ambiguous or not, but I am unsure about what to make of Marcus resurrecting Joshua at the end of the episode. My immediate reaction was: Marcus is bringing him back to torture him and get information about the Fifth Column. After I let it sink in for a few minutes, though, I wondered if we were supposed to be believing that Marcus was with the Fifth Column, bringing Joshua back to ensure they had one of their best soldiers against Anna. I figure we’ll have to wait for an answer on this in the new season.

What did you think of the finale?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows | V |

17 Responses to “V’s finale serves up some fun twists”

May 19, 2010 at 9:39 PM

I loved the season finale of V and I am really looking forward to the next season…. wish we didn’t have to wait so long but oh well, at least it is returning! =0)

May 19, 2010 at 11:38 PM

“Aren’t you glad that V is coming back next season?”

Another great episode. This show has not disappointed me, and I definitely look forward to finding out whether Marcus is Fifth Column or not. I am so relieved that Joshua is not dead (even if it means he’s going to be tortured), because he’s my favorite character. I also like Lisa, and I wish she would dump Tyler and get with Joshua. They would make a perfect couple. I loved that little moment between the two of them (“You are very brave, Joshua.” “My queen”). Thankfully, there wasn’t much Tyler in this episode.

The lizard baby story line has been the least interesting to me, and I hated Val, so I’m glad Anna offed her and we can move on and see Ryan in a more interesting situation.

I also am glad that Chad has finally realized the truth. And it was satisfying to see Father Jack finally speak his mind about the Vs and to see Erica finally get to hit Anna where it hurts. All in all, a very satisfying finale.

May 20, 2010 at 6:49 AM

Mark Hildreth (always loved his voice work) certainly plays the dispassionate, callous, reptilian scientist very well. My favorite of his scenes was the small smirk he showed when Lisa asked about the Soldier eggs hatching and he knew that he had turned her. The wide variety of emotions he showed after he had been found out this week was impressive, as well.

Joshua’s face is known, but so was Ryan’s, so if Marcus is Fifth Column, he has a skilled, knowledgeable ally to smuggle off of the ship to join the humans on the ground. Either way, it’s nice to see that his story isn’t done yet.

I don’t find V to be a great show, but it has greatly improved from the first four episodes (I didn’t catch who wrote the finale). It’s much better with the grand picture than with the little, human moments. For instance, the only part of this episode I found objectionable was Jack striding out of the church after he had basically declared himself anti-V, closely followed by the head of the FBI Anti-Fifth Column Task Force and a Most Wanted Terrorist whose face had been plastered all over the news, all in front of a famous reporter, as well as the head priest and the various remaining parishioners. Hobbes not bothering to ask Joshua how big the egg room was to determine the quantity of explosives Erica would need wasn’t nearly as bad.

May 20, 2010 at 10:32 AM

Yes, I agree about that scene at the church. I really thought that Erica would walk out of the service in order to maintain her cover, much like she shot Joshua to maintain her cover.

May 20, 2010 at 10:38 AM

I also agree that V is not a “great” show – it’s an entertaining, enjoyable show. It’s fun, and I don’t feel like it takes itself too seriously (like SGU does at times).

May 20, 2010 at 12:28 PM

I agree with you and Ruby about Erica even being at the church during that sermon. Why? And, when the three of them left the church together, I thought that her being part of the FBI would be short lived. Seemed pretty risky for her to be seen there with them.

But, I disagree about the show. It has been one of my favorite shows of the season and I think it has been well done.

May 20, 2010 at 12:50 PM

Well, I certainly think it’s very well done, and it’s also one of my favorites. When I say it’s not “great” what I mean is that when I look back, I’m not going to remember it as one of the best of the decade. A show like 24 is going to be remembered for its cultural impact, but I don’t think V is at that level.

May 27, 2010 at 8:45 AM

I do think the show is well done, for the most part, but it possesses all the ingredients needed to become truly great, yet falls frustratingly short most of the time. I think a singular guiding vision is all that is needed to iron out the kinks and elevate the storytelling in the second season. Changing showrunners twice already certainly can’t have helped in that regard.

As much as I scoffed, I figured the shot of Jack, Erica, and Hobbes walking out to begin the war, with Chad looking on, was meant to end the episode and the series had the show not been renewed. It certainly would have been a powerful and meaningful tableau in that instance.

May 20, 2010 at 12:35 AM

I wonder how many humans would trade their humanity for alien bliss and servitude to dull their pain.

May 20, 2010 at 2:00 AM

The only problem with Marcus actually being 5th column and “fixing” Joshua would be that there is no way Joshua could be of use since he has been labeled 5th column.

Anna is aware that he is/was 5th column so its not like he can show his face around the ship.

May 20, 2010 at 9:15 AM

What’s to stop a V from slipping into a new skin? I guess we don’t know enough about how it’s done.

May 20, 2010 at 10:35 AM

Among the Vs, a major form of torture/punishment seems to be “skinning.” So I doubt that it’s easy to change skins – it must be very painful and, um, bad for one’s health.

May 21, 2010 at 4:00 AM

just wondering, has anyone thought that they have brung back joshua evil and against the fifth column because marcus wanted hobbes to flush out any fifth column members

May 21, 2010 at 6:54 PM

I was wondering it, either. Maybe Joushua is the bad one, in the next series. Or maybe Marcus is the worstest of all. I read somewhere from the creators of V, that Anna is not bad, but that they created as an animal, just preserving her specie, not intentionally having something against with the humans.

Anyway, I find this show, REALLY GREAT. 24 is a different show. If some wants something sci-fi, it’s difficult to find it in 24.

One question for everybdoy… does anybody know which is the song starting at the beginning of the red sky sequence? (about 2 minutes before the finishing of the episode) ???

May 21, 2010 at 7:34 PM

what i was wondering is, how a so called advance race had absolutly no security cameras in the important areas of the ship??? really???

Good season finally anyway.

May 27, 2010 at 8:53 AM

That’s easy enough to fanwank. For all their advanced technology, the V’s probably reached their plateau long ago (Ryan knows the ship layout well and can operate any of their systems or devices despite being inactive for, what was it, eighteen or so years?). When the ships were built, perhaps centuries ago, the Queen had complete and total obedience from all members of their species. It was only when some V’s began infiltrating Earth that they became exposed to human emotions and the Fifth Column was born. Prior to that, it was unthinkable that any V would act against their own race, so there would be no reason to monitor the interior of any of their ships for nonexistent wrongdoing.

May 30, 2010 at 8:22 PM

i am really into the show. its like life experience. it is what it is. (smie

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