CliqueClack TV

If I had the chance I’d ask the World to dance!

We're about down to the last tango on Dancing With the Stars. It's the fiiiiinaaaal foouuurrr!

- Season 10, Episode 16 - "Episode 1009"

Excuse me for doing my Oprah impression up there, but I’m right in the middle of Kitty Kelly’s tell all book about “The O.” A sad fact of this being that I often say things in her characteristic bellow, and can’t help myself.  Why just last night, the Husband asked if I wanted peas or lima beans with dinner.  Before you could say Tom Bergeron, I screamed  “Liiiimmmmaaa Beeeeaans!”  I’ll be alright.  Only a hundred more pages.

And while I took this much needed break from the Queen of all She Surveys, of course I was glued to the final countdown of Dancing With the Stars.

Here’s NFL dude Chad Ochocino.  He’s the only contestant left on the Dancing without any previous dance training ever ever in his whole life.  I know this, because not only does his partner Cheryl Burke drum it into our skulls each week, but she’s now trained Chad himself to mention it as often as possible.  In his background video package tonight, even Chad’s daughter made sure we got it that everyone else has danced in one way or another. Good girl! I smell a raise in someone’s allowance.

Having said that, he still stinks.  Too blunt?  Sorry. I had mashed potatoes for dinner, and I’m feeling a bit bloated. Not even Cheryl trying to distract us with ripping off his shirt could . . . um . . . distract me from his lackluster ability. They received a combined score of 52 out of 60 for their performances.  The only plus being that Bruno said he was so jealous of Chad’s six pack that he’ll never take his clothes off again.  So we’ve got that going for us.  Ocho bye bye!

Moon walking along, let’s talk about Erin and Maks. I think Erin performed a lot better this week. Did she practice more? Possibly. But I feel it has more to do with living in fear of her partner.  If you’ve seen the show before, you’ve been a victim of Maks and his evil stare and on the edge temper.  I think he could probably make Howard Stern blubber.  Before turning him into an incredible dancer!

Erin sounds like she’s under the influence of Svengali in her interviews. It’s all about making Maks happy. Examples: “It feels good when Maks is proud of me.” And, “Seeing how focused Maks is makes me want it more.” Oh yeah Erin, or else what? *cue scary music*

Their combined scores totaled 56. I must say, I felt they were a little jinxed last night, as Bruno made a paddle mistake, the screen went blank for several moments during her solo, and Bruno swore and got bleeped.  Maybe Bruno was just jinxed, come to think of it.  He was really more over the top than usual, and that’s saying something!  Step away from the Red Bull.

Now, tangoing on to Nicole and Derek:  Holy Obviousness Batman! Combined score of 59, even though Derek was nursing a neck injury. Nicole the Pussycat Doll (that’s her former band, not a nickname silly) has this thing tied up like traffic in L.A.  ‘Nuff said.  Except that there is an inside rumor that Cheryl has a voodoo Pussy Cat Doll likeness backstage that she keeps breaking the legs of off.  Just a rumor!

By the way, Nicole. You might not want to grab Derek’s neck and rock it like a hurricane when you get your great scores.  His. Neck. Hurts. These stars! I’ve got to walk them through everything!

Our song is winding down, so clutch me in a hold, while we discuss Evan and Anna. Not so tight! I can’t breathe! OK . . . that’s better.

Erm. Evan has had problems relating to Anna. Last week I hypothesized that being a male figure skater, he may have found her hairspray not to be to his liking. I was wrong. It turns out, he has not been thinking happy thoughts! Ah ha! Anna finds out what makes him happy, so he can think of those things during his performance and not have a blank and dead look on his face.  Evan tells her his “nephew” makes him happy. That’s sweet.  And boy oh boy, did it work! As he thought of his “nephew” during his dances, he was to quote judge Bruno, “Sparkly! Like Mickey and Judy!” Phew! He really loves that “nephew.”

Evan and Anna did well, and scored 59 points.  They’ll make it to the final two, up against the (duh) winners Nicole and Derek.

My favorite moment of the night, you ask? Well! I loved loved it when dumb-as-a-box-of-hair cohost Brooke Burke said to Evan backstage, “Evan, you talked about being shy in your package.” I know. That’s juvenile. Shame on me.

And, as Oprah would say, “Get ready for the FIIIINNNNNNAAAAALLLS!”

Photo Credit: ABC

21 Responses to “If I had the chance I’d ask the World to dance!”

May 18, 2010 at 11:32 AM

Great recap! I don’t watch this show, but now I feel like I know what is going on!

May 18, 2010 at 3:23 PM

Glad it was the next best thing to being there, fgirl! Thanks for reading!

May 18, 2010 at 12:00 PM

…and I thought I was the only one who noticed Brooke’s comment about the “package” LOL! That was the best part of the night!

I personally love Mak’s…I’ll take that “evil stare” anytime if wants to teach me how to dance!!!

Great job Tara!

May 18, 2010 at 3:25 PM

MXB, I agree Mak is hawt. Scary, but hawt!

May 18, 2010 at 1:57 PM

Hahaha, I admit I was only half watching the show last night, but I didn’t catch the “Package” comment. I was rather surprised that Len wasn’t as cranky about the solo bits (Nicole with the chair) as he normally is. He commented on it, but still gave her a 9 for that dance.

It’s obvious that Nicole is going to walk away with the Mirrorball trophy, but really…. can we say unfair advantage? That whole dances with the chair bit was only 99.99% PCD moves! Oh, and hubby will not watch next week’s final because she who shall not be named will be back, so… I’ll be checking in for your comments on the final. ;)

May 18, 2010 at 3:29 PM

Hey Lisana! Like your hubby, I believe The Gosselin chased a lot of folks away from the show this season. I’ll let you know all the haps though!
And I agree about Len. He’s really fickle about what “offends him” and what doesn’t. I was thinking he’d mop the dance floor with Nicole for that explicit chair love. But in his book, she can do no wrong.
Thanks for your thoughts!

May 18, 2010 at 3:43 PM

Exceptional recap Tara girl! We’ve watched it on & off since the start. Yay, the “Pussycat Doll” & her partner seem to be the shoe in (get it)-I tried….but you never know. Now that I know where they’re all at score wise- perhaps myself and the family will make it a point to watch the last spin on the floor…oh and maybe what’s inspiring Erin to perform better is her “disdain” for one Elizabeth Hasselbeck and her rather rude comments and fake made up apology…looking forward to your next review! Keep em coming-I truly enjoy your unique outlook :)

May 18, 2010 at 3:53 PM

Thanks Rose! Maybe you’re right about Erin. Frankly, I didn’t want to open that can of worms. It’s too “wormy.” Do join in next week, and feel free to onload here!

May 18, 2010 at 4:09 PM

I have NO idea what the hell you’re talking because I’ve never watched this show but I’ll bet you hit the nail right on the head! I wouldn’t expect anything less from Tara the Magnificent. *CHEER* *BOW* *APPLAUSE*

What would compell you to read a book about Oprah??? Did you actually spend real money on it??? Good gosh, I’m waiting for her to retire and disappear. *don’t hate me because I’m not an Oprah fan……. please?*

May 18, 2010 at 4:14 PM

Dear Gloria;
Noooo, I did not spend cash on the Oprah. She has enough cash. I wish I had a dollar for every dollar she has. Library. And I don’t like her either, so when I heard this book was all smack talkin’ on the Ope, I was there baby!
Should I legally change my name to Tara the Magnificent? Hmmmm. Maybe that would get me the radio job that has been alluding me . . .
Thanks for reading!
Tara the Magnificent

May 18, 2010 at 6:27 PM

WHEW!!! I was a little worried about the Oprah thing. I recall now it was a book dissing her….. ‘fraid I wouldn’t even be interested in reading that. I have renewed faith in you, Tara the Magnificent *it does kinda roll off the tongue* :oP~~~

May 18, 2010 at 4:20 PM

Here’s the deal: I dislike Cheryl Burke so much that it doesn’t matter how absolutely talented and/or charming her partner is, I want them GONE! Vamoose! Hasta! She bugs me. There’s just something about her demeanor that enrages me.

I feel better now. Thanks.

Go EVAN!! (he’s from Illinois. I gotta support the home team)

May 18, 2010 at 4:27 PM

Miss Riss; I am so glad you got that out of your system. It sounds like Cheryl is akin to a mental enema for you, and you just had to purge that out! I’m glad you’re better.
I’m with ya. Cheryl bothers me too. I just know she was the mean girl in HS. The Husband likes her though. I think it has something to do with her booty, but this is simply a hypothesis on my part.
Thanks for reading!

May 18, 2010 at 4:57 PM

Great review Tara!!!

I hate that the obvious winner is someone who has danced as part of a singing group is even in the competition.

I really love Erin and Evan….while Evan has “danced” so to speak on ice, as we’ve seen that doesn’t translate to the dance floor. Erin, all I can say is, she’s one brave lady to take this show on given what she’s been thru the last year or so.

Bein the ice skating fan that I am, I would LOVE to see another gold medal winning skater take the mirror ball trophy, but bein the realist that I am I’m guessin that unless Erin pulls of a MAJOR upset and makes it to the finale, our pussy cal doll will win it. Just sayin!!!!

May 18, 2010 at 5:04 PM

Beth; It also doesn’t hurt the Doll that Derek is the partner to have. His choreography is truly amazing. Wow, where’s my sarcasm? I must dash now, and find it ASAP!
Thanks for the comment!

May 18, 2010 at 9:51 PM

Hysterical review Tara. I’ve been watching off and on all season. Screw Howard Stern… Maks can make me blubber. Does.

May 18, 2010 at 10:25 PM

Lois, I am concerned. Why does Maks make you blubber? Are you a groupie? BTW, I’m glad you enjoyed the review!

May 19, 2010 at 1:58 AM

Anna has to have a concussion after that throwdown by Evan.


May 19, 2010 at 2:46 PM

Michael, I don’t think Evan was too happy about having to kiss Anna. But you’re right, I heard her head smack through my TV!

May 19, 2010 at 10:43 AM

Well, Tara, I’ve got to admit, this show makes my skin itch, so I ditched it early on in the season, but I could just read your write-ups and enjoy myself! Love it! So true about Brooke Burke! She’s almost as vapid as Kara DioGuardi! LOVE it!

May 19, 2010 at 2:49 PM

Brooke Burke makes me gnash my teeth, Marnie. I’m glad the season is almost over, as they would soon be nubs otherwise. Thanks for reading, I’m so glad you laughed!

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