CliqueClack TV

The Celebrity Apprentice – And then there were two

The "celebrities" get cut from five to two in the blink of an eye. In hindsight, how lucky was Donald Trump to have not fired Bret right before he got sick?

- Season 9, Episode 10 - "The Interviews"

I don’t know anything about the management of diabetes, but I find myself routinely surprised by the amount of “good times” Bret Michaels seems to enjoy on The Celebrity Apprentice. He’s the first to admit that he does a poor job of managing his own disease, but a little common sense might be called for (from all of the remaining “celebrities” as well) when considering an after-party following the most recent boardroom. Geez.

I thought the little roundtable discussion with the remaining five “celebrities” was an interesting twist, and how funny was it when “Selidi” said that “Maria comes from the least purest place,” and that she cuts people down for questionable reasons?… And you’ve been doing what all of this time? The fact that nobody calls “Selidi” on some of the garbage that comes out of her mouth is appalling.

We definitely got a different perspective on Sharon when she started to tear up over the hand that “Selidi” was dealt in life. In fact, I’ve mentioned before that this season seems to really put a lot of focus on the charities that these “celebrities” are playing for. I think that’s really commendable.

Maria’s an idiot, and was definitely the weak link in that group of five, but getting cut for her stupid complaint about Curtis? The fact that Trump makes up his mind before all of this has always been obvious, but then he flounders around for something to hang his decision on. When the rack he finds to rest his hat on is something like this, it’s embarrassing.

I’ve never quite understood the idea behind the final interviews, but at least when they were with business executives, the argument could be made that the execs provided insight that might arguably mean something. But with Mama Rivers and original Apprentice Bill Rancic conducting them (if it hadn’t been so sad, it would have been funny when Trump praised their abilities as talent evaluators), what’s the point?

In firing Curtis, Trump decided to ignore his own firsthand experience with the guy, instead opting to listen to Bill and Mama, who won so clearly know everything. And the words “passion” and “fire” get bandied about so liberally in that room, it’s insane! Maybe both qualities have significance in the real world, but in Trump’s universe it means that the individual isn’t abrasive enough to be talked about heavily in reviews the following day. Trump craves headlines, so if you don’t bring the ink, you’re no use to him … which is part of the reason why I don’t understand Sharon Osbourne’s getting fired instead of the other person who made the finals (that’s better than “Sendon,” or something like that). But then what do I know?

I love the task of creating a new flavor of Snapple, and rolling it out in a TV commercial, print ad, and a launch event. But the deadlines on this show make no sense. If Snapple wants to get anything from this relationship other than having to use The Celebrity Apprentice logo on their website for a while, why wouldn’t they look to have a product developed that they could actually market and sell?

A part of me wishes that the two finalists were allowed to choose their teams, but it will be interesting to see how Bret’s friend Curtis does with the other person who made the finals, and how the other person who made the finals’ friend Summer does with Bret. Plus Darryl is back for redemption, and Maria is back to make the other person who made the finals really uncomfortable. I wonder why Sharon didn’t get asked.

Maria’s take on Bret’s tastes (the rant about Rock of Love and groupies) was funny. Did Maria and the other person who made the finals not realize that their making fun of the prop house girl that Curtis spoke to was being filmed? Or that it was guaranteed to make the final edit? What did that nice woman do to deserve being mocked in front of millions of people? That was in poor taste by the editing team, but in really poor taste by the two women. I hope they beg for her forgiveness.

As was inevitable, something major went wrong to threaten one of the team’s chances at completing their task. I wonder why Bret didn’t just use something on wheels to replace a dolly track. Didn’t he first describe it as a camera on a skateboard?

Anyway, I think I’m looking forward to next week’s finale. I’m glad Bret both made it, and that he sounds like he’s in much better health these days. But how might Trump be able to fire a guy who comes in looking like he’s been through hell and back, and whose health scares have been plastered all over the news? How is that fair to the other person who made the finals, assuming being fair to her is called for?

And how can Trump be arrogant enough to air his show’s finale up against the series finale of Lost? To have been able to witness that conversation with Mark Burnett…. But maybe that’s how he’ll fire Bret if he needs to — if a “celeb” gets the axe and no one’s there to witness it, did it really happen?

“This is my boardroom; it’s not a locker room.” – Trump to Maria, right before he fired her

Photo Credit: NBC

3 Responses to “The Celebrity Apprentice – And then there were two”

May 17, 2010 at 1:27 PM

Maria made such a fool of herself, I feel terrible for her.

So happy for Brett, I hope he can pull it out somehow. I laughed out loud when he said, “I’m lying I wanted it.” and put his head down.

May 17, 2010 at 11:24 PM

My name is Amanda and I am the “Prop House Girl” , I wanted to google search to see if anyone was as upset as I was, and how it came across on television. Thank you so much for showing your concern for my feelings and I really appreciate it. The facts are that I spent Hours upon Hours helping their team design the set with all the props they needed and taking my time out for the Charity they were working on. I am also an art teacher and taught many children with Autism and this cause is very close to my heart.

After all the effort I put in to help Curtis and his team on not just this challenge but many other previous challenges that were edited out they mocked me. Just to give you the real details…This is how it actually went down.

Let me preface my statement by saying I feel oh so very flattered to be gossiped about by washed up “Celebrities” ….

There was a large portion of time devoted to these women sitting around gossiping about a younger girl with her whole life and career ahead of her!

Thanks for the Confidence boost NBC! Loves it! ;)

I Just would like to explain how reality tv is so UNreal and there are many holes to the actual story.. so if you are interested..let me fill you in on what REALLY happened!

Number one, The night Curtis called my cell phone was when I was at the W Hotel Designing a KRS One Event and I took two minutes to answer the phone and help them make preparations for tomorrow. They cut out the part of the conversation when I said “I’m actually really busy decorating an event right now but I can take a few minutes to talk to you” .

Number two When Holly says ” She said Heeeyy you” you can clearly see I said ” Hello, How are you” Also when I was referring to “Oh so you won and didn’t tell me”…I never said “Silly” ..haha Holly is a real class act …but thanks again Holly for taking the time out of your task to Gossip about little old me!

I asked if he won the task because I propped an entire Deodorant commercial set for Curtis and I didn’t get any feedback on the results. He won…I designed the entire set… I didnt get so much as a thank you.

Number three.. When they actually go to the prop house…in the second segment.. notice in the clip how I am Bored and Tired out of my mind because of the event the night before… I only had 2 hours of sleep. Also, Curtis comes over to hug me and I say ” oh Good to see that you made it this far… sarcastically” because I knew he got fired….

I just needed to set the record straight and thank you again for showing your concern. The editors manipulated words to make it seem as if I were the joke, but if you look closely everyone sees the truth. In the end I was a girl, doing my job, as well as helping a charity, I guess no good deed goes unpunished.

Thank you again,

May 18, 2010 at 9:45 AM

Thanks, Amanda, for stopping by to set the record straight. The truth is, regardless of anything else, it’s appalling that it happened, because they could have easily just made fun of Curtis, and instead chose to make fun of you. For what purpose?

What was very clear from the segment was that Curtis had gotten help from you on the previous task, and then never been in touch again. I liked him this entire season, but that one stretch of ten minutes or so showed a really bad side of him.

Unfortunately, these shows are edited to tell the story that the producers want told, but I appreciate that you stopped by to clear it up. Thanks again!

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