CliqueClack TV

Saturday Night Live – Alec Baldwin / Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers

A Starfish script girl, Samberg having a Wonderful Day on coke, and sending food back through time. Alec Baldwin hosted the 35th season finale of 'SNL', but we'll still remember last week's episode more.

- Season 35, Episode 22 - "Alec Baldwin / Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers"

Cold Open: A message from BP — A decent cold open. Best line from this sketch: “Now, you might ask ‘how could that possibly work?’ …. ”

Monologue: Alec Baldwin — Really great monologue, and I especially liked the semi-cameo by Steve Martin. I thought for sure he was going to appear in person, though, even after he appeared on the TV. What are the chances Steve will host again before Alec?

SNL Digital Short: A Wonderful Day — I dunno, this was just OK for me. It got a little funny with Samberg hopping around from tress to benches and back into trees again, but that’s starting to be a familiar schtick for him.

Arizona Evenings — I’m pretty sure Starfish the script supervisor is a new one, and I’m betting we’ll see her again in the future. I wonder how close to home this hit with other actors and their experiences dealing with fill-in crew.

Hudson Valley Swim Team — Baldwin plays a great, pissed-off coach, doesn’t he? I loved that the character was annoyed that he had to give his losing team trophies, like it was the Special Olympics.

Bedelia’s Birthday — We saw this character back when Tina Fey last guested on SNL. Like last time, I don’t get why Bedelia’s a problem. I’m betting there are a lot of parents out there who’d love to have their own kids even half as drawn to them as this girl is.

Sally Field and Preniva — You do have to wonder how many celebrities who appear on these commercials for new drugs aren’t all that well-schooled in what in the hell they are asking viewers to buy in the first place.

Grady Wilson’s Intimate & International — Anyone else getting sick of this recurring sketch? It was damn funny the first time, and now they’re milking it, and it’s just not funny anymore. It was time to stop last time.

Musical Guest: Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers — I’m an old fart, so I was hoping to hear some really familiar classics tonight. I know, what was I thinking? Sounded good, but wasn’t phenomenal.

Weekend Update — The thing that’s so fun about the Garth and Kat segment of this is that it’s clear Wiig really goes into it without knowing anything Anrmisen is going to say, having to do her best to repeat what he’s saying.

Gram Lampton’s Timecrowave — As I was watching this sketch, I was thinking it was actually pretty damn funny … and then I realized that there weren’t any really funny sketches before it. That’s a pretty sad realization at 12:30 AM for a SNL finale featuring Alec Baldwin. I guess they put all of their energies into last week’s episode.

TCM: Whistle If You Can — Damn this was a lot of build up for a very short payoff. And so was the skit. Heyo!

Scout Sniper School — Something just felt missing in this sketch to make it a truly funny one. Maybe if Baldwin lost his wig or talked uncomfortably close to one of the guys, making them nearly lose their shit would’ve made it memorable.

Photo Credit: NBC

3 Responses to “Saturday Night Live – Alec Baldwin / Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers”

May 16, 2010 at 12:51 PM

Gram Lampton’s Timecrowave was hands down the best sketch of the night, especially if it was totally live and they had to do all the wig and actor changes. When Keenan stepped in for Alex and Bobby was Kristin and they had to lip-sync the lines, I lost it. And then Dr. Zaius shows up! Too damn funny! But, like I said after last week’s show, they should have just called the season quits then since there was no way they were going to top the Betty White show.

May 17, 2010 at 1:47 PM

Yea that was a weak season finale. The writers cannot do 2 good shows in a row and it looked like the end of school where everyone is just barely there and have vacation on their minds. I hope never again to see Starfish script girl – skit was too long and not funny and they have done similar skits before. It even looked like Alec wasnt exactly enjoying it either.

And will someone tell Lorne that the “commentary” segments during WU are too long and boring as well. The only thing that was funny was the big joke at the end of Snooki’s appearance. I usually fast forward through these but Hulu crashes when I do that so I got up and did laundry. I really feel the writers dont have enough material for WU so they throw these segments in. I dont understand how The Daily Show/Colbert can do 4 shows a week with little time to write and rehearse for topical news and SNL barely scrapes through 60 min show a week. Yea I did say 60 taking time out for commercials and musical guests.

June 14, 2010 at 9:26 AM

Starfish girl had me laughing until I cried….”starfish your teeth are in the shot”….”my teeth are in my mouth”….hope she returns! Loved it…and loved Garth and Kat too…when they can hardly hold it together, it makes it even funnier…

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