CliqueClack TV

Rules of Engagement – The one that didn’t include surprise guest star Warren Buffett

Audrey and Jeff go to Nebraska for Audrey's high school reunion, but her plan to laud her own success had one major flaw ... and he was standing right next to her.

- Season 4, Episode 11 - "The Reunion"

I’m a bit confounded by shows that take place in New York City. The characters are meant to be nothing more than real live New Yorkers, whether they be wealthy, struggling, or anywhere in between. Presumably, a modicum of research is conducted as to what it means to live in the City (and yes, there is only one concerned when the “C” is capitalized). So then explain something to me — why does everybody talk about taking cabs?

I’m sorry, but it makes no sense. City people do not take cabs … they just don’t. Sure there’s the occasional call for one, and there are people who are exceptions to the rule. But on TV, everyone’s the exception, and every occasion is a special one that calls for travel above-ground. Ridiculous!

So too on Rules of Engagement last night, when Adam said that his rollerblades saved money on cab fare. Say MetroCards and you’re okay, but cab fare? I don’t understand what you’re talking about.

Jeff Bingham, as brought to life by Patrick Warburton, is fantastic. From beginning to end on every episode, he is consistently one of the funniest characters on television. The flight to Omaha, Nebraska for Audrey’s high school reunion, with a connection in Calgary, was priceless. And the 4 minute layover? Hilarious!

And how funny was he at the reunion itself? Jeff tries his best, he really does, but his attempts to make conversation with people — while keeping within the guidelines of Audrey’s changing wishes — was just too much fun too watch. We already know that he’s probably the worst choice of companions when trying to make a good impression, but for him to then have to attempt to follow rules about what to talk about and how to say things? That’s too much for Jeff to handle.

I think Audrey was a bit sad to see at the reunion. What I think was dictating her behavior was an attempt to cover up her own heartbreak at her and Jeff’s inability to conceive. I think she wanted to believe that she was as successful in life as everyone else there, and so she clung onto the big city, bright lights mantra in order to puff herself up. But no matter what her former classmates were doing for a living, if they’d successfully managed to start a family Audrey was already going to feel second best. She shouldn’t, but that’s not really something you can tell another person not to feel.

Russell was sad too, although he never allows us to really see inside of him as a person. And even as it looks as if we’re about to get close to a behind-the-scenes peek, he disappears again behind some bad jokes and pratfall setups. I expected him to crash Timmy’s party, but it’s depressing (and his own fault) that Adam and Jennifer were there and he wasn’t welcome. If you can call them that, Adam and Jennifer are Russell’s only friends (save for Jeff and possibly Audrey), and the fact that they’re more welcome in Timmy’s home than Russell is….

Anyone else notice that the air conditioner was clearly not plugged in when it fell out the window? That was a lazy oversight.

And Jeff … Central Park South? Eh.

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Photo Credit: CBS

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