CliqueClack TV

The Office – 10 bucks says Dwight just put his shirt on and went back to work

Michael gets convinced that his new girlfriend Donna is cheating on him, and he sends Dwight to tail her. Meanwhile, a customer complaint about a smoking printer leaves Andy at Darryl's mercy.

- Season 6, Episode 24 - "The Cover-Up"

Best episode of the season. Hands down.

That’s what I call last night’s episode of The Office. And I don’t think I’m being American Idol-judge premature in saying that … my guess is that the best the show can do with the last two episodes of the season is be on par. But wouldn’t that be something?

The cold open was fantastic, and an excellent inclusion of Pam in its utilization of the cluster that Jim, Dwight, and Pam work in — that’s where all the greats have happened in the past. It’s a little sad that Jim and Pam hired a nanny in order for them to be able to take a class in Morse code so that they could talk about Dwight without talking, but then the detonator thing happened and it all came together. Just great.

The only bad thing about the entire episode was Michael. And I say that just because I think he’s become a shell of what he once was. He’s the same guy, but every flaw that was once nuanced is now overexposed, so comedy that was once subtle now screams in your face. And Michael’s brand of humor doesn’t do well as overly-abrasive.

I love anything involving Dwight outside the office. Not that I don’t love him in the office too, but tailing Donna (Amy Pietz) was like his stakeout outside Oscar’s house, or with Toby at Darryl’s. Dwight’s just great.

And I mentioned last week how I’m enjoying Darryl’s role expansion of late — having him get in on the office fun by pranking Andy was amazing! And it was also very Darryl that it would be in revenge for some long-ago injustice. Whoever finally realized that Darryl was underutilized is earning their paycheck this year.

The entire plot was smart, and great for dropping in and out of all episode long. Creed getting in on the fun after “Darnell” offered him money, the video of Andy and the printer, Darryl’s instructions to Andy to talk higher and higher … I really, really enjoyed it all. Great job!

And that’s really all there is to it. I don’t know what was different, or for that matter the same (as years past), but this episode was The Office again, at least for me. The stories were solid, the characters were true to themselves, and the comedy was funny. And the little things that make the show hum were clicking as well. Michael’s comfort food of mayonnaise and black olives — because they were out of ice cream — was both disgusting and so very right. And the fact that he kept eating it…. Dwight’s throwaway line about the old woman in the gym — “tomorrow’s fertilizer” — was offensive in a way that only Dwight can be. And it was fantastic.

In the end, Kelly’s stupidity got one right … but who’d have imagined someone would be cheating with Michael? I think he’s going to be so flattered that he might not be that quick to break up with Donna.

But whatever he does, if it’s as good as this episode, I’m sold.

“She [Donna] won’t say I love you.” – Michael
“How many dates have you been on?” –Andy
“Nine dates. I said it on the second date.” – Michael
“That seems quick. Even for lesbians.” – Oscar

“I live in a fantasy world.” – Michael

“All cases are solved with logic. The only logical way to find out if Donna is a cheater is to seduce her, bring her to orgasm, then call Michael and tell him the sad news.” – Dwight

“Lowest of the low. Just a notch above Toby.” – Michael, on the guy Donna’s kissing in the picture

51iVeE9Lt2L. SL160 The Office makes an extreme effort to right its ship51oc6QJyVEL. SL160 The Office makes an extreme effort to right its ship

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | The Office | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “The Office – 10 bucks says Dwight just put his shirt on and went back to work”

May 7, 2010 at 12:39 PM

Hooray Aryeh! It was by far the best for me too. Everyone was funny last night. Ryan’s odd list cracked me up. How does he know such things? Darryl’s speach about wanting to be good from now on was great too.

May 7, 2010 at 12:54 PM

I thought of you as I was watching last night – “bsg’s going to be so proud of me!” :)

I think Ryan was rattling off the many things he did while cheating on Kelly. Amusing, but it’s hard for me to enjoy anything Ryan, so it got lost on me.

May 7, 2010 at 1:05 PM

Ryan’s only funny because he’s such a shocking dirtbag like Creed and Meredith.

May 7, 2010 at 2:06 PM

Meredith reading “Men’s Health” was the odd, funny moment for me. For the shirtless photos of muscle men? For grooming tips? Such a perfectly off-the-wall choice.

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