CliqueClack TV

American Idol – The misstep after a fantastic show

'American Idol' physics: For every good episode action, there is an equal and opposite bad reaction ...

- Season 9, Episode 37 - "Top 5 Elimination"

What in the world was that?

Did the American Idol Powers That Be surmise they needed to follow up the best show of the season with its exact opposite in craptastickness?  Talk about awkward.  There was awkward written all over this show — from good ‘ole Seacrest’s opening Idol shout out right down to the very end of the program.

From the get go, the opening number by the ‘Idols’ was goofy.  It’s our little weekly visit to Lip Sync City once more.  Why, why, why?  This perplexes me to no end.

Which led into the dippy, dopey Ford commercial.  I was still stewing over the group song when, at the end of it, I confessed to my wife I didn’t understand the entire segment in the least.  “What the hell was that?” I asked her.  “You need to watch it and listen.”  I then “got it”; It was as plain as day: Lee was crooning to the Ford Fiesta behind Crystal … not at Crystal herself.  See what I mean?  I get wrapped up and all hot and bothered at the group song and it causes me to lose my concentration. Sigh.

Then, after the “safeness” of Lee DeWyze was announced, it was time for Lady Gaga.  Wow.  I don’t have words.  Between the set and her get up (was she channeling Bauhaus or something?) to the Tweedledum and Tweedledee outfits of the dancers, her segment was … well … I don’t know what it was.  I do know the director did his best at keeping the cameramen hopping and in avoidance of gratuitous Gaga Glutes shots.  Hey, Alejandro?  Let Gaga go, already … ‘kay?  (Video below for your dining and dancing pleasure.)

The best part of the program were the outtakes of Harry Connick, Jr. and his monkey business with the ‘Idols’.  From the highwire circus music Harry offered at Casey’s stumbling entrance … to his “We’ll work on colors and shapes next!” reply to Aaron’s “What note?” … to his faux pax of Crystal’s insulin pump, this segment was nothing but a smile inducer.  If not for this side segment, this episode of Idol would have been bottom of the basement bad.  Unfortunately, there is no video of this … but, fear not!  There is video of Harry’s (not to my liking in the least) “I Love Her” stint on the show (video below).  It goes without saying Harry’s got a silky smooth voice perfect for what he does, but this rendition was kinda choppy to me … again, awkward … and it made my face screw up in puzzlement.  And it was just as puzzling as the misstep with the ‘Idols’ taking the stage directly afterward to sing with Harry accompanying on piano.  And (you guessed it) lip syncing once more. Groan.

Oh … there is more.  Seacrest later paired up Crystal and Casey in one group on the Idol stage, Big Mike and Aaron in another.  Then he uncomfortably asked Lee, who was all by his lonesome safe and sound, if he had to choose, what group was the “safe” group?  It was sad to see him shake his head in response to Seacrest’s query, then drop in defeat of knowing he had to come up with an answer.  Awk. Ward.

Ultimately, with Big Mike and Aaron at the mercy of Ryan’s announcement, it was Aaron who was ousted.

The Kid did good, though, ending on a high note, singing “Fly Me to the Moon” with Mr. Connick’s keyboard accompaniment … waverly vocals, notwithstanding.  We’ll forgive you for those this one last time, Aaron. Hasta, kiddo.

I give you credit:  You made it farther than others who should have been up there in your place.

Photo Credit: FOX

11 Responses to “American Idol – The misstep after a fantastic show”

May 6, 2010 at 1:33 PM

I had to turn off Gag-me. My son implored me to do so. “She’s such trash. Where is the appeal, mom?”
What in the world does Gaga have to do with Sinatra? The fact that she wears boots that his daughter Nancy sang about being made for walking?
Spew! Gack!

Hooray for Harry for telling them PITCHY is not an appropriate criticism. OFF KEY! Sharp! Flat! Anything but “pitchy.” Yo, Dawg, you dig?

May 6, 2010 at 9:25 PM

Gaga for me was a need to see, Riss. It’s like one of those train wreck kinda things … you never know what’s going to happen.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t anything more.

May 6, 2010 at 1:38 PM

I want you to know that this comment is being lip synched.

Seriously, these people need to sing live! This is a *singing* show! What IS the problem here?

And I loves me the Harry. I am all for the rumor that he’s replacing Simon. Please let it be true!

May 6, 2010 at 1:55 PM

That would be pretty awesome if Harry was Simon’s replacement. He’s got more music in his pinkie than the whole panel of judges has got combined. Plus, he’s way funnier than Ellen, and it seems like he won’t shy away from telling the contestants what he thinks. (Although his advice to “remember to sing the words” was a bit … obvious. I think he was joking, but he did it so deadpan that everyone took it seriously.)

May 6, 2010 at 9:30 PM

Hokay … let’s size this up:

1) He’s awesome
2) He’s way funnier than Ellen
3) He won’t shy away from telling the contestants what he thinks
4) His eyes aren’t piercingly creepy
5) He actually engages the contestants on top of chiding with them

Yup. I’m sold.

May 6, 2010 at 9:27 PM

I want you to know that this comment is being lip synched.

I had a feeling. I could tell you fingers weren’t quite in line with the way your were typing.

May 6, 2010 at 1:42 PM

Lady GaGa…quite the outfit or should I say…lack of on the backside. Sorry Lady..but Cher already beat you to the string on the backside and sat on a canon to boot.

Best part of the show was Harry Connick…! And I too loved him pointing out..pitchy not being correct….!

Bye bye Aaron.

May 6, 2010 at 9:31 PM

You saw her backside, Mikki?

And here I thought the cameramen were doing a crash-boom-bang goodly job of avoiding the back of her front.


May 6, 2010 at 3:15 PM

I made it until Lady Gross-Gross laid on the floor and then I fast forwarded. There’s just so much I can take anymore.

Happy Little Aaron made it as far as he did. Who’da ever thunk it? Good luck, Aaron!

Movie tunes next week….. I’m skeptical. :o/

May 6, 2010 at 9:33 PM

Movie tunes next week….. I’m skeptical.

Not me, Gloria. I’m in a different vein:

*in his best Mr. T voice*

“I predict … pain ………….”

May 7, 2010 at 2:51 AM

I loved this weeks Performance show as well (sorry didn’t get to that blog, school is kicking my BUTT)
I was bored and did a lot of ff with the result show. I didn’t care for Lady Gaga at all nor did I care for Harry’s performance. The kids were OK minus the dang lip syncing….I hate it!
I love the outtakes of Harry Connick though …. he seems like a ton of fun and very down to earth! He has been the best mentor on the show since he could offer the composition as well, IMO.
I was ecstatic to see Aaron go home! Finally!!!!

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