CliqueClack TV

What’s this show called … The Vampire Diaries?

Each week I review a show that's new to me. Good idea, or punishment (mine or yours)? You be the judge. But either way, if I had to watch it, the least you can do is read it....

Let’s face it: there are simply too many shows out there today for us to all be watching only the good stuff. Hell, some of the best series are little-known treasures tucked away on those nasty premium cable channels, or worse yet on the regular cable stations we still don’t know exist. And I’ll admit it … I’ve been known to even judge a book by its cover, or in this case a show by its promos, and pass on it out-of-hand.

Well, in their infinite wisdom, the powers-that-be at CliqueClack saw fit to help us remedy that oversight. That, or I’m being punished for something. Either way, you and I are about to begin exploring series that I’ve never laid eyes on. Only here’s the rub — chances are I’ll have no idea what’s flying.

Each week I’ll delve into a show that’s new to me … or at least the most recent episode of that show. You can expect a lot of “Huh?” and “What?” moments, but I promise to try and generally be on my best behavior. First up? The Vampire Diaries.

Episode Summary – I can’t see Lost’s Boone (Ian Somerhalder) without being reminded of how the character slept with his step-sister Shannon. Gross. And as Damon Salvatore he’s another creep. It took me a while to figure out the time jumps during the episode, but even as I came to understand that they were a look at Damon’s and Stefan’s vampire origins, I was still lost as far as the various story lines went. There were a whole lot of giggles sprinkled liberally amidst “What is this?” and “What just happened?” exclamations.

My confusion wasn’t helped by the fact that Nina Dobrev played both Katherine and Elena. Not that I knew that from watching, but seeing that information on IMDb left me thinking that Elena was Katherine for quite a while. I’m still not clear on what Katherine’s role was in transforming the brothers, or why they both had her blood in their systems when they got shot.

Jeremy and Anna seem like your typical old-school 90210 romance, even considering that she’s a vampire. I have no idea what her mother’s plot was … something about Gilbert senior and a device. That never became clear to me. I also didn’t understand Damon and Alaric’s quest, which seemed to revolve around the device as well. Is that the ring that grounds people on FlashForward? Are we talking crossover?

What I did find interesting was the conversation about the Tomb, and the Founding Families. It sounded to me like there was some historical battle between vampires, or vampires and other mythical creatures, which is a plot that can usually thrill and entertain for a long time. That sort of stuff usually involves mysteries, secrets, people sworn to protect things with their lives, and a whole lot of dramatic intrigue. If I’m correct about that, viewers of the show have some really interesting stories to look forward to.

Conclusion – My first instinct is to say that the show is just plain bad. But, to be fair, I have little interest in the entire vampire genre, which means that the mythology and evolution of these shows and characters wash over me like so much noise. So to say that my own disinterest makes it “bad” would be an unfair conclusion to arrive at. Will I ever tune in again? Not a chance. Did The Vampire Diaries spark my interest in either vampires or The CW? Don’t think so. But can I see why people are into the show? No, but that’s why I don’t watch it in the first place, so what are you going to do.

What I will say is this: the strength about this show — as far as I could discern — is in the mystery surrounding the vampires, including the Tomb, the Founding Families, and the device. The weakest parts were when this became a tween soap opera. Stefan and Elena kissing at the end? Damon and Stefan battling over their shared misery is one thing. But fighting over the love of a woman is a bit too much like pandering to a desired audience.

All things considered, this was a fun undertaking. I enjoyed being so out-of-my-element, and so thoroughly confused about what was going on. And experiencing something new is always refreshing. What did you think? Are there any shows you’d like to see me suffer through try?

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Photo Credit: The CW

8 Responses to “What’s this show called … The Vampire Diaries?”

May 3, 2010 at 12:50 PM

I’d love to recommend some other shows, but I’m not 100% sure what your watch now. I went back through several pages of your previous posts, but realized you may not be posting on certain shows for various reasons. Could you compile a list of what you watch? Then if I see something you’re not watching that I think is worthwhile, I’ll recommend it. If that’s too much trouble, I do understand.

May 3, 2010 at 2:22 PM

Thanks! I’m not sure if this is 100% comprehensive (for instance, it only includes shows airing a season right now), but this should cover most of what I’m watching right now:

The Simpsons, Family Guy, The Celebrity Apprentice, Cold Case, Army Wives, Chuck, How I Met Your Mother, Rules of Engagement, Castle, NCIS, American Idol, Lost, The Good Wife, Criminal Minds, The Middle, Modern Family, In Plain Sight, FlashForward, The Office, 30 Rock, Grey’s Anatomy.

May 3, 2010 at 2:51 PM

How about some “off the beaten path” shows that you may not have checked out: Iron Chef America, Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain, Good Eats.

May 3, 2010 at 3:29 PM

Oh, good ones, Bob! Aryeh and I talked about this one a little behind-the-scenes, and it is a really hard one to jump in the middle of, this time of year anyway. Supernatural too. With just 2 to go until the finale, there’s so much story arc stuff going on that it’s hard to get a feel for what the show’s about.

May 4, 2010 at 8:28 AM

Thanks! There are definitely a bunch in there I’ll consider. At least for this week, however, I’ve promised Debbie my thoughts on Supernatural … I’m not sure what I’ve done…. ;)

May 4, 2010 at 1:44 AM

Cool idea for a post. I recommend Community as your next show. This week’s episode looks like something awesome. I bet you’ll have no problems jumping right in. More than that, I bet you’ll actually like it.

May 4, 2010 at 8:35 AM

Thanks! Unfortunately, in our mid-season report card I wrote the following about Community:

“I’ve been watching this on Hulu and have yet to laugh. I just don’t get it: F”

I’d hate to do something I know I don’t like, but thanks for the suggestion! :)

May 4, 2010 at 12:38 PM

Cool post!!! it was really fun to see how a person sees a show from the out side!!!

I agree with debbie, supernatural is the best show ever, but since it’s in it final episodes of the season, would probably rub you the wrong way, wich would be a pity since is an excellent show.

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