CliqueClack TV

The Celebrity Apprentice – The one where we meet another Trump

The "celebrities" become free labor for Clockwork Home Services when they create commercials for a dying medium ... the radio! And Cyndi gives us a lesson about Ben Franklin.

- Season 9, Episode 8 - "Clockwork Home Services"

The more you repeat something, the more ingrained in people’s minds it becomes. Which is why three-hundred-and-forty-seven-thousand stuck with me after last night’s episode of The Celebrity Apprentice … they repeated the total amount of money raised last week over and over again. And that only served to remind me how ridiculous it was for Donald Trump not to round it up to $350K. I don’t get it!

I also don’t get “Selita,” who seemed so loving with her family, yet was an absolutely horrible, disgusting person with her teammates throughout the task. Two-faceness is not a mask that anyone wears well.

The task to create three radio commercials for the three separate businesses that Clockwork Home Services own and operate pitted Bret against Summer. It was interesting to note that Goldberg was fired for managing a task out-of-synch with his skill set, while Summer heard no such comments about managing this task with Cyndi on her team.

My wife and I were recently wondering why Eric Trump had yet to make an appearance on the show. Aside from Tiffany, he is the only one of Trump’s five kids to have never shown his face. Well, we got the answer to that question last night — while Don Don and Donald graduated from Wharton undergrad (Ivanka did as well, but she spent two years elsewhere first), Eric got his bachelor’s degree from Georgetown. For shame! I missed Don Don, but it was crazy how much Eric sounded just like him. By the way, every time I saw him I shouted out “Eric!” And every time I did, I thought of the line from the Seinfeld episode, “The Fire”: “Eric! What kind of name is that for a clown, huh?”

I loved Cyndi plugging John Adams. The funniest part about it was that the wife and I saw the mini-series and couldn’t understand why the entire thing was shot at an angle … I guess slightly off-kilter is Cyndi’s bag. I also loved seeing Summer tell Cyndi how things were going to be going forward. But someone needs to explain that it’s not that she’s not helpful (she’s not, but that’s not her team’s problem with her), it’s that she eats into their productive time with her meandering stories. As insulting as that might sound, I think the team would get along better if someone took the time to explain the real problem to her.

Did you see the fire in “Selita’s” eyes when, of the two of her team’s commercials played in the boardroom, hers wasn’t one of them? I was disgusted by the fact that Summer sent her back to safety immediately — people have been fired in the past for making that kind of move.

The fact that Trump gave Cyndi a save himself made some sense, but I think he was protecting her, which makes this show frustrating. Momma Rivers only won last year because she got protected week after week. I know this is staged to a certain extent, but there are surprises from time to time.

I wouldn’t have thought Summer getting fired over Curtis would have been a surprise, but the manner in which the boardroom played out with Curtis getting stuck with the loser label, the fact that Summer — by far the weakest player week in and week out — got cut was an instance where what was right won over what was better for ratings (in Trump’s eyes). Believe me, it would not have been a “shame” to fire Summer. Not that it made sense to cut her because she didn’t make a strong argument to stay (and Curtis got called out for not responding to Sharon’s xenophobia quoted below?), but it would not have been a shame.

More things that made me laugh:

  • Cyndi complaining that she should sing the lead in the commercial, when you could hardly even hear her in the end! And everyone fawning over her barely audible performance.
  • Maria referring to herself as “a performer” as she stood outside the recording studio during the presentation
  • Cyndi talking about Benjamin Franklin in the boardroom
  • Sharon explaining what her problem is with Curtis:

“Um, he’s very smug. He’s, um–” – Sharon
“He’s Australian.” – Cyndi
“Yeah I know, I know. ‘Put another shrimp on the Barbie’.” – Sharon

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7 Responses to “The Celebrity Apprentice – The one where we meet another Trump”

May 3, 2010 at 1:13 PM

I don’t know what happened. For some reason the boardroom was totally cut here where I live. It went from the conversation in the lobby to Summer getting in the car. How lame!

May 3, 2010 at 1:31 PM

You didn’t miss much (at least not when it was Summer and Curtis)– it was numbingly boring.

I get why Cyndi wasn’t fired– she was the only positive thing that the execs liked about Tenacity’s commercials. What I don’t get was why neither she nor Curtis said that Summer and Holly didn’t want her to sing (especially when Holly said that she was “proud” of Cyndi when two Trumps repeatedly said that Cyndi was the strongest player on the team). I also loved how Holly told Cyndi that her voice was rusty for singing and to leave it to the professionals who do it every day– especially funny considering that she had no issue when it came to her singing for her own Funky task. (Maybe she was bitter that no one asked her to sing?)

And, Aryeh, as you pointed out, Summer should have kept Holly back, since her commercial was the weakest part of the task. But, no, they are buddies, so of course she picked Curtis who did nothing wrong. Also, what was up with Summer telling Eric that he did a good job as she was leaving the boardroom?

May 3, 2010 at 2:05 PM

I agree. It’s annoying , but BSG, you definitely didn’t miss much.

I’m not so sure I agree on Cyndi. If she crafted the ideas into commercials, and the commercials lost it for them, shouldn’t she have been fired? Her singing part on that one commercial was nothing.

Regarding Holly and Summer, I’m just saying that people who’ve protected friends before, and not taken their actual role in the losing task at hand into account, have paid for it. If Holly was instrumental in a losing task….

May 3, 2010 at 3:06 PM

I’m agreeing with you re Holly (Ha! I got you to drop “Selita”, if only for a second!) and Summer, but as we know by now, Trump (note to contestants: Enough with the “Mr.”, it sounds so false) is never consistant…I half expected Curtis to get fired for not standing up to what the Reds were saying to him.

Re Cyndi, I thought all she did was write the jingles and sing– I didn’t pick up that she had worked on the commercials. We saw Curtis and Holly drafting ideas, but did we see her?

May 4, 2010 at 8:29 AM

I think we saw that once they hit the recording studio Cyndi took over fine-tuning and polishing all three. At least that’s the impression I got visually and from a talking head here and there.

May 3, 2010 at 5:05 PM

Holly Robinson is my new Omarosa. Don’t jump on me, it has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with the nasty looks, and the evil scheming. I thought she tried to talk Summer out of using Cyndi, so Trump would freak about that in the BR, and let Summer go. So much for the BFF BS. Holly’s commercial was the weakest, therefor she belonged on the chopping block. Does Holly have pics of Summer with a goat or something?

May 4, 2010 at 8:31 AM

I think with a lamb.

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